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  • 1. (2020九下·九龙坡月考) 阅读理解

        If you want to study abroad, letters of recommendation(推荐信)are very important. So how can we get a perfect letter of recommendation? Here is something you should notice.

        Who: Letters of recommendation are the most powerful when they are written by teachers, coaches, and youth group advisers who know you well. The people you ask should be able to describe your skills and your success as well as your personality(个性). Colleges prefer letters from junior year teachers, because they know your recent work the most. Read instructions carefully, since some colleges may request a science or math teacher.

        What: Since most letters of recommendation are full of praise for the applicant(申请人), colleges that take them seriously are trying to get to know the true you. The best letters are those that share personal stories about you and show the important qualities(品质).

        Why: Letters of recommendation can often be quite important when two students are compared and colleges can only pick one.

        How: There's a good chance that the more information you give your recommender, the better the letter will be. I suggest that all students prepare an activity resume(简历)that includes the following: after-school activities; community service involvement; leadership positions; awards; employment; and what you've done during your last three summers.

    1. (1) Colleges prefer letters from junior year teachers because ________.
      A . they are good at math and science B . they will do everything to help you study abroad C . they can describe your skills and personality D . they know your recent work the most
    2. (2) To let colleges to know the true you, the best way is to show ________ in your letter.
      A . skills B . qualities C . habits D . success
    3. (3) According to the writer, your resume should include the following except ________.
      A . leadership positions B . after-school activities C . awards and employment D . your parents' jobs
