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  • 1. (2020八下·衢州期中) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,使文章完整、通顺。

        As the fifth of seven children, I went to the same public school as my three elder sisters and a brother. Every year, each child from the third grade took part in an old school tradition - the plant sale in early1, just before Mother's Day.

        That year I was2enough to take part in it. I wanted to surprise my3but I didn't have any money. I told my elder sister about it and she gave me some4. When I arrived at the plant sale, I5chose my favorite. I watched each plant seriously to6that I could find the best geranium (天竺葵). After school, with the help of my sister, I hid it in the neighbor's garden. On7, I remember how bright my mother's eyes were and how8she felt because of my gift.

        The year I was fifteen, my younger sister reached the9grade. She told me that she wanted to10our mother. Like my elder sister did11me, I gave her some money. And she12the same gift and we hid it in the same place.13she gave the gift to our mother, I watched them, feeling so proud and happy. My mother noticed me watching and gave me a soft and secret14with a sudden and sweet feeling, I smiled back.

        I wanted to know how my mother could pretend (假装) to be surprised at the15gift from her sixth child, but as I watched her eyes, I knew she was not pretending.

    A . March B . May C . April D . June
    A . young B . old C . tall D . short
    A . sister B . brother C . father D . mother
    A . money B . food C . books D . tickets
    A . easily B . quickly C . carefully D . really
    A . find out B . make sure C . look up D . get over
    A . Children's Day B . Teachers' Day C . Mother's Day D . Women's Day
    A . excited B . bored C . relaxed D . tired
    A . first B . second C . third D . fourth
    A . invite B . surprise C . help D . call
    A . for B . with C . to D . behind
    A . saw B . decided C . bought D . sold
    A . Before B . When C . After D . Because
    A . candy B . flower C . love D . smile
    A . special B . unusual C . same D . different
