当前位置: 小学英语 /
  • 1. 选出适当的短语,完成各组对话。

    A. would...like   B. by car   C. made...noise   D. in danger  E. play with

    1. (1) — These animals are . What can we do to help them?

      — We should protect the forest.

    2. (2) — Why could the rabbits not sleep?

      — Because their neighbor a lot of .

    3. (3) — Did Alice Sam last weekend?

      — Yes, she did. She played chess with him.

    4. (4) — How does your neighbour go to work?

      — He goes to work .

    5. (5) — What you to know about him?

      — I'd like to know about his family and hobbies.
