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  • 1. (2020高一上·荆门期末) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Teenagers have their own thoughts and act like they know almost anything. However, in reality they don't have much experience. So it's not easy when you have to deal with these difficult teenagers.

        ⒈Keep calm

        It is easy for difficult teenagers to make you lose control and act improperly. When you feel angry or challenged by a teen, take a deep breath and count slowly to ten, and then deal with the problem after you become calm again.

        ⒉Set up clear boundaries(界限)

        Since most teenagers want to experience greater independence and selfhood, some will challenge you in order to test their power. It's very important to set boundaries. The first boundary in almost any situation is that you will be treated with respect. In addition to respect, there may also be a list of family, classroom, or team ground rules.

        ⒊Pay attention to the leader

        Many teachers know that when they face a group of difficult students in class, it's not necessary to deal with every student. Another management skill is to separate challenging persons so that they're less likely to form a group and feed off each other.

        ⒋Show understanding

         Say to yourself with some humor and then get on with your business.

    A. The first rule is to keep calm.

    B. Below are keys to deal with them.

    C. Make use of useful communication.

    D. At worst this may make you the other side.

    E. When a teenager is in difficulty, show understanding.

    F. Useful boundaries are those which are fair and reasonable.

    G. Usually, by dealing with the leader, the rest of the group will follow.
