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  • 1. 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。

    A: Hi, Jill. What are you  these days?

    B: I'm reading a book about the future.

    A: Sounds cool. So what does it write about?

    B: It's about what the future will be .

    A: Can you tell me something about it?

    B: Of course. Cities will be more crowded and polluted. There'll be fewer trees and the environment will be in danger.

    A: That sounds bad!  can we do with that?

    B: Maybe we'll have to move to other planets.

    A: But I want to live on the earth.

    B: Me, too. So we must do something to save our earth now.

    A: I agree with you. We can use less water and plant  trees.

    B: I think everyone should play a  in saving the earth.
