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  • 1. (2019高一上·葫芦岛月考) 阅读理解

        On Tuesday. Google announced a new feature (特点) for the Google Assistant. People can send reminders to friends and family on their phone or their Google Home equipment.

        Google has named the new feature Assignable Reminders. Here's how the new Assignable Reminders feature works with Google Assistant.

        You start off by simply starting the Google Assistant by saying "Hey Google" or by whatever shortcut (快捷键) you have set on your phone. After this, you can tell Google Assistant to remind someone of something at a certain time.

        This feature will also be feasible on the Google Home smart speaker, or a smart display which works with Google Assistant. The person receiving the reminder can also replay the reminder by asking Google Assistant to show them a list of all their reminders.

        These reminders can only be sent to people who are already listed as family in your Google account (账户) or people who are linked (连接) and voice-matched to the same Google Home equipment.

        Another feature built within Assignable Reminders is the ability to set reminders based on someone's place. For example, you can set a reminder for friends to buy you something from a store as soon as they reach there.

        Assignable Reminders will be put into use in the next few weeks in the U.S. , the U.K, and Australia.

    1. (1) What's the new feature for the Google Assistant?
      A . Linking to more people. B . Sending pictures to the family. C . Reminding someone of something on the phone. D . Answering a phone call for people.
    2. (2) What can replace the underlined word "feasible" in paragraph 4?
      A . free B . lost C . made D . used
    3. (3) Who can receive your reminders besides those listed in your Google account?
      A . Those who have ever sent reminders. B . Those who know the Google Assistant. C . Those who are using Google Home equipment. D . Those who are linked to the same Google Home equipment.
    4. (4) What's the text mainly about?
      A . A feature of Google Assistant. B . Reminders will be put into use soon. C . Reminding someone to do something in time. D . Using the "Voice Match" to recognize the voice.
