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        Living beside an active volcano (火山) means that small earthquakes are not unusual. Everybody here knows they feel like, and they come no surprise to the local people. For me, they're a little different, though.

        What do you do when there's an earthquake? Most people would try to leave the building. I live on third floor of a flat with several more stores above me—nobody wants (trap) under that after an earthquake. I guess, if an earthquake came, I would probably just panic rather than think about what I need to do, such as hiding somewhere or (run) out of the building.

        I had never felt an earthquake until last week. There was a small earthquake could hardly even be called an earthquake. I was not really (frighten). To feel the earth move like that was just strange. Of course, it (last) only a few seconds. I have spoken to the local people since the event and (luck), there were no injuries or damage (do) by it. But if it had been a real earthquake, I think I would have felt quite differently.
