当前位置: 高中英语 /
  • 1. (2019高二下·厦门期中) 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。

    1. (1) Where is the little library?
      A . On the top floor. B . On the second floor. C . On the first floor.
    2. (2) Which place should the listeners get to at the end of the tour?
      A . The theatre. B . The information desk. C . The Education Center.
    3. (3) Why does the speaker suggest the elders not visit the ship the Vampire?
      A . It is hard for them to climb. B . It has too many visitors. C . It is dangerous.
    4. (4) What can the visitors see in the Leisure Gallery?
      A . A video show. B . Some Australian artists. C . Australians' life by the sea.
