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  • 1. (2019·山西模拟) 阅读理解

        The Taj Mahal, in Agra, India, is one of the most brilliant structures on Earth. It is nearly 400 years old. Emperor Shah Jahan had it built in memory of his wife. It took about 20 years to build the monument. Some 20,000 workers and 1,000 elephants helped get the job done. Today, the Taj Mahal is not just a symbol of cultural history. It's also India's most famous tourist attraction. About 8 million people visit it each year.

        But pollution is turning the white marble monument shades of green, yellow, and brown. The Taj Mahal stands on the polluted Yamuna River. Insects are attracted to the dirty water. They leave greenish droppings on the building. Air pollution is also a big threat. Factories and cars release pollution into the air. It sticks to the Taj Mahal's suidEace. In the 1990s, India's Supreme Court ordered hundreds of factories near the monument to close. Also, car and bus traffic was restricted. From time to time, workers clean the Taj Mahal. But doing so is difficult, expensive, and time-consuming. And it doesn't prevent the discoloration.

        On July 11, India's Supreme Court gave the city of Agra a warning: "Either you destroy the Taj Mahal or you restore it". Authorities in the city submitted a draft of an action plan on July 24. It suggests banning plastics and construction from the area. It also calls for the closing of more factories.

        "In order to preserve the Taj Mahal, people must come together to work toward a solution. There needs to be positive pressure on people to act. We need to act immediately," Sachchida Tripathi says. He worked on a 2014 study of pollution at the Taj Mahal. "We are trying," he adds, "but we need to try more."

    1. (1) Why did Emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal?
      A . To attract tourists. B . To honour his wife. C . To represent India. D . To mark his greatness.
    2. (2) What can we infer about the Taj Mahal from the second paragraph?
      A . It is getting dirty. B . It is under repair. C . It attracts insects. D . It is losing tourists.
    3. (3) What should people do to save the Taj Mahal according to Sachchida Tripathi?
      A . Close factories. B . Become united. C . Make a new plan. D . Prevent the discoloration.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Immediate Action Must Be Taken B . The Taj Mahal Must Be Rebuilt C . Factories and Cars Led to Pollution D . Pollution Destroyed the Taj Mahal
