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小学人教版(新起点)三年级下Unit 5 Family ac...

更新时间:2016-12-27 浏览次数:623 类型:单元试卷
一、看一看, 连一连。
  • 2. 从下面的表格中选择恰当的词填空。

    watch    walk   play   listen   talk

    1. (1) I home.

    2. (2) I TV.

    3. (3) I on the phone with my friend.

    4. (4) I to the music.

    5. (5) I on the computer.

三、Write the word. 写单词。
四、 Match the pictures and words. 连线。
六、 Make the sentences. 连词成句。
七、Find the friends. 找朋友配对。
  • 9. Find the friends. 找朋友配对。

    ①Are you ok?  A. Three cakes.

    ②How many cakes?   B. No, I have a headache.

    ③I'm hungry.   C. Let's eat.

  • 10. Find the friends. 找朋友配对。

    ①How are you?   A. She's still at school.

    ②What's this?  B. I'm fine, thanks!

    ③Where's Mary?   C. It's a yellow pencil.

八、Choose and fill in the blanks.选词填空。
  • 11. Choose and fill in the blanks.选词填空。

    table      hungry    eat    food      thirsty

    1. (1) We have some : meats, rice, noodles.

    2. (2) I'm . I want to eat.

    3. (3) Li Ming's school bag is on the .

    4. (4) I'm . I want to drink.

    5. (5) I  breakfast at seven in the morning.

九、 Read and judge. 阅读判断正误。
  • 12. Read and judge. 阅读判断正误。

        My name is Amy. I'm a student. I have five books in my bag. I have a good friend, her name is Bai Ling. She is a Chinese girl. I like white and yellow. She likes blue and red. We play together. Her father is an English teacher. Her mother is a doctor.

    1. (1) Amy is not a student .

    2. (2) Amy has ten books in her bag.

    3. (3) Bai Ling is Amy's friend.

    4. (4) Bai Ling is an English girl.

    5. (5) Amy likes blue and red.

    6. (6) Bai Ling's father is an English teacher.

十、 Fill in the blanks.看图填空。

