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更新时间:2018-04-24 浏览次数:625 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听第—段较长对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) What is Linda searching for?  
      A . The introduction to a novel. B . A book about the Internet. C . The information about a play.
    2. (2) Who is Linda's favorite writer?  
      A . Lao She. B . Shakespeare. C . Mark Twain.
  • 7. 听第二段较长对话,回答小题。
    1. (1) What was Sally doing at 9:00 this morning?  
      A . She was attending a TV show. B . She was running on the school playground. C . She was selling old things like books and toys.
    2. (2) How long did she stay there?  
      A . One hour. B . Three hours. C . Four hours.
    3. (3) How did she feel?  
      A . Tired but happy. B . Nervous but excited. C . Busy but lucky.
  • 8. 完成信息记录表。

    Betty's hero









    What makes the woman Betty's hero?5.

    A . Her grandmother B . Her mother C . Her aunt
    A . Texas B . New York C . California
    A . A doctor B . A teacher C . A writer
    A . Swimming B . Writing C . Running
    A . She likes sharing her ideas B . She always helps children C . She is kind and successful
  • 9. —Can you see       baby playing on the grass?It's my little sister.

    —Wow,what a lovely baby!

    A . a B . an C . the D .
  • 10. —How can I improve my English,Mr.Smith?

    —You can try some new       , like reading English stories.

    A . rules B . methods C . tasks D . policies
  • 11. —I heard your sister became a guide after she finished school.

    —It's true.She has made a       decision because she loves traveling.

    A . wise B . useful C . special D . safe
  • 12. The movie Loving Vincent is wonderful and has been popular       young people since it was on.  
    A . of B . on C . around D . among
  • 13. My mobile phone        loudly when l was having an important meeting.  
    A . rings B . rang C . would ring D . has rung
  • 14. —Mum,I need to lose weight.What should I do?

    —If you eat       , you won't be too heavy.

    A . happily B . quietly C . properly D . politely
  • 15. Jenny took part in the running race yesterday       she had a bad cold.  
    A . though B . since C . until D . if
  • 16. —I saw your cousin in the music club just now.

    —It       be him.He is still on a business trip abroad.

    A . must B . could C . might D . can't
  • 17. —Helen,do you still remember       in your primary school?

    —Of course.They were not big but always clean and comfortable.

    A . the friends that you made B . the things that you did C . the classrooms where you stayed D . the teachers who you liked
  • 18. —Sam.don't touch the machine when it is working.It's dangerous!

           . Thank you.

    A . Yes.I think so B . Sorry,I won't C . I'm feeling worse D . It's kind of you
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

        I have run a restaurant in a small town near Manchester for seven  years.The restaurant is not very big but the people in the neighborhood usually have meals and chat here.

        One day.a strange man came1my restaurant.He did look like a2 , with a camera around his neck and a white cap hanging out of his big bag.He ordered some potatoes and3 and sat at the table near the door.He drank his lemonade,pretending to 4a colorful guidebook.

        His sunglasses covered his eyes.but I knew he wasn't:he hadn't turned a5for the last ten minutes.

        As I brought him his fish,he said "thank you" and had a quick look at me.I6not to look at the tiny scar*across his left eyebrow.I walked back inside with me7tray,shaking my head.He looked familiar.8I couldn't quite think of him.

        Then it hit me:The car accident seven years ago.This was the mysterious stranger9helped me out of my car,just before it exploded.I10 back to his table.He was gone.I moved his plate and found his tip,along with a card:

        I am deeply11to you.The night of your car accident, I was on my way to steal money from a store.Saving your life brought things back to the right way.I now live a/an12life, thanks to you.God bless you!

        The night of my car accident,I was13an interview in a dance club which I disliked at all.Seeing human kindness through his heroic action turned my life around and brought faith back into my life.14was more important than this in my life.

        I put the card and the tip he left into my pocket15Then I got back to work,smiling with a silent "good luck" for him.

    A . past B . into C . through D . along
    A . tourist B . cleaner C . headmaster D . farmer
    A . chicken B . beef C . fish D . corn
    A . look at B . deal with C . put away D . look for
    A . menu B . photo C . key D . page
    A . tried B . remembered C . hoped D . promised
    A . light B . empty C . weak D . cheap
    A . and B . so C . but D . because
    A . where B . which C . when D . who
    A . rode B . jumped C . rushed D . walked
    A . friendly B . thankful C . helpful D . good
    A . magic B . silent C . difficult D . honest
    A . leaving for B . preparing for C . going over D . caring about
    A . Something B . Anything C . Everything D . Nothing
    A . quickly B . carefully C . luckily D . warmly
  • 20. 阅读下面短文,请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


        Libraries are wonderful places,full of stories,nice and quiet,and free for everyone.Here are some of the most breathtaking libraries in the world.

    Binhai Library:Tianjin,China

        Since its opening in October,2017,people have been interested in the eye—shaped of the building which is quite modern and unusual.They call the library "the eye of Binhai".The library can house 1.2 million books.It has round bookshelves built into the walls from floor to ceiling,and these bookshelves can also serve as stairs and seating areas.

    Central Library:Seattle,U.S.

        It's shiny,modern and unusual and has tourists from around the world paying visits and taking tours.In its first year,more than two million tourists visited the library.The library holds different art exhibitions,book signings and other events.The library offers free selfguided cell phone tours,along with group tours.

    Trinity College Library:Dublin,Ireland

        It's the oldest library in Ireland.founded in 1592 by Queen ElizabethⅠ.It has rights to receive material published in the Republic of Ireland free of charge.It is also known as the Long Room,which has more than 200,000 of the library's oldest books.One of the most famous manuscripts is "The Book of Kells" .Every year more than 500,000 visitors visit the library because of it.

    1. (1) The library which offers free self-guided cell phone tours is in    .  
      A . China B . France C . America D . Ireland
    2. (2) Trinity College Library is famous for    .  
      A . the Long Room B . the art exhibitions C . the shape of the building D . the great number of books
    3. (3) Jason wants to experience the feeling of reading near the ceiling,he can go to      .  
      A . Central Library B . Binhai Library C . Trinity College Library D . Washington Library
  • 21. 阅读下面短文,请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


        When you build a house,you use a blueprint.What's a blueprint?In general,a blueprint is a drawing that you use to build a house and shows where to put all the parts of the house.DNA is a drawing,too.It's the blueprint of life.

        But building a living thing is far more complex*than building a house.It takes millions of years for nature to change the DNA in living things to make them fit the world they live in.

        How tall are you?What color are your eyes?What size are your feet?All these things are strongly influenced by your DNA before you are born.

    DNA is fantastic!

      ★Except for some twins,every living thing has its own unique*DNA.

      ★Some health problems can be caused by problems in your DNA.Scientists can look for these problems and,sometimes,help you if you become sick.In the future,scientists might be able to change your DNA.   

      ★There are copies of your DNA in every part of your body.For example,your finger has the same DNA as your hair.

      ★You have your own unique DNA,which repeats patterns from your parents' DNA.but not exactly the same.From your DNA,scientists can identify not only you,but also people who are related to you.Your parents and grandparents are related to you,and you have their DNA.When you have a grandson or granddaughter,he or she will have your DNA.

        Your DNA has billions of instructions that explain why you are the way you are.It's one of the most amazing things on the earth !

    1. (1) DNA is something that    .  
      A . you use to build your house B . helps you grow up fast C . your body uses to build itself D . helps you change the world
    2. (2) According to the passage,scientists can       .  
      A . build your DNA before you are born B . change your DNA to be better now C . identify you and your friends from your DNA D . help to save sick people with DNA
    3. (3) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?  
      A . Your DNA comes from your parents B . Your hair isn't influenced by your DNA C . DNA is different in your body parts D . Your family members have the same DNA
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?  
      A . DNA—the Secret of Your Height B . DNA—the Story of Your Body C . DNA—the Way of Your Thinking D . DNA—the Problem of Your Body
  • 22. 阅读下面短文,请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项,并回答问题。


        Once upon a time,there was a king who had gone to visit neighboring kingdoms.He was gifted a pair of baby parrots by the king of the last kingdom where he was visiting.They were the most beautiful birds that he had ever seen.so,after returning to his kingdom,he called for a bird trainer and asked him to train parrots.

        The king also set up a place in the palace garden for the parrots.He often looked at them from his palace window.As time passed,one day the trainer came to the palace and told the king that though one of the parrots was flying high in the sky,the other one was not moving from its branch since the day it had arrived.

        When hearing this,the king summoned the best trainer from all his land and the nearby kingdoms.They came quickly and tried their best, but none of them could make the parrot fly!He even asked his courtiers to try to find a good way to make the parrot fly but they all failed.The parrot was not moving from his branch at all.Finally,after trying everything,the king thought to himself:"Perhaps I need someone who may be more familiar with natural habitat."He asked his courtier to get a farmer from the countryside and take him to the parrot to see if he could understand the problem with the parrot.

        The next morning,the king was surprised to see the parrot flying high above the palace gardens.He asked his servant to call that farmer to meet him.The servant quickly went and found the farmer.The farmer came and stood before the king.The king asked him,"How did you make the parrot fly?" With his hands folded with respect,the farmer said to the king,"It was very easy.I just cut the branch where the bird was sitting."

    1. (1) Why did the king like the parrots so much?  
      A . Because they could talk to him. B . Because he had never seen such beautiful birds. C . Because they could fly high and sing. D . Because they were the gifts from another kingdom.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "summon" probably mean in the passage?  
      A . Ask for. B . Speak to. C . Pay a visit to. D . Be angry with
    3. (3) Who could make the parrot fly?  
      A . The king. B . The trainer. C . The farmer. D . The courtiers.
    4. (4) Why could the parrot fly high after the branch was cut?What can we learn from it?

  • 23. 阅读下面短文,请从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


        Born and raised in a digital age,today's young people are generally tech savvy.But when it comes to basic life skills,things are quite different.

        According to a recent study by YouGov,a UK—based market research company,69%18—24-year—olds in the UK have no idea how to fix the furniture.About 35%of them don't know how to sew on a button,while about 11%of them don't understand how to change a light bulb or iron clothes.

        "It appears young people are losing the skills their parents took for granted,"reported the Daily Mail.

        In fact,the problem is shared by young people in the United States.According to a report by Forbes in 2014,most young people don't know how to fix their bikes.Cooking is another basic life skill that has been dropped as young people are much more likely to order food deliveries than their parents.

        This situation may be caused by technology."Skills at using phones and computers are the ones valued these days.and the practical hands-on skills of yesteryear are now seen to be easily replaced,''Sandi Mann,a Doctor at the University of Central Lancashire,UK,told the Mirror.

        Indeed,improvements in technology have made young people unfamiliar with many basic life skills.For example,with GPS always at hand,young people have had no need to learn how to read physical maps.

        However,this change has been cared by many people."If you have your doctor's degree and you can't live within your ways or go home from your job and feed yourself a healthy meal,you're not a complete student,"Chris Moore,a professor from Brigham Young University,US,told HuffPost.

        That's why there's an increasing call for the return of"home ec"in the US,short for home economics,which teaches basic skills like cooking and how to wash clothes.It was very popular in the early 20th century,but was later taken out of schools and universities because the government didn't have enough money.But recently,home ec was reintroduced in a small number of schools and universities·

    1. (1) In the writer's view,parents are    than young people at basic life skills·
      A . worse B . more careful C . more careless D . better
    2. (2) Most young people can't fix their bikes because    .  
      A . they think it's not valuable B . it's too difficult to learn C . they don't have enough time to learn D . they don't like fixing bikes
    3. (3) From the passage,we know        .  
      A . people hope"home ec"can come back to schools B . young people in the US have good basic life skills C . you'll be a complete student if you can cook for yourself D . young people needn't learn cooking because of food deliveries
    4. (4) What's the purpose of this passage?  
      A . To make schools set up practical courses. B . To teach young people some basic life skills. C . To call on young people to learn basic life skills. D . To tell us young people are short of basic life skills.
  • 24. A.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用—次。

    win    simple    nine    recycle    store

    1. (1) In thecentury in China,we had paper money for the first time.
    2. (2) Cindy has the habit of glass bottles and growing plants in them.
    3. (3) Theare singing and dancing to celebrate their success in the basketball match.
    4. (4) Some of my old stampsin a small box under some clothes so I couldn't find them.
    5. (5) Sam isthe kindest person I know because he looks after his neighbor Old Ben every day.
  • 25. B.根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成下列短文。

    In the Czech Republic,there is a small village like an art gallery.That's because Agnes,a 90-year-old grandma.makes it look like a man—made(奇观).Every spring and summer,Grandma Agnes paints beautiful flowers on the walls of the houses in the(整个的)village.

        Thirty years ago,Grandma Agnes was a  (工人).She picked up the hobby when she was no longer able to do the heavy work.She learned painting from one of her neighbors and  (练习)in her own garden and house.

        From traditional art in the (南方的)Czech Republic,she gets ideas and draws flowers.She usually(刷)the walls and makes them clean first,and then paints different flowers with bright blue paint.She never plans out her work.(代替),she lets her imagination decide the final results.She stops her work when cold (节期,季节)come but continues to beautify her village when the weather becomes warm.

        Grandma Agnes's family take pride in her.(无论什么)she does,they are always behind her. Now in her 90s,Grandma Agnes is aiming to make her village more beautiful and make the villagers(自豪的,骄傲的)of the village.

        To her,age is nothing but a number.It's never too old to do anything.

  • 26. 英国Woodpark School的—个学生代表团将来新华中学进行—周的学习交流。假设你是学生王磊,请代表学校给对方负责人Eric写—封邮件,介绍有关事宜。邮件需包括以下内容:







    Dear Eric,

        I'm Wang Lei,a student from Xinhua Middle School.


    Wang Lei

