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更新时间:2018-01-09 浏览次数:252 类型:期中考试
一、<b >单选题</b>
二、<b >完形填空</b>
  • 21. 完形填空

        My name is Sandra. I have a brother.1 name is Tom. We like different 2 I like eggs, apples and hamburgers 3 breakfast and dinner. For dessert (甜点), I like 4. Tom likes oranges, chicken and carrots. We are 5because we often play sports and eat good food.

    A . He B . Her C . His
    A . food B . classes C . colors
    A . at B . on C . for
    A . hamburgers B . chicken C . ice-cream
    A . boring B . healthy C . relaxing
  • 22. 完形填空

    Amy is my friend. She 1 a good house. Three 2are in her house. The first room is the living room(客厅).3 sofa, two tables and some chairs are in 4 The next room is Amy's5 room. A bed is in it. The bed is 6 Purple is her parents' favorite color. The last room is Amy's. A CD player is in 7 room. Ten CDs are 8 the player. Amy's room 9 tidy. Her things are everywhere — on her bed, on the desk and under the chair.10 must clean up her room.

    A . sees B . has C . knows
    A . rooms B . tables C . girls
    A . A B . An C . The
    A . this B . it C . that
    A . parent B . parents C . parents'
    A . green B . blue C . purple
    A . your B . his C . her
    A . on B . in C . of
    A . is B . isn't C . aren't
    A . She B . He C . I
三、<b >阅读理解</b>
  • 23. 阅读理解

        Good morning! I'm Jack Miller. Here is a photo of my room. You can see a bed, a schoolbag, a desk, a model plane and some other things. The schoolbag is on the desk. My English book isn't in my schoolbag. It's on my desk. The model plane is blue. Where is it? It's under the chair. Look at my clock. It's on the bed. A Chinese book is on the desk. It isn't mine. I found it this morning. I think it's Bob's. Because Bob's name and telephone number are on it.


    1. (1) Jack's schoolbag, English book and a Chinese book are on the desk.
    2. (2) Jack's model plane is red.
    3. (3) The clock is on the desk.
    4. (4) Bob's Chinese book is on the bed.
    5. (5) Jack and Bob may be in the same school.
  • 24. 阅读理解

        I'm Helen. I'm 12 and I'm in No.1 Middle School. I have three keys, two English books, an eraser and a Chinese dictionary. I have five pencils. But Jill borrows(借) two of them from me. My stuff is in my schoolbag. Susan is my friend. She is 13 and she is in No.3 Middle School. She has three English books, four pens and two dictionaries. They are not in her schoolbag. Where are they? They are everywhere in her room — on the bed, under the desk and on the chair.


    1. (1) The underlined word “stuff” in the passage probably(可能) means(意思是) _____.
      A . things B . friends C . books
    2. (2) _____ pencils are in Helen's schoolbag now.
      A . Five B . Four C . Three
    3. (3) Susan is Helen's _____.
      A . sister B . cousin C . friend
    4. (4) Susan has no ______.
      A . pens B . keys C . books
    5. (5) According to the passage(根据短文), which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Susan's room isn't tidy. B . Susan doesn't have a schoolbag. C . Six things are in Helen's schoolbag.
  • 25. 阅读理解


    Mona's room

    On the sofa

    On the table

    On the floor

    On the bed

    Frank's room

    Under the chair

    In the bookcase

    Under the notebook

    In the bookcase

    Mike's room

    On the bed

    In the schoolbag

    Under the desk

    On the sofa


    1. (1) Mike's key is _____.
      A . in the bookcase B . on the bed C . under the chair
    2. (2) There is (are) ______ thing(s) on the sofa.
      A . one B . two C . three
    3. (3) Mona's dictionary is ______.
      A . on the table B . in the schoolbag C . under the desk
    4. (4) Frank's schoolbag is _____.
      A . on the floor B . on the bed C . under the notebook
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Frank's radio is on the bed. B . There are two things in the bookcase. C . Mike doesn't have a schoolbag.
  • 26. 补全对话

    A: Hello,Cindy.

    B: I love fruit.

    A: OK, so what fruit do you like? Do you like bananas?

    B: Well, I don't like bananas. But I like oranges and apples.

    A: Do you like salad?


    A: Hmm, and do you like hamburgers for dinner?

    B: Oh, no. I like chicken for dinner.

    A: OK, well, one last question- do you eat ice-cream after dinner?

    B: Err… … but I don't eat it. I don't want to be fat.

    A. I think it's healthy.

    B. Yes, I really like it.

    C. I like ice-cream.

    D. No, I really like it.

    E. What do you like for breakfast?

    F. They're not healthy.

    G. What vegetables do you like?

  • 27. 补全对话

    A: Hey, John's birthday dinner is next week. Let's  about the food.

    B: Sure. How burger, vegetable salad, and some fruit?

    C: good. John likes hamburgers.

    A: Oh, I  like salad.

    C: But John likes salad, and it's his birthday.

    A: Yes, you're right. What about the fruit?

    B: I think John likes strawberries and apples.

    C: OK. Let's have  and apples then.

五、<b >句型转换</b>
六、<b >任务型阅读</b>
  • 33. 任务型阅读

    has,  egg,  she,  ninth,  go,  get,  and,  tomato

        Jane is a girl. She is   ①  . She   ②   up at 7:00 in the morning. Then she has her breakfast. For breakfast she has bread,   ③    and a glass of milk. She doesn't have salad for breakfast.

        After breakfast she    ④    to school. At 12:00 she comes home from school. Then she has lunch with    ⑤    mother. For lunch she has hamburgers, apples    ⑥    vegetables. She does not have tea for lunch.

        At 7:00p.m. she has dinner. She has dinner together with her father and mother. For dinner, they   ⑦    chicken,   ⑧   and French fries. Jane doesn't have milk for dinner.

    1. (1) 阅读短文,用方框里所给单词的适当形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空一词,每词限用一次)。

       ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧  

    2. (2) What does Jane have for breakfast?


    3. (3) Who has dinner together with Jane?


七、<b >材料作文</b>
  • 34. 假如你是李梅,刚刚搬到了新家,十分开心,想与你的美国好友Jenny一起分享这份快乐。请根据以下信息,给好友写一封电子邮件,向她介绍你的房间。











