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更新时间:2018-01-06 浏览次数:230 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

        Hello! I'm John. I'm 1 the classroom. Look! This is a desk. The desk is 2 . 3 is nice. What4 is it? It's orange. My English book and my schoolbag are on it. 5 schoolbag is black. What's in the schoolbag? A book, a pencil box and a watch are in it. What's in the pencil box? There are (有) 6 pencils. One pencil is red 7 two pencils are yellow. Where is my key? My key is 8 . It isn't in my schoolbag. Is it on the desk? 9 , it isn't. I must find it. Please 10 me if(如果) you found it. My telephone number is 62718568.

    A . at B . in C . to D . of
    A . my B . your C . mine D . yours
    A . That B . It C . This D . It's
    A . desk B . number C . school D . color
    A . My B . Your C . Her D . His
    A . one B . two C . three D . four
    A . or B . but C . of D . and
    A . lost B . lose C . see D . find
    A . Not B . No C . Yes D . OK
    A . know B . call C . find D . see
  • 2. 根据短文内容,选择正确选项。 


        Good morning! I am an English boy. My name is Frank Smith. My telephone number is 45123175. My pen is blue, and my ruler is white. Look! The girl is Grace Brown. Grace is a nice girl. Her telephone number is 53529861. Her pen is black, and her ruler is red. Grace and I both like (都喜欢) numbers. Numbers are interesting.

    1. (1) Frank's phone number is _________.
      A . 45123175 B . 53529861 C . 41523175 D . 55329861
    2. (2) The girl's last name is _______.
      A . Frank B . Smith C . Grace D . Brown
    3. (3) What's the meaning of (……的意思) "interesting"?
      A . 兴奋的 B . 悲伤的 C . 有趣的 D . 枯燥的
  • 3. 根据对话内容,选择正确选项。


    Eric: I lost my schoolbag. Did you see it, Alice?

    Alice: Is it a blue one?

    Eric: No, it isn't. It's black.

    Alice: What's in it?

    Eric: An English book, a dictionary, a notebook and a pencil box.

    Alice: What color are they?

    Eric: The English book is green, the dictionary is yellow, the notebook is red, and the pencil box is white.

    Alice: And what's in the pencil box?

    Eric: A pen, a pencil and a pencil sharpener.

    Alice: Aha, Tom and I found it this morning. It is in the lost and found box now. Call Mary, please. Her telephone number is 36824590.  

    Eric: Thank you.

    1. (1) Eric's schoolbag is ________.
      A . blue B . black C . red D . yellow
    2. (2) _________ are in Eric's pencil box.
      A . A pen, a pencil and a pencil sharpener   B . A pen, a pencil and a ruler   C . A pencil, a ruler and a pencil sharpener   D . A pen, a ruler and a pencil sharpener
    3. (3) ______ found Eric's schoolbag.
      A . Tom and Alice B . Tom and Mary   C . Alice and Mary D . Alice and Eric
    4. (4) Which of the following is TRUE (下面哪项陈述是正确的)?
      A . Alice didn't (没有) see Eric's schoolbag. B . Eric's notebook is green. C . Alice's phone number is 36824590. D . Eric's schoolbag is in the lost and found box now.
  • 4. 根据短文内容,选择正确选项。


        My good friend Lucy has a big family. Many (许多的) members are in her family: her grandparents, her parents, her uncle, her aunt, her two cousins and she. Alan and Gina are her grand-parents. Nick and Sonia are her parents. Paul is her uncle and Mona is her aunt. Dave is Paul and Mona's first son. He is 12. Tim is Dave's brother. He is 10.

    1. (1) ______ members are in Lucy's family.
      A . Six B . Seven C . Eight D . Nine
    2. (2) Alan is Lucy's __________.
      A . grandmother B . grandfather C . mother D . father
    3. (3) Lucy's parents are ___________.
      A . Alan and Gina B . Nick and Sonia  C . Paul and Mona D . Dave and Mona
    4. (4) Tim is Lucy's _______.
      A . brother B . cousin C . friend D . son
  • 5. 根据短文内容,选择正确选项。


        Hello! My name is Le Yangyang. Look! Here is a nice photo. What are these in the photo? Oh, they are five lovely goats(可爱的山羊). Are they brothers and sisters? No. They are good friends. This is A Xiang. He is in blue. A He is in black. And this is A Ru. She is in red. That is A Yi. She is in green. Who is the tall goat? Ha! Ha! It's me. What color am I in? Oh, I'm in yellow. We(我们) are the mascots of Guangzhou Asian Games. Welcome to Guangzhou to meet us!

    1. (1) We five are _______.    
      A . cousins B . friends C . brothers D . sisters
    2. (2) A Xiang is in ________.  
      A . red B . green C . blue D . yellow
    3. (3) ________ is tall.        
      A . A He B . Le Yangyang C . A Ru D . A Yi
    4. (4) You can meet us in _______. 
      A . Photo B . Here C . School D . Guangzhou
  • 11. 用所给单词的适当形式填空,使对话通顺、正确,每次仅用一次。

    library,   find,   in,   eraser,   you

        My name is Mary Miller. I'm  Class Three. I found a yellow box in the school . Some books, some , and some pencils are in it. Is the box ? You can call me to  your box. My phone number is 321-5694.

  • 12. 根据短文内容或用括号内单词的适当形式填空。

        My name is Linda Green. I'm  English girl. Here are two (photo). They are  (I). In the  (one) photo, you can see three girls and me.  are the girls? They are my friends Kate, Jenny and Betty. Kate is 12. Jenny and Betty are 13. The next one is a photo of my family. My parents, my brother and a dog are in . My father is David  my mother is Gina. They are  (老师) in China. They can speak Chinese. I can speak Chinese, too. My brother Dale and I   in a middle school. I'm in Class 8, and  is in Class 9.

  • 13. 阅读下面的信息,看看下列① -⑤题的叙述跟哪个选项想匹配。

    A. On the table is a schoolbag and a soccer ball is under the table.

    B. Look! Here is Tom's bedroom(卧室). A quilt is on the bed and a book is on the chair.

    C. The picture is on the wall and some boys are playing soccer in the picture.

    D. This is Lily's bedroom. Look! The bed is near the wall, the desk is next to the bed and a computer is on the desk.

    E. A dog and a cat are under the sofa. Some books are on the sofa.

    ①You can see something (一些东西) on the table and under the table. 

    ②This is a girl's bedroom, you can see a computer in it. 

    ③They are talking about a picture.

    ④You can see something on and under the sofa.

    ⑤This is a boy's bedroom, it is nice.

  • 19. 假如你是Alan,今天第一次参加我们学校的社团活动,请根据提示内容和图画,为自己写一个自我介绍同时根据图画描述一下自己的房间。文章可以适当拓展;意思清楚;语言连贯;字数在60个词以上。

    提示:1.你是英国人;2.你十三岁;3.Jenny和Jim 是你的朋友;4.你在阳明中学;5.你和父母在中国;6.根据图画描述一下自己的房间。

