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更新时间:2024-03-25 浏览次数:12 类型:期末考试
一、选择填空,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 
  • 1.  —Sorry, I took the wrong seat. 

    — ____. I will take yours instead. 

    A . Take it easy B . Excuse me C . That's all right D . Better not
  • 2.  —What is the best way to see the beautiful East Lake? 

    — ____. When I don't need to rush, I'd like to see it by bike.

    A . No problem B . Forget it C . Good luck D . It depends
  • 3.  —Would you like to play tennis with us this Friday? 

    — ____, but these days I'm too busy with the English contest.

    A . I'll take your suggestion B . That sounds like fun C . I'm sorry to hear that D . With pleasure
  • 4. —It's so kind of you to give us all-out ____ during our difficult times.

    —My pleasure. Friends can always count on each other. 

    A . support B . attention C . effort D . experience
  • 5.  We have all kinds of sleeping bags for camping. You can choose ____ based on your interest. 
    A . either B . each C . one D . it
  • 6. —What's your favorite food in winter?

    —Lamb. It is excellent for providing my body with energy and protection ____ the cold. 

    A . in B . under C . over D . against
  • 7. — ____ you treat others with your heart, you won't get friendship in return.

    —I can't agree more. Sincerity is the base of friendship.

    A . Unless B . If C . Since D . Until
  • 8.  —Mr. Lee, I am really nervous about this first driving lesson in my life. 

    —Don't worry. This lesson is just right for a ____ beginner. Just be confident.

    A . complete B . clever C . comfortable D . careless
  • 9. —If we don't go in the right direction, we'll get lost ____.

    —Yeah, that's true. The proper direction is like a light in the dark.

    A . lately B . easily C . silently D . fairly
  • 10.  —Henry has decided to ____ for the class monitor. 

    —We all have a high opinion of him. He is sure to win the hearts of most classmates. 

    A . support B . choose C . ask D . run
  • 11.  —Which city received the most international visitors in 2023? 

    —Thailand ____ the list, followed by Paris and then London. 

    A . got B . marked C . topped D . stood
  • 12.  —Mrs. Smith, can I hand in my paper now? 

    —Wait. There are still a few minutes left. Your answers ____ be right, but it's better to check to make sure.

    A . must B . might C . shouldn't D . can't
  • 13.  —In recent years, smart city technologies such as online maps, Al and Internet of things, ____ in many places in China. 

    —Yes. Our city life is becoming smarter and easier. 

    A . used B . were used C . have used D . have been used
  • 14.  —What is the book about? 

    —It's about the magical plants. Scientists have found out that plants feel the pain when they are touched or hurt and ____ a terrible smell.

    A . set off B . give off C . take off D . show off
  • 15. The saying "I do self-inspection (检查) on three matters each day" from Master Zeng tells us ____.
    A . what the three matters are B . who should do self-inspection C . how we should face the challenges D . how we can better ourselves in our daily life
二、完形填空 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 
  • 16.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    "Are you okay?" My brother Matthew asked from the driver's seat. At that moment, we hung upside down, trapped by our seat belts and1 in sand. Off-roading (越野驾驶) on 85, 000 acres of dunes (沙丘) in California had become our 2 and we enjoyed ourselves every time. But this time, I felt the blood 3 to my head, my heart beating like a loud bass (低音吉他). It reminded me of the four bass-loving brothers who lived across from us. As a little girl, I often wondered if Matthew and I would ever have their 4 .

    When Matthew found out he was to have a baby brother, he was very 5 . But to everyone's surprise, "It's a girl!" His disappointment was clear.

    As soon as I could walk, my big brother was 6 to me, my idol. However, to him, I was an annoyance (令人厌烦的人), 7 he found pleasure in tormenting (折磨) me. Yet, I put up with it. Waiting for moments when he'd 8 from his loneliness.

    The sibling (兄弟姐妹) relationship often lasts the longest in our lives. After learning that I missed him, Matthew unexpectedly invited me to 9  him at university. 

    In his room, he handed me a drink. We didn't need many words: as siblings, we had a/an 10 way of chatting.

    Years later, when I was left out from the family Thanksgiving, he refused to 11  without me. Instead, we had dinner just the two of us. 

    My big brother, once a tormentor, had become my 12 and friend. After our off-roading accident, I saw him13 —easily hurt and unprotected.

    "Are you okay? Are you bleeding?" I checked him. The man I'd seen as14 was now human, fragile (脆弱的).

    As we got ourselves 15  upright, I realized it was time for me to be his protector. I looked at my big brother, and we both smiled. Without him, my life would be unimaginably different. It was my turn to protect him. Thankfully, our shared bond had grown even deeper. 

    A .  locked B .  covered C .  shut D .  lost
    A .  tradition B .  celebration C .  transportation D .  competition
    A .  pouring B .  coming C .  filling D .  rushing
    A .  talent B .  appearance C .  behavior D .  friendship
    A .  surprised B .  scared C .  excited D .  calm
    A .  everything B .  something C .  anything D .  nothing
    A .  if B .  because C .  though D .  unless
    A .  take out B .  hang out C .  look out D .  reach out
    A .  find B .  visit C .  touch D .  support
    A .  embarrassing B .  simple C .  silent D .  comfortable
    A .  attend B .  arrive C .  show D .  reply
    A .  partner B .  provider C .  patient D .  protector
    A .  closely B .  gently C .  differently D .  worriedly
    A .  weak B .  cold C .  dependent D .  strong
    A .  back B .  up C .  over D .  away
三、阅读理解,阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 
  • 17.  阅读理解

    Putting a Dog in Charge

    Every dog has his day. Well, one dog might soon just be lucky enough to be the top dog at Twitter! Elon Musk, the current CEO of Twitter and Tesla jokingly said that he has hired (雇佣) a dog to replace him as Twitter CEO in 

    2023. Musk tweeted a picture of his pet dog Floki climbing across his desk with the words: "The new CEO of Twitter is amazing. "

    Fish "Take Control"

    Did you ever think fish could play video games? Well, it really happened in Japan! Several pet fish played games on their owner's Nintendo Switch, changed their owner's avatar (头像) and even ran up a credit card bill! The fish belong to a YouTuber known as "Mutekimaru" who is known for letting a group of his fish "play" video games. Mutekimaru had put in a motion detection (运动感测) tracking device (追踪设备) in his fish tank (鱼缸), allowing the fish to "control" the Nintendo Switch.


    Do you ever get annoyed that your Internet isn't working? How annoyed would you be if monkeys were the reason for your problems? This has been happening in a city in India, as macaque monkeys (猕猴) have been getting in the way of Internet services. The government has planned to lay broadband cables (宽带电缆) to connect India's villages, but they find it hard to stop monkeys from eating the cables. Macaque monkeys are sacred (神圣的) there, so they will not be hurt. How would you tell them not to chew the cables?

    1. (1) In which section of the newspaper can we read the news? 
    2. (2) The pet dog Floki ____. 
      A . isn't the real CEO of Twitter B . is the luckiest one in the world C . feels amazed at the new role D . is really in charge of Twitter
    3. (3) Mutekimaru lets his pet fish ____. 
      A . change his avatar B . put in a motion detection tracking device C . run up a credit card bill D . "control" the Nintendo Switch
    4. (4) What would be the best heading for the third piece of news? 
      A . Internet Isn't Working B . Annoying Monkeys in India C . Monkeys Break Internet D . Challenges of the Indian Government
    5. (5) All the news above ____. 
      A . is related to social platforms B . is about animals and human society C . has something to do with pets D . is about humorous animals
  • 18.  阅读理解

    Hands and feet can easily get cold in winter. Thick gloves might be a good choice, yet sometimes wearing them is inconvenient, especially when people want to do something with their hands. However, this was not a problem for ancient Chinese people, who had a fine tool to keep their hands warm —hand warmers.

    About the origin (起源), there is no exact written record, but  ★ . One folk story is about Emperor Yang from the Sui Dynasty visiting Jiangsu in the winter. Due to the bitter cold, craftsmen (工匠) were required to make a small warmer for the emperor to hold in hand. Thus the hand warmer was created. Later in the Song Dynasty, the tool was in widespread use. Skills for producing the tool were widely employed in the Ming and Qing dynasties. And many books recorded people using hand warmers. The Dream of the Red Chamber, the classic novel by Cao Xueqin from the Qing Dynasty, described a servant sending a hand warmer to Lin Daiyu in one chapter. 

    Made of different materials, ancient hand warmers had lots of fine designs, such as pumpkins, flowers and turtle shells. The designs preferred animals or symbols with good meanings. Inside a hand warmer, there were burning charcoal (木炭) or simple coals. Some coals were blended with broken pieces and pressed into flower shapes, giving off a pleasant smell when burnt. 

    This useful and fine tool is a symbol of craftsmanship of ancient China. 

    1. (1) In Paragraph 1, thick gloves are mentioned mainly to ____. 
      A . show their importance B . lead into ancient hand warmers C . explain their origin D . introduce their inconvenience
    2. (2) Which of the following can be put in     ★    ?
      A . we know exactly when it was created B . it was surely created for an emperor C . there are some tales about its invention D . some facts about this invention can be found
    3. (3) According to the passage, hand warmers were widely used ____. 
      A . during the Song Dynasty B . long after the Qing Dynasty C . before the Sui Dynasty D . only in the Ming Dynasty
    4. (4) What can we infer from the passage? 
      A . Ancient hand warmers are better than modern thick gloves. B . Poor people were not allowed to use hand warmers. C . Different designs of hand warmers were made of different materials D . This craft might reach its peak in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
    5. (5) The writer mainly wants us to ____. 
      A . know about hand warmers in ancient China B . compare thick gloves and old hand warmers C . spread the craftsmanship of ancient China D . appreciate the fine designs of ancient hand warmers
  • 19.  阅读理解

    "Is there anything you want from Grandma's apartment?" My uncle, texting me, last week.

    His mum had passed away the week before, aged 96. He'd begun the painful yet necessary task of dividing her things: keep, sell, donate.

    I answered without thinking. "Yes, I would like her aloe (芦荟) in the orange pot, please. "

    Sometime around 1975, Grandma received this plant from a local cook as a gift. It could, I suppose, just be anything like a calendar, or a pen, or a box of biscuits. But it just happened to be a plant, which Grandma, who always had green fingers, appreciated and placed in her doorway. 

    Five years later, my mum married the cook's son. And had me.

    When my father's mother died in 1993, Grandma told me how this plant was different from the other ones she had in her home. It helped to keep a good relationship between the two sides of the family.

    In recent years, whenever we visited Grandma's apartment, I would show it to my children. "Look at this, it was a gift your great-grandma bought for your other great-grandma! Before they became relatives!"

    Many times, Grandma gave me cuttings of this plant, in the hope that I might grow another. Yet, every time, I failed to take care of my offshoots (分支). Aloe is hardy (适应力强). However, if you over-water or under-water it, it dies. It doesn't mix well with dogs or under-heated flooring. In short, with my skills, I'm better off with a plastic one from a supermarket.

    But that didn't use to matter, because I could ask Grandma for another cutting and try again Now I can't. So straight after I asked my uncle for this plant, I came up with the idea: the plant will go and live with Ann, my wife's mother, who can grow plants well and keep hold of Grandma's aloe—at least until I can be trusted to look after its offshoots. Then maybe one day I can confidently place the mother plant in my own home. At the same time, Ann will spread cuttings among her family members, as Grandma used to do.

    1. (1) Why did the author ask his uncle for the aloe? 
      A . It was very valuable to him. B . He wanted to place it in his own home. C . He wanted to pass it on to his children. D . He wanted to give it as a gift to his wife's mother
    2. (2) The underlined phrase "always had green fingers" in paragraph 4 means ____.
      A . always failed in growing plants B . always made fingers green C . was always good at growing plants D . was a special gardener
    3. (3) According to the passage, this plant ____. 
      A . can grow well with dogs in the house B . may die if it is watered too often C . is easy to take care of D . won't die if the floor is too cold
    4. (4) Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? 
      A . The writer's parents might get married around 1980. B . The aloe was placed in Grandma's doorway before the writer's birth C . The writer planned to leave Grandma's aloe to Ann forever. D . Ann can be trusted to look after the aloe well.
    5. (5) What would be the best title for the passage? 
      A . Remembering Grandma B . Passing Down Planting Skills C . Caring for an Aloe D . Planting Memories
四、词与短语填空 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分》
  • 20.  仔细阅读下面五个句子,然后用下面方框中所给的单词或短语填空,使每个句子在结构、句义和逻辑上正确。 (提示:方框中有二个单词或短语是多余的。) 

    communicate / educated / take in / take up / enjoyable / sides / steps

    1. (1) The tea preparation is just as  as drinking the tea itself. 
    2. (2) There are many  to a story and many ways to understand it. 
    3. (3) It's very hard to air as you get near the top of Qomolangma.
    4. (4) Teenagers should be  to take care of themselves from a young age. 
    5. (5) Using the right language in different situations will help you  better with people. 
五、综合填空 (共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 
  • 21.  阅读下面短。文,根据所给首字母、上下文或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。每个空只能填一个词。

    As we know, Yunnan is a kingdom of wild fungi (真菌) that can be eaten. But do you know that fungi play an important role in environment? And they are a source (来源) of food and medicine. But w  do we know little about them? 

    About two million kinds of fungi-more than 90% of all-have yet to be (describe) by science, according to Rebecca Morelle, a science reporter for the BBC. In the UK alone, there are thought to be around 25, 000 kinds of fungi -five or six (time) more than plants. Scientists are trying to find out more about this largely unknown world, but it is challenging. Dr Martyn Ainsworth, a senior researcher from Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, in London, says, "We can grow a c number in the lab, but there are a lot of fungi we cannot grow in the lab. This has (hold) back our research. "

    The fact that we know so little about fungi l many of us to misunderstand them. A lot of people are a of fungi. But only a very small percent of fungi in the world can c disease. Most are harmless, called by some "the hidden helpers of our environment". Some fungi provide food and shelter (庇护处) wildlife, help plants take in water and nutrients (营养) and recycle (回收利用) waste and dead matter. O fungi grow on the roots of trees and plants, forming a huge underground network that helps trees to grow. Fungi are really the behind-the-scenes team that are doing all the work.

    So, next time you add mushrooms to your dinner, take a painkiller for a headache, or go for a walk through the woods, remember to thank the living things that make it all possible- fungi. 

六、书面表达 (共1大题,满分15分) 
  • 22. 艰难困苦,玉汝于成。每个人的成长都是种蜕变的过程,从幼稚走向成熟,从逆境走向成功。"精感石没羽,岂云惮险坚",初中以来你有过逆势前行、克服困难的经历吗?请以"How to get over difficulty"为题写一篇英语短文,讲述你的一次经历和感悟。

    内容提示:1. What was your difficulty? 2. How did you get over the difficulty?3. What have you learned from it? 


    How to get over difficulty

    No one can lead a life without difficulty. 

