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更新时间:2024-01-27 浏览次数:18 类型:月考试卷
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Advance Africa Volunteers in Kenya offers opportunities to international volunteers in schools, hospitals and community medical clinics. 

    Kenya Volunteer Program Schedule

    You can volunteer for any duration and stay as long as you wish. You can arrive at any time during the month and the volunteer work starts the following day. You will typically work between 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. Monday to Friday. You will spend your spare time shopping, eating out, seeing movies, chatting with other volunteers or swimming. 

    Kenya Volunteer Program is open to:

    We invite individuals, couples, families, students, researchers, and groups (churches, colleges, and student associations). 

    Volunteering in Kenya Costs

    Cost for 2 weeks or less $500. 00

    Cost for I month $700. 00

    Cost for 6 weeks $900. 00

    Cost for 2 months $1, 100. 00

    $200 more for every extra two weeks. 

    No refunds(退款) will be paid to any volunteer who has arrived in the country and started on their program due to program change, early departures etc. 

    Our Volunteer in Kenya Program Offers

    We have volunteers all year round. This gives you plenty of company to enjoy exciting travel adventures. Some of our volunteer travel projects do not require specific skills. Everyone can participate regardless of age or gender. Other projects require particular skills, education or interest. 

    The volunteer in Kenya program fee covers communication, airport pick-up, local support, in-country orientation, training, accommodation and two meals per day (three meals over the weekends if you are at the provided accommodation). 

    The volunteer in Kenya costs you need to meet are: your flight to and from the country, visa fees, work permits, travel insurance, in-country transport and return trip to the airport. 

    Typical Living Arrangements: Advance Africa Volunteers' house and home-stays. 

    1. (1) What can we know about Kenya Volunteer Program? 
      A . It has flexible schedule. B . It is targeted at the youth. C . It offers hotel accommodation. D . It needs previous experience.
    2. (2) What are the fees for 10-week volunteering? 
      A . $800. 00. B . $1, 000. 00. C . $1, 100. 00. D . $1. 300. 00.
    3. (3) What does Kenya Volunteer Program offer? 
      A . Travel insurance. B . Free transport. C . Airport pick-up service. D . Financial support.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    When 34-year-old Sourabh Jain first became a father to his daughter, his view on life changed. Like any parent, his daughter became his world. However, he struggled with establishing a close connection with her in the beginning. "She was so tiny and couldn't speak. That's when I realized that games and books are interactive and provide an opportunity to spend hours with her, " he recalled.

    Thus he began the hunt for games and toys that not only helped him bond with his daughter but also contributed to her cognitive (认知的) development. During this search, he realized that not only are these toys and games hard to find, but they can also burn a hole in one's pockets. 

    "Another realization was that it is very hard to make toys environmentally friendly. There is some amount of plastic always present and it is harmful to the environment and the little ones, " he says.

    During changing family dynamics, Sourabh observed the increasing challenge for parents who juggle work and home responsibilities at the same time. While he desired to give his daughter the world, he also tried to leave behind a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable world for her. Today, he owns The EleFant —a toy rental company, or in Sourabh's words, "a labour of love".

    The transition(过渡) from the corporate world for Sourabh was gradual. "The idea began taking shape in my mind in 2022, but I wanted a solid plan of action. I aimed to offer parents a reliable service and an effective subscription model, " he adds.

    Sourabh also emphasized the importance of ensuring that the toys provided for children are not just enjoyable but also engaging and educational. In pursuit of this concept, Sourabh enlisted the expertise of a psychologist, a doctor and an ex-school principal to make sure the types of toys would be most beneficial for children. 

    Currently, the company has a customer base of more than 250 subscribers with over 2, 000 downloads of the application per day. 

    1. (1) What challenge did Sourabh meet when tending his daughter at first?
      A . Forming a bond with her. B . Teaching her to speak. C . Finding her suitable books. D . Playing games with her.
    2. (2) What did Sourabh realize when finding toys for her daughter?
      A . Babies need the company of toys. B . Toys are beneficial to kids. C . Eco-friendly toys are hard to get. D . Most toys may damage pockets.
    3. (3) What kind of toys is The EleFant more likely to offer?
      A . Modern and plastic ones. B . Light and cheap ones. C . Battery-charged and fun ones. D . Sustainable and age-appropriate ones.
    4. (4) Which can best deseribe Sourabh?
      A . Modest and determined. B . Business-minded and caring. C . Wealthy and generous. D . Responsible and strict.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Since the 1920s, a little-known policy called parking minimums has shaped many Americans' life. In major cities, this meant that any type of building needed to reserve a certain number of parking spaces to accommodate anyone who might visit. 

    But as the country attempts to cut carbon emissions (排放), we should rethink what transportation and public space look like, especially in cities. Earlier this month, the city of Austin, Texas, became the latest community to undo parking minimums. 

    "If we want half of all trips to be in something other than a car, then we can't, as a city, in my opinion, demand that every home or business have at least one parking space for each resident or customer," said Zohaib Qadri, the Austin city council member who introduced the measure. Reducing dependency on cars was a huge push for the initiative in Austin. Qadri hopes the measure also will lead to a more sustainable city.

    The undoing of this law could pave the way for cities to build denser (密集的)housing, increase public transit options, and reduce their carbon emissions, according to Donald Shoup, an engineer and professor. "It isn't just the housing crisis and climate change; it's a traffic jam; it's local air pollution; it's the high price of everything—except parking," said Shoup.

    Climate change and air pollution are particularly costly outcomes, with both estimated to cost the US billions of dollars every year. Parking spots, meanwhile, can run in the tens of thousands of dollars to construct, with one estimate putting that figure at almost $30, 000 per spot. 

    But undoing parking minimums does not mean that all parking will disappear overnight. It means that any off-street parking built will not need to meet any minimum standard. 

    "Austin is the same city that it was two weeks ago," said Shoup. "It's going to take quite a while for that city to really get the benefits of their parking space reforms. And so it just removes a roadblock and a barrier to other reforms."

    1. (1) Why was parking minimums policy deserted in Austin?
      A . To make room for green belts. B . To help tackle climate problems. C . To respond to residents' demand. D . To ease the heavy traffic.
    2. (2) What can we infer from Qadri's words?
      A . Parking space provides convenience. B . Cars are used for half of people's trips. C . Each home needs more than one parking space. D . Reducing parking space can reduce dependency on cars.
    3. (3) What is Donald Shoup's attitude towards undoing parking minimums?
      A . Supportive. B . Concerned. C . Doubtful. D . Disappointed.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . The Harm of Climate Change B . The Origin of Parking Minimums C . The Reason for Too Many Emissions D . A Possible Way to Fight Climate Change
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Identifying common bird species through their song has never been easier, with numerous phone apps and software available to both ecologists and the public. But what if the identification software has never heard a particular bird before, or only has a small sample of recordings to reference? This is a problem facing ecologists and conservationists monitoring some of the world's rarest birds. 

    To overcome this problem, researchers at the University of Moncton, Canada, have developed ECOGEN, a first-of-its-kind deep learning tool that can generate life-like bird sounds to enhance the samples of under-represented species. These can then be used to train audio identification tools used in ecological monitoring. 

    The researchers found that adding artificial birdsong samples generated by ECOGEN to a birdsong identifier improved the birdsong classification accuracy by 12%on average. 

    Dr. Nicolas Lecomte, one of the lead researchers, said: "Due to significant global changes in animal populations, there is an urgent need for autonomous tools, such as acoustic(monitoring, to track shifts in biodiversity. However, the Al models used to identify species in acoustic monitoring lack comprehensive reference libraries." With ECOGEN, you can address this gap by creating new instances of bird sounds to support AI models.

    The researchers say that creating bird songs in this way can contribute to the conservation of endangered bird species and also provide valuable insight into their vocalisations, behaviours and habitat preferences. The ECOGEN tool can also be used to help conserve extremely rare species. For instance, it could be used to help conserve the critically endangered regent honeyeaters(摄政蜜鸟), from which young individuals are unable to learn their species' songs because there aren't enough adult birds to learn from. 

    The tool could benefit other types of animal as well. Dr. Lecomte added, "While ECOGEN was developed for birds, we're confident that it could be applied to mammals, fish, insects and amphibians."

    As well as its versatility, a key advantage of the ECOGEN tool is its accessibility, due to it being open source and able to be used on even basic computers. 

    1. (1) What is the newly developed ECOGEN tool used to do? 
      A . Identify bird species through songs. B . Record sounds of bird species in nature. C . Compare common bird species with rare ones. D . Produce bird songs to train bird identification tools.
    2. (2) What does the author intend to tell us in paragraph 4? 
      A . The lack of sound libraries. B . The classification of bird songs. C . The necessity of creating ECOGEN.  D . The dramatic changes in biodiversity.
    3. (3) Why were regent honeyeaters mentioned? 
      A . To show the dangerous situation of these birds. B . To give a successful example of conservation. C . To raise people's awareness of rare bird species. D . To point out the application of the ECOGEN tool.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "versatility" in the last paragraph mean?
      A . Disadvantage. B . Multifunctionality. C . Flexibility. D . Stability.
  • 5.  阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Life's rarely boring if you're open to learning new things. No matter what you want to learn, the first step is noticing and seizing learning opportunities wherever you find them. Here are ways to develop the habit of learning. 

    Get curious and make friends with your inner child.  This sense of curiosity is how you begin to learn, grow, and understand the world around you. As an adult, it's important to stay curious to remain open to possibilities and opportunities by making a habit of asking questions. 

      Spending time with people pursuing knowledge as intentionally as you are can encourage you to push through challenges to achieve your learning goals. And engaging with people who have different opinions and experiences can help keep your worldview flexible. Then you can continue to find new fields of knowledge to explore. 

    Don't disregard the small stuff.  So feel open and willing to seize small chances each day to take in new knowledge. You could ask three people for their names and try to repeat them the next day or read the coffee-roasting brochure at your local café. No piece of knowledge is unimportant.  You just need to keep your eyes open. 

    Schedule learning. Life is busy, so consider setting aside time to learn new things. This might mean spending ten minutes reading an article on your work break, or setting aside 30 minutes every evening to work on an online training course.  It also builds an expectation among those nearest to you that this is your time and they shouldn't disturb you. 

    A. Surround yourself with fellow learners. 

    B. Encourage yourself to brave challenges. 

    C. Every kid's favorite question is "Why? "

    D. You're surrounded by opportunities to learn. 

    E. There's no better or worse hobby or information to acquire. 

    F. Of course, scheduling learning isn't just limited to the ways mentioned. 

    G. Adding a learning session to your timetable prevents you forgetting about it. 

  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Last year, Doctor Steve truly understood what it means to be at the right place at the right time. During a half-marathon, he found himself in the position to 1  not one, but two runners. Things had been going 2  up to 3-mile mark, but that's when Steve noticed a(n) 3  runner named Gregory. 

    Gregory had just reached the peak of an incline(斜坡) and was 4  to see that he'd get to run downhill for a bit. This was the last thing he 5  before collapsing.

    Meanwhile, Steve saw this happen, and he could tell it wasn't a simple 6  . Steve immediately stopped, performing CPR. Once it was 7  that Gregory was doing well and an ambulance took him away, Steve continued the race. 

    The rest of the race itself was 8  but, when Steve crossed the finish line, his life-saving 9  was needed once more. A man named Michael began to feel dizzy moments after crossing the finish line. Then, just like Gregory, he 10  . 

    "I never expected something like that in my whole life to happen again, let alone in the same 11 , " Steve said.

    The 12  of this entire situation is truly remarkable. Had Steve not 13  to help Gregory, he would have crossed the finish line much sooner than Michael, 14  he wouldn't have been around to save him, too. Thankfully, the events had a happy 15  . Now the three men become good friends. 

    A .  defeat B .  inspire C .  sponsor D .  save
    A .  randomly B .  rapidly C .  smoothly D .  obviously
    A .  disabled B .  unwell C .  familiar D .  excellent
    A .  relieved B .  surprised C .  annoyed D .  grateful
    A .  expected B .  tackled C .  demanded D .  remembered
    A .  mistake B .  fall C .  mode D .  goal
    A .  confirmed B .  stated C .  announced D .  reported
    A .  formal B .  fair C .  uneventful D .  uncompetitive
    A .  lesson B .  drug C .  device D .  help
    A .  caught up B .  broke down C .  passed out D .  sat down
    A .  place B .  race C .  hospital D .  peak
    A .  timing B .  setting C .  opportunity D .  background
    A .  agreed B .  failed C .  prepared D .  paused
    A .  proving B .  meaning C .  indicating D .  realizing
    A .  ending B .  recording C .  solution D .  review
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Tap your fingers on the screen and your favorite books  (deliver) to your door within a couple of hours. Who would have thought that cultural  (consume) in China could become as easy as ordering a sandwich? 

    The "Loving to read at home" program (launch) by the Chengdu Library allows readers to log on to a mini program of the same name linked to the library's official digital platform. Readers can then choose their favorite books and wait for them to be delivered to their door for just 6 yuan one to three books. Each user can borrow a maximum of eight books at a time for 30 days.

      total of more than 20, 000 books that come from 22 public libraries are ready for loan,(cover) a wide range of categories, with history, fiction novels and earth science books being the three   (popular) choices among readers. Books about philosophy, biology and agriculture can also be found online, many of  are from foreign authors. 

    The Chengdu Library is not the only institution providing books-to-go services. There (be) more than 3, 300 public libraries providing this "library's new O2O(online to offline) path" so far, which reduces the "time cost" for readers (significant) and allows them "to realize that reading is a handy part of people's everyday lives".

  • 8.  假定你是李华,在外教Jack的帮助下你的航模(model aircraft)在学校科技展上获得了一等奖,请你写封邮件,内容包括:1. 告知消息;2. 回想经过;3. 表达期望。

    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear Jack, 


    Yours sincerely, 

    Li Hua

  • 9.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    "Mom, tell me the story about the black bull(公牛), " I said when we were driving to my grandparents' farm.

    "You know it better than I do. Besides, you can't be too careful when driving, " she answered.

    "Yeah, but it's your story and I think that story can remind me to drive slowly. " When she didn't respond, I touched her arm gently.

    "I'll start it for you: It was a late Friday afternoon, and you were rushing home from work because you, Dad, Shelby and I were going to Dad's parents' farm, and it was a four-hour drive. "

    Mom carried on from there. 

    "Once I got home, " she began, "we loaded up and headed out. It took about a half hour to get through the rush-hour traffic, but finally we reached the interstate and headed east. Because I was tired and eager to get to the farm and sleep, I drove as fast as the speed limit allowed—70 miles an hour. "

    I rolled my eyes. Mom never drove the posted speed limit; she always went at least five miles over. But if I reminded her of that story, time would come to a stop. 

    "Time passed, and it got dark. You girls fell asleep in the back, and Dad nodded off next to me. Seat belts weren't mandatory(强制的) at the time, so no one tied the belts. Hours later, I exited the interstate onto the little state road. The speed limit was 50, but I kept going70. There was no traffic after all, and I knew your grandparents were waiting up for us. "

    I'd spent summers with my grandparents as a kid, and they did indeed go to bed early, as farmers do. 

    "At last, I reached the turn that would take us to the farm. The road was a narrow, less maintained farm-to-market road that locals used. It was completely dark, and the only light was from my headlights. I pressed the pedal(踏板) harder and sped up."

    This was the point in the story that always turned my blood cold. 

    注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    "Suddenly, a large, black shape appeared in your headlights, " I cut in.


    "Luckily, the car stopped but the sudden action awoke all of you, " Mom smiled.

