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更新时间:2024-01-22 浏览次数:15 类型:期中考试
  • 6.  听较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Lucy reading about?
      A . People B . Places C . Animals
    2. (2) What is Lucy going to do?
      A . She is going to raise money for them. B . She is going to make a report of them. C . She is going to read more books about them.
  • 7.  听较长对话,回答问题。
    1. (1) When did Bob come to China? 
      A . In 2017 B . In 2021 C . In 2020
    2. (2) Who helped Bob with his Chinese?
      A . His teachers B . His classmates C . His friends
    3. (3) What's difficult for Bob in China?
      A . The language B . The culture C . The lesson
  • 8.  听一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表。

    A Trip to London


    I went to London with my1


    We travelled around London by2


    It was always3


    There are so many famous sights and4 is the most beautiful in my opinion. 

    The trip was5 for the writer.

    A .  friends B .  parents C .  cousins
    A .  bus B .  taxi C .  underground
    A .  sunny B .  cloudy C .  rainy
    A .  London Eye B .  Tower of London C .  Big Ben
    A .  relaxing B .  boring C .  enjoyable
  • 9.  完形填空

    When I was a young boy, my elder sister Becky always seemed to over-shadow(使黯然失色) me. 

    My sister was both a great sports player and a great student. She did 1  well. So it was 2  that people would notice her accomplishments(成就), and not notice what I was doing. 

    Becky was good at 3 . I didn't liked it. When I was a kid, I got water up my nose and 4 wanted to swim again. And since Becky was such a great swimmer, I was just in her shadow again.

    Swimming was not for me. I liked skateboarding.

    Unluckily, one day I fell off my skateboard and broke my leg. My leg was hurt badly 5  the doctors said I could never really skateboard again. They said there was only one exercise that would be good for me-swimming!

    Well, I gave it a try. Every week, I got a little 6  and liked swimming a little more. I worked at it so much that one day my high school swimming coach asked me to 7  the school team. You can imagine how that made me feel, considering my sister Becky had always been the swimming star in our family.

    Much to everyone's surprise, I won a bronze medal in the city finals.

    Becky? She doesn't swim much anymore. But 8  ? I do. It's a big part of my life now.

    For this reason, I'll say: Life has more than one 9 . And remember, life is a swimming pool. Jump in and start swimming! You never know 10 life will lead you.

    A . anything B . nothing C . everything D . something
    A . strange B . important C . interesting D . natural
    A . running B . swimming C . skateboarding D . studying
    A . always B . often C . sometimes D . never
    A . because B . so C . but D . if
    A . better B . higher C . worse D . shorter
    A . leave B . join C . thank D . help
    A . him B . her C . them D . me
    A . word B . excuse C . choice D . mistake
    A . why B . when C . whose D . where
  • 10.  阅读理解


    Hi, I'm David House, a writer from the UK. Here I help solve Teenagers'(青少年) problems.

    Hi David,

    I love maths, and I dream of becoming a mathematician(数学家).But when I didn't do well in the maths exam, I felt really sad and would cry. What should I do?


    Hi Eason,

    It's sad when we don't do well in something we really want to be good at. But you need to think.

    What will crying do? Nothing. Much of maths is about logical thinking. So, think mathematically and logically.

    What can you do to get the results you want? Instead of being sad, learn from your mistakes. Think,"OK, where did I go wrong? What are my weak points and where do I need more practice?"

    Make a habit of practising maths every day. Many online maths programs are interesting and useful to help your maths. 

    And I'm sure if you talk to your teachers, they can also help you.

    You want to learn maths well, which means you are motivated(积极的)! That's already half way to success.


    1. (1) Eason may be a____. 
      A . primary school teacher B . middle school student C . school bus driver D . college student
    2. (2) Eason wrote to David because____.
      A . he wanted to have online lessons B . he dreamed of becoming a teacher C . he didn't know why he felt sad D . he didn't do well in maths exams
    3. (3) Which of the following is David's advice for Eason?
      A . Crying can help him. B . Forgetting his mistakes. C . Making the habit of taking notes. D . Asking his teachers for help
    4. (4) The text may come from the part of ____ in a magazine.
      A . Science Study B . Sports News C . School Life D . Travel Stories
  • 11.  阅读理解

    Do you like reading stories? Have you ever read The Ugly Duckling(《丑小鸭》)or The Little Mermaid? Do you know the writer of these great stories? It's Andersen, a Dane(丹麦人).

        ▲    In 1805, Andersen was born in a poor family in Denmark. As a young boy, Andersen was tall, ugly and had a very big nose. His friends always made jokes(玩笑) about his nose. Even worse, little Andersen needed to make money by himself after his father died in 1816. When he was 17, he met a manager of a theatre. With the manager's help, Anderson went back to school. He had to study with children who were six years younger than him. It was there that he began writing.

    His first story book became popular and successful when it came out in 1835. The struggles of life helped him write many stories.With beautiful words and a wild imagination, his stories could always catch children's hearts. He still had a good heart and children can feel his kindness and love in his stories.The poor ugly boy from Denmark soon became more and more famous, just like the ugly duckling turned into a beautiful swan. 

    Today, children from different countries have read his books. In Denmark, there is a statue(雕像)of the little mermaid to remember the great writer--Andersen.

    1. (1) Who helped Anderson go back to school?
      A . His friends B . A manager C . His father D . A little mermaid
    2. (2) Andersen's first book came out in____.
      A . 1805 B . 1816 C . 1822 D . 1835
    3. (3) Which sentence can be put into ____?
      A . In real life, Andersen was like an ugly duckling.
      B . Andersen wrote many stories in his early life.
      C . Andersen helped many children to go to school.
      D . In his life, Anderson had many good friends.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word "struggles" mean ?
      A . happiness B . successes C . mistakes D . difficulties
    5. (5) Which of the following is TRUE?
      A . Andersen began writing when he was eleven years old.
      B . All the people around the world like Andersen's stories.
      C . Andersen's life was not easy but he still had a good heart.
      D . Andersen was ugly and he wanted to become a beautiful swan.
  • 12.  阅读理解

    One day, when Cooper got home, he was surprised to see his mom was playing his computer games. 

    "Mom? Is the dinner ready?" he asked.

    "Oh, honey, can you cook something by yourself? "Cooper's mom spoke to him without looking at him.

    Cooper was full of questions. "Dad!" he called, trying to keep calm. He walked into the living room and found his dad was playing games just like mom!

    Cooper looked around the room desperately(绝望地). He saw a yellow paper on the fridge door. He walked towards it and read:

    Feeling far from your kids? Tired of losing them to screens? Cyber(网络的)-Parent has the answer. Find your answer on our website today.

    Cooper hurried to his bedroom and searched for the Cyber-Parent website on his computer. Cyber-Parent said it would make parents and children get closer with only a wristband(手环).

    So now he knew why his parents were acting so strangely, but he didn't know what to do. He returned to the homepage and he read a sentence-Never get your wristband wet(湿的).

    "OK," Cooper said, "I need to wet the wristbands."

    He found a water gun(水枪) and aimed at his parents' wrists. As the wristbands got wetter, his parents stopped playing games finally.

    "Cooper, what's going on?" They forgot all the things and asked.

    "Nothing. I'm just too hungry. Is the dinner ready?" Cooper said as if nothing happened just now.

    "Ok, I will get the dinner ready soon." His mom went to the kitchen and started to cook the dinner.

    "Are you going to play computer games for a bit before dinner?" his dad asked.

    "No, I think there are many things much more important than games."

    "That's a nice surprise," his dad said.

    "I don't like the cyber-parents, so I think they don't like a cyber-child either." Cooper said to himself and made a big decision.

    1. (1) Cooper's parents were____ when he went home.
      A . cooking dinner B . playing computer games C . cleaning the fridge D . sleeping in the bedroom.
    2. (2) Cooper was____ before he saw the yellow paper. 
      A . sorry B . excited C . happy D . worried
    3. (3) The yellow paper is about____. 
      A . how to be a good cook B . how to get close to their children C . what games children like to play D . which wristband is nice to parents
    4. (4) What can we know about the wristband? 
      A . It can't work if it's wet. B . It can tell people the time. C . It can make the games more boring. D . It costs more than an usual wristband.
    5. (5) Can you guess what Cooper's big decision is? Why did he make the decision?
  • 13.  用方框中所给单词的正确形式填空。Asian Games

    except    million    exciting   practise scientist

    1. (1) The playersa lot before the Asian games.
    2. (2) and engineers worked hard to build the stadium.
    3. (3) Cindy was very sad because all of her friends got the ticketsher. 
    4. (4) Over three people came to Hangzhou to cheer the players on. 
    5. (5) It was reallyfor people to see the players win the prizes in the games. 
  • 14.  根据短文内容和所给中文提示,用单词的正确形式完成下列短文

    As the youngest Asian champ, Cui Chenxi was only 13 years old when she (打败)other players and won the first prize. Before her, the youngest champ was a (十五)-year-old boy called Chen Ye. 

    At first, Cui was as (普通) as other girls. She liked doing almost all the sports but she was much (感兴趣) in skateboarding. Later, she spent a lot of time on practice and she won the first prize in a Chinese competition. And she got some (粉丝) after it. As the youngest girl in the national team, Cui (训练) harder than other players. Although it was difficult at first, she tried several (次) and then she could enter the Asian Games. When she played (对) other players, she did a much more difficult move, which made her succeed. 

    For Cui, she thinks it's only the first step. She hopes she can do more practice to get the first prize in the competition in Paris.(然而), there must be many difficulties in her way, Cui will practise more to make her dream come true. As a hard-working girl, Cui (展示)the spirits of our Chinese people.

  • 15.  语法填空

    Hanfu has become popular again these years. Many young people in China are starting to wear (tradition) Han Chinese clothing. The style has even attracted some foreigners. One of them is Rian, a young man from England.

    Rian lives in Xi'an. Two years ago, he came to the beautiful city and became

    English teacher. After(see) many people wearing Hanfu in the streets, Rian wanted(try) it on himself. "an interesting thing it is!" said the young man. When he puts it on, he feels as if he has travelled back to ancient times.

    In the past, the only thing he(know) about China was that it had a long history and a rich culture. But now Hanfu has helped Rian learn more China.

    He wants to share his feelings with friends both in Chinaother countries, so he begins to make short (video) of himself trying on Hanfu and put them on Western social media. The videos became popular(quick) on the Internet. He spreads Chinese culture in his own way.

  • 16.  假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Alex最近正在学习中文,但他发现中文很难学,因此发邮件向你寻求帮助。请你写一篇约80词的邮件回复,谈谈你对他的学习建议。


    Dear Alex,

    Glad to hear from you. It is natural for a foreigner to have this problem. Here is my advice. 



    Li Hua

