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更新时间:2024-01-17 浏览次数:14 类型:月考试卷
一、阅读理解,第一节,阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出一个最佳选项。(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Skydive Greene County

    Come out and let us teach you how to skydive today! We are located in Xenia, Ohio and are within a reasonable driving distance of major cities in Ohio. Situated on a private airport, Skydive Greene County offers world-class training. We didn't start skydiving but we are Ohio's oldest skydiving school which opened in 1961!

    Tandem Skydiving

    Tandem skydiving is required if this is your first-time skydiving. After filling out paperwork and watching a short video, you will be ready to make your skydive. Somewhere around 11,500feet you will be secured to your tandem instructor. The door will open and you exit the plane.

    Your freefall with your instructor will last for approximately 40-50 seconds. We can almost guarantee this will be the most exciting minute of your life as you reach the speed of around 120mph, falling for about two miles back to the earth!

    Don't forget to have a video taken of your skydiving to show all those that didn't think you would jump from an airplane!

    Static Line Courses

    Once you have made your tandem skydiving, you can move on to our Static Line Program.The Static Line Jump is the traditional way to learn to skydive. We have classes throughout the year. Every student will be led through the entire day by a licensed instructor. Never does the student feel unattended. Once training is over, students will make their first jump on that very same day!


    $165.00 Tandem skydiving only

    $175.00 Static Line Course only

    Invite one of our professional videographers on your skydive:$125,00 DVD with photos

    Come to learn with the best and make a skydive today! For further information, please call us at(937)372-0700orvisitourwebsitewww.greenecounty.com!

    1. (1) What will skydivers have to do when doing Tandem Skydiving?
      A . They will have to practice a lot before skydiving. B . They will jump with a professional coach. C . They must take a video while skydiving. D . They will show others how to skydive from a plane.
    2. (2) If you want to experience Tandem Skydiving only and a professional video taken of your skydiving, how much will you have to pay?
      A . $165 B . $175 C . $290 D . $300
    3. (3) What can we learn from the passage?
      A . Skydi ve Greene County offers training in major cities in Ohio. B . Skydive Greene County is the oldest skydiving school in the USA. C . All skydivers are required to receive one-day training before a freefall. D . Students in Static Line Course can receive training and try skydiving on the same day.
  • 2.  阅读理解

    The European Patent Office (EPO) on 4th July 2023 announced that Maasai inventor, Richard Turere, won first place in the Young Inventor Prize at the European Inventor Award 2023.

    Turere invented the Lion Lights system at age 11. As a young Maasai boy, Turere was entrusted with the vital responsibility of protecting his family's cattle from predators(捕食者). He recognised the need for a solution to prevent lions and other predators from attacking livestock(牲畜), which led him to develop the innovative light system that has since gained global recognition.

    Lion population in Africa is estimated to have declined by 43% in the past 20 years. Many lions are killed to stop them from eating precious livestock, significantly impacting the lion population, the area's biodiversity and tourism. Known as Lion Lights, Turere's invention is based on a simple concept: visually reproducing the human presence that keeps lions away. With changing sequences(序列) of flashing lights which are fixed on fences, the lions cannot become comfortable with the patterns and are discouraged from hunting livestock.

    As word of Turere's technology and its success spread, other community members began requesting the system for their properties, and now over 2,000 homes in Kenya use Lion Lights. The system typically runs on solar energy but can also be coupled with wind power when the weather is cloudy or there is little sun.

    In 2013, Turere founded the Lion Lights organization, which now cooperates with more than50 young people in his native village. Turere's commitment and resourcefulness have attracted international attention. His invention has been adopted in several other countries. "I want this story to inspire the young kids so that they too can do something.

    1. (1) What motivates Turere to invent Lion Lights?
      A . To win an award. B . To protect livestock. C . To maintain lion population. D . To shoulder family responsibility.
    2. (2) How does the Lion Lights system work?
      A . It controls electric fences to trap lions. B . It operates on a single energy source. C . It patterns the human existence using lights. D . It uses strong flashing lights to scare lions away.
    3. (3) Which of the following best describes Turere?
      A . Creative and devoted. B . Intelligent and modest. C . Brave and disciplined. D . Ambitious and outgoing.
    4. (4) In which column can the text be found in a newspaper?
      A . Profiles. B . Entertainment. C . Health. D . Adventure.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    In the late 1990s, a scientist named Mark Blumberg stood in a lab at the University of Iowa watching a few sleeping newly born rats. He found that the baby rats kept making small, sharp movements in their sleep, and that their closed eyes moved from side to side in a phenomenon known as rapid eye movement (REM). Blumberg knew that the rats were fine, because he knew people do the same during REM sleep. And scientists have long had an explanation for the twitches(抽动) and REM: They are dreaming about their waking life.

    However, as he dug deeper, he wondered why adult rats spend only about two hours of each night in REM sleep, while baby rats spend an unusual amount of time in REM, often sleeping for sixteen hours a day and dreaming for eight.

    "If dreams are hints of waking life, adult rats who have more experiences should spend more time in REM sleep. Why do baby rats, whose eyes are still shut, spend so much time in REM sleep when they have too little to dream about?" he wondered. "Why do their eyes, their legs, tails and whiskers move hundreds of thousands of times during their sleep?"

    In the end, Blumberg concluded that it might be the other way around ——perhaps the movements were sending signals to the brain to help it learn about the body.

    "You wouldn't think that the body is something a brain needs to learn," he wrote in a paper. "But we aren't born with maps of our bodies. We can't be, because our bodies change by the day. But in waking life, we cannot move only a single muscle. Even the simplest act of swallowing(吞咽) employs more than thirty pairs of nerves and muscles working together. Our small and sharp movements in sleep, by contrast, are exact and precise: They involve muscles one at a time. In other words, such movements allow the muscles and nerves to form one-to-one connections that otherwise would be impossible. It's a process that's most important for the brain to learn about the body as we grow, suffer injuries and learn new skills.

    1. (1) What was the previous explanation for REM?
      A . It was just an outward sign of dreams. B . It showed the difficulty in sleeping. C . It was an indicator of terrible dreams. D . It only occurred to sleeping baby rats.
    2. (2) What can be learned from paragraph 2?
      A . Baby rats have to spend all night in REM sleep. B . REM sleep just accounts for part of the sleeping time. C . It is unnecessary for baby rats to sleep 16 hours a day. D . It is not enough for adults to have two hours of REM sleep.
    3. (3) What is a feature of the movements in REM sleep according to Mark Blumberg?
      A . They teach the brain new skills and heal injuries. B . Muscles have to work together to start the movements. C . Each of them just involves a muscle and a nerve at a time. D . They are less exact and precise than our daily movements.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The importance of REM sleep. B . The latest discoveries about dreaming. C . The relationship between dreams and waking life. D . A different explanation for the twitches during sleep.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Joyce LeMay is an associate professor of business at Bethel University. She said that college seniors are always amazed by how much work goes into finding a job. "Many college seniors have great resumes(简历) from internships and other part-or full-time jobs. But they are surprised by how long the interviewing process takes," Many even become discouraged when they are rejected for a role, too. However, there are a lot of ways to increase your chances of finding the perfect role.

    "Don't just look for jobs online," said LeMay. "Although it's easy to find jobs on the internet, over 85 percent of job seekers are also looking at the same jobs." "Hundreds of people can apply for each position and employers get inundated with responses," she said. If you do find a job online, LeMay recommends first looking within your own contacts." It's good to find out if you have someone in your network that could help you get connected," she said.

    LeMay also advises writing a separate application for each role. "Your resume needs to stand out from your competition and the best way to do that is to customize(定制) it to the specific job you are applying for," said LeMay. In the experience section, be sure to highlight accomplishments that match the job description. This will show a future employer that you're qualified for the role.

    A job search can take three to six months or longer, so don't take rejection personally. You will not get a job offer from every interview, but don't let that affect your confidence. It's important to keep trying." Many college graduates have their hopes set on one or two companies and when the job doesn't come through they are devastated(难以承受),"said LeMay. "Keep your mind and your options open—there are many incredible career opportunities you haven't heard of yet."

    1. (1) What does Joyce LeMay mainly talk about?
      A . Job rejection is common and frustrating. B . College seniors prepare their resumes well. C . College seniors needn't get frustrated in job rejection. D . Job interview s consume too much energy.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "inundated" in Paragraph 2 mean?
      A . charged. B . flooded C . trapped D . equipped.
    3. (3) Why does LeMay encourage college graduates to keep trying?
      A . The incredible jobs are always there. B . Hunting a job helps improve abilities. C . Each interview guarantees a job offer. D . A positive mind ensures a good interview,
    4. (4) Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
      A . How can you avoid frustration in job hunt? B . Why should you make resumes stand out? C . Why should you keep your options open? D . How can you find your perfect jobs?
二、阅读理解,第二节(共5 小题; 每小题2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)
  • 5.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Fragile. Oversensitive. Glued to their phones.  While there may be some truth to these stereotypical(刻板印象的) features, there might be more to this generation of teens than what is generally observed.

    Never before have the lives of any generation of teens been as flooded with mobile technology and social media as the teens of this generation.  This is in contrast to the more village spirit or community-oriented attitude of their parents' and grandparents' days. We have teens who may not know about who lives in the unit next to theirs, much less offer a friendly no d or wave when they happen to cross paths with a neighbor.

     The very connectedness that social media brings about has led to an opening of minds and a flourishing(繁盛) of dialogue among people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Logging onto platforms where people of all walks of life meet means that one is exposed to those people and their distinctive ways of life. In comparison, the parents or grandparents of this generation of teens probably did not have the same opportunity to get to know people outside of their social circles at their age, and are thus more likely to have fixed, stereotypical opinions of people different from them. This generation of teens, on the other hand, has the chance to use this technology to learn more about and attempt to understand the variety and diversity out there. 

    To conclude, the teens of this generation differ in many ways from their predecessors(前辈),in some ways more positive than others.  Therefore, this generation of teens differs from past generations, with the changes around them.

    A. No wonder the self-confidence and mental health of teens have been damaged.

    B. Yet, the effects of technology on this generation of teens are not all bad.

    C. Is this what comes to mind when we think of the teens of this generation?

    D. Their parents or grandparents were likely less connected and more isolated.

    E. Moreover, in the older generations' mind, the teens today are more individualistic.

    F. As a result, this might be why the teens today are more open-minded and progressive.

    G. Every generation is a product of the cultural, political and economic events of their time.

  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    "Hey!' You have a hairless spot on the back of your head!" Mom's alarmed cry hit me like a shock.

    I tried to shrug(耸肩) it off. "It'll grow back." I worked to sound 1 .

    At first, the loss was minimal. 2  the spot with my fingers became the top priority every day. No new hair, smooth as an egg. Weeks later, the spot was a little larger, and there was still no 3  of any hair poking through the skin. I began to 4 , but continued to try to be cool about it.

    As days went by, my hair started to fall faster and more. 5  my fingers through it, I would stare at the alarming quantity of hair in my hands, willing this to 6  happening to me.

    We went to see a doctor, who diagnosed my condition as alopecia ( 脱 发 症 ). He recommended an injection to try, which would be 7  to the head skin. I underwent several costly injections over a few months, but in vain.

    8  the injection began to trouble my sleep, and we finally had to stop the9 . My hair still didn't grow back.

    I had to wear a wig (假发) to school every day, worried it might slip one day and that everything would 10 . Though aware that I should 11  the fact to my friends, I was scared, not knowing how they would handle the information. 12  , hesitantly, I told them what was happening after days of struggle. To my surprise, they all thought nothing of it. This was a(n) 13  for me.

    I came to realize that what had happened was not my fault, and not something I should feel14  of. I am learning that being bald doesn't change who I am, and if I don't let it affect my self 15  then other people are much more likely to accept me as I am, too.

    A .  mild B .  calm C .  upset D .  relieved
    A .  Checking B .  Polishing C .  Clearing D .  Covering
    A .  sense B .  chance C .  sign D .  way
    A .  wonder B .  panic C .  detect D .  hesitate
    A .  Reaching B .  Shifting C .  Feeling D .  Running
    A .  delay B .  avoid C .  stop D .  keep
    A .  attached B .  connected C .  guided D .  applied
    A .  After all B .  Worse still C .  In brief D .  By contrast
    A .  motion B .  procedure C .  habit D .  mission
    A .  break out B .  draw to a close C .  fade away D .  come to light
    A .  reveal B .  limit C .  distribute D .  highlight
    A .  Instead B .  Furthermore C .  Anyway D .  Thus
    A .  blow B .  credit C .  exception D .  miracle
    A .  proud B .  ashamed C .  fond D .  guilty
    A .  expectation B .  introduction C .  acceptance D .  dependence
四、语言知识运用,第二节,语法填空(共10 小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
  • 7.  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

    For thousands of years, people have told fables(寓言) (teach)a lesson or to pass on wisdom. Fables were part of the oral tradition of many early cultures, and the well-known Aesop's fables date to the (six) century B. C. Yet, the form of the fable still has values today,  Rachel Carson says in "A Fable for Tomorrow."

    Carson uses a simple, direct style common to fable. In fact, her style and tone(口吻) are seemingly directed at children." There was once a town in the heart of America,  all life seemed to enjoy peaceful existence with its surroundings," her fable begins, (borrow) some familiar words from many age-old fables. Behind the simple style, however, is a serious message  (intend) for everyone.

    (difference) from traditional fables, Carson's story ends with an accusation instead of a moral. She warns of the environmental dangers facing society, and she teaches that people must take responsibility  saving their environment.

    The themes of traditional fables often deal with simple truths about everyday life. However, Carson's theme is a more weighty (warn) about environmental destruction. Carson proves that a simple lyric form that has been passed down through the ages can still (employ)today to draw attention to important truths.

  • 8.  假设你叫李华。临近期末,你的英国笔友 John 发来邮件,询问你本学期的学习情况和假期安排。请你写封邮件,回复他的询问并感谢他的关心。内容要点如下: (1)本学期学习情况; (2)寒假计划和安排; (3)表达感谢。

    注意: (1)词数: 100 左右

    Dear John,




六、写作,第二节(满分 25分)
  • 9.  阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    The handiwork(手工) class was over. Karl was delighted that he had created a satisfying work. So he walked to the back of the classroom to put his work away carefully. There, lying on the floor beside the classroom bookcase, was a golden ticket! Karl picked it up. His heart beat faster when he saw that the name line was blank(空白的). He couldn't believe his luck!

    The boys and girls in Karl's class could earn golden tickets by doing well in their study or by being extra helpful or kind. Once a week their teacher drew the tickets out of a box on her desk and let the winner choose a prize.

    Today was the golden ticket drawing, and here was another ticket, just for him! Karl looked around. No one else was near the ticket. All his classmates were at their desks, laughing and talking with each other. Miss Evans was engaged in grading the papers collected earlier in the morning.

    Karl decided to write his name on the blank line. Then he could put it into the box with the six tickets he'd already earned. With so many tickets, he would most probably be the winner! Then he could choose the pink toy pig for his sister's birthday, just like he had been hoping.

    He smiled and reached for the pencil. Suddenly his fingers stopped. There was a strange feeling in his chest, and it wasn't his heartbeat. "Finders are keepers, right?" he wondered. He looked out of the window and tried to figure it out. On the one hand, he did find the ticket, but he hadn't earned it. Somebody must have lost it. But on the other hand, he did need this extra ticket for his great plan!

    注意: 1. 续写词数应为 150左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Karl looked at the blank name line for a  moment.


    "Karl, I intend to give you another ticket!" Miss Evans said.

