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更新时间:2024-01-23 浏览次数:12 类型:期中考试
  • 1.  阅读理解

    In February, Dr. Robert Lefkowitz published a memoir (回忆录) called A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to StockholmThe Adrenaline-Fueled Adventures of an Accidental Scientist. As a physician and biochemist, Lefkowitz is a professor of biochemistry and chemistry at the Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina. 

    In a recent conversation via video, Lefkowitz said that he wanted his memoir to be "funny, interesting, and easy to understand". In the book, Lefkowitz humorously describes his Journey from a cardiologist (or a heart doctor) to a biochemist.

    Lefkowitz's dream of becoming a doctor began when he was eight years old and growing up in the Bronx of New York City. After his father died of a heart attack, Lefkowitz made up his mind to be a cardiologist. He earned his medical degree at Columbia University.

    Lefkowitz is no stranger to conducting experiments and making discoveries. He was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Brian Kobilka. The two scientists were honored for their discoveries that could help unlock the secrets of many diseases. 

    When asked what played the most important role in his success, Lefkowitz mentioned about himself and he described himself as "reasonably intelligent and creative, hardworking, and not easily disturbed". He added that being funny could also be very good for you and the people around you.

    Before winning the Nobel Prize, Lefkowitz did countless experiments, and only 1 out of 50 turned out OK. "With difficult decisions I've had to make, I tend to make them with my heart rather than my head. " Lefkowitz said. "However, I don't mean that deciding with your heart is always right. "

    At age 78, the scientist has no plans for slowing down. "My body and mind are still working," he said. "I want to continue running my lab at Duke University and writing and publishing research papers. "

    1. (1) What directly motivated Lefkowitz to be a doctor?
      A . His conversation with a cardiologist. B . His father's death from a heart attack. C . His enthusiasm for a doctor's memoir. D . His poor physical health in childhood.
    2. (2) What is the key to Lefkowitz's success in his own opinion?
      A . His good teamwork. B . His family's support. C . His positive qualities. D . His interest in research.
    3. (3) What can we learn about Lefkowitz concerning his experiments?
      A . He suffered from a lot of failure. B . He always succeeded as planned. C . He considered them less challenging. D . He couldn't do them on his own.
    4. (4) Which of the following can best describe Lefkowitz according to the last paragraph?
      A . Practice makes perfect. B . Bad luck brings good luck. C . You are never too old to work. D . Experience is the best teacher.
    5. (5) Where is the passage probably taken from?
      A . A travel journal B . A play review C . A short story D . A science magazine
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Did you ever want to see Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey in 15 minutes? Then BA London Eye is the one for you. 

    British Airways London Eye, formerly called as the Millennium Wheel, is situated on the south bank of the River Thames on the Jubilee Gardens. It is situated between Westminster Bridge and Hungerford Footbridge in Lambeth and adjacent to (比邻) Old Country Building. It stands opposite to Houses of Parliament. 

    It started with a vision of Architect couple David Marks and Julia Barfields, who had competed for millennium ideas contest conducted by Sunday Times, a British newspaper in 1993 to welcome year 2000 splendidly. Regrettably, the contest was scrapped, but the couple persisted with their dream project by forming a company for this undertaking, eventually grabbing the attention of Evening Standard, another British newspaper. British Airways, after noticing this widely publicized article, agreed to fund, foreseeing the vital contribution of this project to London's skyline and its tourism, giving a spectacular view of this fascinating city that was otherwise not visible to the Londoners.

    The entire construction resembles a giant cycle wheel, with a diameter of 135m (443ft) and weighing 1,700 tons of steel and 2,000 tons at the foundation reaching almost 30m deep! It is the largest observation wheel built so far, making even Statue of Liberty, Big Ben, St. Paul's Cathedral, look up to it. It is the 4th highest structure in London. Canary Wharf Towers, BT Tower and Tower 42 are the higher three.

    The whole structure was designed in parts in various countries, later fully assembled on Thames bank. With the dedication of 1,700 workers, this structure was realized in 16 months, just in time to welcome the millennium. Tony Blair inaugurated (为……举行开幕式) it on December 31st, 1999 and a minor safety concern regarding clutching delayed its opening to public, which finally happened 3 months behind the schedule in March 2000. 

    1. (1) Opposite British Airways London Eye is. 
      A . Westminster Bridge B . Hungerford Footbridge C . Old Country Building D . Houses of Parliament
    2. (2) British Airways London Eye was founded by. 
      A . Evening Standard B . Sunday Times C . David Marks and Julia Barfields D . British Airways
    3. (3) We can learn from the third paragraph that David Marks and Julia Barfields. 
      A . asked for another newspaper for help B . won the first prize in millennium ideas contest C . had wanted to complete their dream project on their own D . would have given up their idea without British Airways
    4. (4) British Airways London Eye is higher than. 
      A . Big Ben B . Canary Wharf Towers C . BT Tower D . Tower 42
    5. (5) Why was the public opening of British Airways London Eye delayed?
      A . The structure wasn't completed in time. B . The structure was designed in different countries. C . Something wrong happened at the last moment. D . People were not completely sure about its safety.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    With the invention of the Internet, humanity is now experiencing an adventure toward technological advancement. Nowadays, technology assists us with everyday tasks such as driving, grocery shopping and even dating. Technology is so closely connected to our lives that it's easy to overlook one important question: When technology really starts to control the world around us, what comes next?

    Many experts and workers are scared that automation will take jobs from people who need them and give those jobs to robots. I understand their concern. However, if robots are outperforming us at our jobs, then what do humans have left to offer? We have the emotions and imagination that make us human. A machine might work faster than a person, but that's because humans built the machines that way. That, itself, is an amazing accomplishment of the human imagination. We are talented, passionate creatures, who do not deserve to be trapped in miserable jobs anymore!

    By now, I hope you're curious to hear which occupations we should focus on in the future. The obvious answer is jobs in technology and robotics. Tech-related jobs will continue to be in big demand, and people who work in these fields will continue to become more important. We should be grateful to them for doing work to take us higher as a society. Besides, we should also focus on jobs in the arts and entertainment. It may sound crazy, but what could better reflect the creativity of the human mind than the arts? I believe technology has opened up our world, allowing us to share our imaginations with everyone!

    So, we must ensure that future generations know that we mean it when we say, "follow your dreams. " Welcome to the 21st century: what a time to be alive! There has never been a better time to be yourself, and I can only see it getting even better from here.

    1. (1) Why does the author end paragraph 1 with a question?
      A . To present a fact. B . To illustrate a problem. C . To ask for approval. D . To arouse thinking.
    2. (2) What's the author's attitude towards technological advancement?
      A . Favorable. B . Disapproving. C . Doubtful. D . Unclear.
    3. (3) According to the author, what role should robots play?
      A . Emotional comfort. B . Passionate companion. C . Technological support. D . Competitive opponent.
    4. (4) Why are art-related jobs also important?
      A . They have opened up our world. B . They help people realize their dreams. C . They will be in great demand in the future. D . They can demonstrate the innovation of human.
    5. (5) What is the tone of the passage?
      A . Narrative and serious. B . Persuasive and positive. C . Descriptive and critical. D . Informative and objective.
  • 4.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Daily Habits of Naturally Productive People

    When it comes to being more efficient at your job, you know the basics. But research shows a whole new side of productivity you may not have realized. 

    Focus on being happier.

     Even if a low mood does not completely disable you from functioning, it can decrease your productivity to make you far less efficient. Also, don't hesitate to seek help. This will not only help you achieve a more stable work-life balance, but a new outlook can also open you up to new opportunities and necessary changes. 

    Prioritize fitness.

    You know the countless benefits of exercise. Even 30-minute bursts of moderate-to-high physical activity just three to four times a day can go a long way in helping you accomplish your personal and professional goals. If you're really not a fan of the gym, join a group class to keep yourself motivated. 


    Pressing pause is important. Studies show that prolonged tasks that require high levels of focus, energy, and attention can cause you to become less productive and focused over time. Take brief mental breaks. When we take 'health breaks' we are much more focused and engaged for our next work, in contrast, when we try to work continually on a project without breaks our quality of work tends to deteriorate. 

    Don't try to do everything at once.

    People believe the more we can do at once, the better.  In fact, the more we multitask, the less efficient and productive we become. Instead, to increase productivity, focus on one task at a time until it's completed and then give all of your attention to the next task. 

    A. Make productivity first. 

    B. Take breaks at times. 

    C. However, research shows the opposite. 

    D. Studies found happier people are more productive. 

    E. It improves your mood and increase your brain's productivity. 

    F. Have a look at these habits of naturally productive people. 

    G. Researches show that daylight exposure improves your levels of activity. 

三、第二部分:语言知识运用,第一节:完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  • 5.  完形填空

    I will never forget the adventure I had last summer. It all started when my friends and I decided to go on a camping trip deep in the forest. We were excited to 1  the wilderness and spend time away from our busy lives. 

    As we set up our tents, we noticed a strange sound coming from the trees. 2 , we heard a loud roar and saw a huge bear 3  toward us! We quickly 4  our bags and ran as fast as we could to escape the danger. 

    After running for several minutes, we 5  we were lost in the woods. Our phones had no signal, and we had no idea how to get back to our campsite. As night fell, we made a 6  to keep warm and tried to come up with a plan. 

    Just when we thought things couldn't get any worse, we heard another sound. This time it was a group of wolves howling in the distance. We knew we had to stay 7 and keep the fire going to 8 them off.

    The next morning, we decided to 9  a nearby stream, hoping it would lead us back to 10 . After hours of walking, we 11  a ranger station. The ranger (守林员) was surprised to see us and offered to help us find our way back to our campsite. 

    We were so 12  when we finally made it back to our tents. Despite the danger and 13  we faced, we were grateful for the experience and the memories we created together. 

    The adventure taught me the importance of being prepared and staying calm in 14  situations. It also 15  me of the beauty and power of nature, which we should always respect and appreciate. 

    A .  destroy B .  explore C .  restore D .  cross
    A .  Suddenly B .  Unfortunately C .  Obviously D .  Basically
    A .  wandering B .  pacing C .  hiking D .  charging
    A .  threw B .  released C .  seized D .  hatched
    A .  realized B .  sustained C .  tolerated D .  resolved
    A .  shelter B .  fire C .  house D .  blanket
    A .  blank B .  sensitive C .  violent D .  alert
    A .  come B .  kick C .  let D .  scare
    A .  follow B .  bridge C .  approach D .  jolt
    A .  recreation B .  harmony C .  civilization D .  neighborhood
    A .  took over B .  broke into C .  came across D .  went through
    A .  committed B .  relieved C .  refreshed D .  qualified
    A .  opportunities B .  jungles C .  moods D .  hardships
    A .  temporary B .  unpredictable C .  miserable D .  complicated
    A .  accused B .  informed C .  reminded D .  cured
  • 6.  阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Fifty years ago, China successfully launched its first satellite, Dongfanghong 1, and started new chapter in space exploration. ( mark ) its 50th anniversary, the China National Space Administration announced the name for the country's Mars planetary exploration program on April 24.

    The mission, Tianwen got its name from a long poem Tianwen  ( write ) by Qu Yuan, a famous poet of the Warring States Period. In the poem, Qu raised a series of questions( concern ) the sky, stars, natural phenomena, myths and the real world, reflecting his doubts on traditional ideas  his pursuit of truth. 

    So far, China (make ) remarkable progress in space exploration. In 1970, China launched its first man-made Earth satellite, becoming the fifth country in the world to launch man-made satellites ( independent ) . Over the past few years, China's missions, including the Shenzhou and Change series were designed to explore outer space, expanded ( mankind ) understanding of Earth and the universe.

    This time, the Tianwen series will carry out the first Mars exploration mission, represents a milestone for China's move toward deep space.

    With the names deep roots in Chinese traditional culture, Tianwen demonstrates the  (determine) and perseverance of Chinese people to move further into deep space. 

五、第三部分  课内知识,第一节 选词填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  • 7. 根据语境,选择下框中的单词替换句中划线部分的单词,使之意思一致。

    A. buffeted B. secure C. adopt D. crucial E. available 

    1. (1) It is advisable for people to take regular exercise,for it is vital to people's physical and mental health. 
    2. (2) With the Dragon Boat Festival approaching, I'd like to invite you to my family get-together on 25th June if you are free.
    3. (3) The rain beat the window heavily. I couldn't fall asleep at all.  
    4. (4) We must protect ourselves against the dangers of the coming storm.  
    5. (5) China is ready to take measures to promote the progress of its new high-tech companies.  
六、第三部分  课内知识,第二节选词填空 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
  • 8. 根据语境,选择下框中的单词或短语,必要时用正确的形式填空。框中有两个单词为多余单词

    encounter, nevertheless, wander, apparently, 

    commit oneself to, keep in touch with, set out

    1. (1) Our school advocated that we building a low-carbon campus. 
    2. (2) I met him when I worked in London, and I  him ever since. 
    3. (3) It's hard to accurately predict what life will be like in the future. , technology developments have raised the prospect of a more convenient and healthy life.
    4. (4) Some universities have reminded the students to remain calm and avoid causing any disturbance when  wild animals on campus. 
    5. (5) Accompanied by a local guide and my adorable children, we  to go camping at a splendid valley. 
七、第三部分  课内知识,第三节 单句语法填空(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
八、第三部分  课内知识,第四节 根据括号里的提示和要求进行句子英汉互译。(共5小题,每题2分,满分10分)
九、第三部分  课内知识,第五部分:书面表达(满分25)
  • 19. 人们对于学生网上交友持有不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并发表自己的看法。 

    注意:1. 文章必须包括表中的全部内容; 
    2. 词数为 80 左右。 

    参考词汇:网络朋友 online friend(s) ,上当受骗 to be cheated 




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    2. 可自由表达思想

    2. 影响学习

    3. 利于外语学习

    3. 可能上当受骗

