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更新时间:2023-10-24 浏览次数:15 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. (2023六下·花都期末) 你想了解你的同学 Tim 这个周末准备去哪里,你如何用英语问他?
  • 2. (2022六上·腾冲期末) 根据所给问题,选出能回答的最佳选项。

    Are you going to sing?                A. My birthday is on July 1st.

    How can I get to the supermarket?      B. I often take tennis lessons.

    When is your birthday?                  C. He's short and strong.

    What do you often do on weekends?   D. Yes, I am.

    What does he look like?                 E. You can get there by bus.

  • 3. 问答匹配。                                  

    A. Yes, it's my favourite book.  

    B. I'd like to see The Monkey King.  
    C. Good idea.  
    D. I'm going to watch TV.  
    E. Yes, I'd like to. 
    1. (1) —Would you like to go with us, Kitty? 


    2. (2) —Shall we go and see Police Story? 


    3. (3) —What are you going to do this weekend? 


    4. (4) —What film would you like to see? 
    5. (5) —Do you like this book? 


  • 4. (2023·高青) Choose. 给问句找答语,将正确选项填在横线中。                                  

    A. They're doing taijiquan.  
    B. I have a headache.  

    C. I want to go to the zoo.  
    D. I'll go to Beijing.  

    E. I took them in Ottawa.  

    F. No,there isn't.  

    G. Good idea. Thank you.  

    1. (1) —What will you do? 
    2. (2) —What are they doing? 


    3. (3) —Is there a gym around? 
    4. (4) —Shall I show you around? 


    5. (5) —What's wrong with you? 


    6. (6) —What do you want to do today? 
    7. (7) —Where did you take them? 


  • 5. 句子匹配。

    A. It's ten yuan.

    B. There are five people in my family.

    C. He is thirty-five.

    D. It's got about twenty million people.

    E. It's more than twenty thousand kilometres.

    1. (1) —How long is the Great Wall?

    2. (2) —How big is Beijing?

    3. (3) —How old is your father?

    4. (4) —How many people are there in your family?

    5. (5) —How much is the cheese?

  • 6. 从方框中为句子选择正确答语。

    A. At half past eleven.

    B . No, it won't.

    C. We're going to play chess.

    D. It will be sunny and hot.

    E. I'm going to watch TV.

    1. (1) —What are we going to do?

    2. (2) —Will it be sunny in Tianjin?

    3. (3) —When are you going to the park?

    4. (4) —What are you going to do after dinner?

    5. (5) —What will the weather be like in Nanjing?

  • 7. 从方框中为句子选择正确的答语。

    A. Yes, l do.

    B. l want a hamburger, please.

    C. A cup of tea, please.

    D. It's ten yuan.

    E. Thank you.

    1. (1) —Can I help you?

    2. (2) —What do you want to drink?

    3. (3) —Here you are!

    4. (4) —Do you want a cola?

    5. (5) —How much is the hamburger?

  • 8. 给下列句子选择正确的答语。

    A. Yes, there are.

    B. Yes, I do.

    C. I have got toy cars.

    D. No, I haven't.

    1. (1) —Have you got a new bicycle?

    2. (2) —Are there any boys in the classroom?

    3. (3) —Do you like apples?

    4. (4) —What toys have you got?

  • 9. 给问句选出合适的答语。

    A. Yes, there is.

    B. Yes, it is. I have got about 1,000 stamps.

    C. No, I don't. I collect Chinese stamps.

    D. Yes, I have.

    E. They are stamps of famous women and men.

    1. (1) —What are those?

    2. (2) —Have you got any stamps?

    3. (3) —Do you collect America stamps?

    4. (4) —Is there a new book for me?

    5. (5) —Is collecting stamps your hobby?

  • 10. 读一读,选一选。

    A. the Dragon Boat Festival

    B. the Spring Festival

    C. the Mid-Autumn Festival

    D. the Lantern Festival

    E. Christmas

    1. (1) —We eat moon cakes. 

    2. (2) —We eat yuanxiao and hang lanterns.

    3. (3) —We can see the dragon boat race.

    4. (4) —People always have a Christmas tree. 

    5. (5) —We can eat dumplings.

