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更新时间:2023-10-24 浏览次数:34 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 读单词,将单词按照类别进行分类,将标号填写在相应的横线上。(其中有一个单词不属于任何一类)

    A.erhu B.west C. shouted D. hundred E.violin F. east G.saw H.flute I. learnt J.north K.broke

    1. (1) 乐 器:  
    2. (2) 方 位:  
    3. (3) 动词过去式:    
  • 2.  看图读句子,将句子的标号填写到与其意思相对应的图片下面的横线上。

    A. We can use the computer to send emails.

    B. Kangaroos jump on their back legs.

    C. The boy sticks the picture on the poster.

    D. May helped Mum and Dad look after her baby brother.

    E. Don't touch the machine.It's dangerous.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 3.  读句子,找出与其含义相符的单词                                 

    A.nervous B.concert C.wolf D.speak E.rest

    1. (1) You know and use a language.
    2. (2) It means "worried or afraid".
    3. (3) This animal looks like a big dog
    4. (4) It is a show in which people play music for other people to listen to.
    5. (5) It means "the time when you are not doing anything and you can sleep".
  • 4.  阅读短文,根据短文内容选择恰当的单词。

    Last weekend, Larry and his friends went to do some cleaning 1  a park. They all put on red vests(马甲) 2  took trash(垃圾) bags. They worked very hard. Two hours later,3 bags were all full of trash. Larry's dad, Mr Jackson, helped call the cleaners to 4 the trash away.They 5  all happy to see the clean park. What a meaningful(有意义的) Red Vest Day!

    A . on B . in
    A . and B .  but
    A . they B . their
    A . take B . took
    A . are B .  were
  • 5.  读图片故事,根据故事内容选择单词填空。                                 

    A.cute  B.one  C.only D. surprise  E.takes  F. washing


    ( A )Peter goes into a pet

    (宠物) shop.He sees a ,brown dog. He wants to buy it.

    "How much is the

    dog?" Peter asks. "115 yuan,"

    says the man. Peter  has

    100 yuan. What can he do?

    The next day, his

    mum gives(给) him five yuan for an ice cream. He doesn't buy .

    His father gives

    him ten yuan for  the car. Now, he has 115 yuan.

    Then, he  the

    money(钱) and goes to the pet shop. But the dog is gone (不在). He is very sad.

    To his , the

    dog is in his home. "Happy

    birthday!" say Mum and Dad.

六、观察饼图(Time Circle),判断句子内容是否与其内容一致。
  • 6. 小学生Daming用饼图记录并重新规划了放学回家后(4:30 pm-9:00 pm)做每件事情的时间,成功解决了没有时间读课外书和锻炼的问题。                                 

    1. (1) Daming watched TV for 1.5 hours before.
    2. (2) He makes dinner time longer(更长的) in his new plan.
    3. (3) He found he used too much time playing with the cat before.
    4. (4) In his new plan, he has 90 minutes to read and do exercise.
    5. (5) Time circles help Daming make a good use of his time.
  • 7.  阅读Linda的日记(Diany),根据日记内容选择最佳选项。                                 

    April 17th Rainy

    My best friend Susan was not at school today. She was ill. In class, I wrote two sets of notes(两套笔记), one for me and one for Susan. After school, I visited Susan to bring homework and notes to her. Susan was so happy. I was happy, too.

    April 20th Sunny

    I saw Ms Brown this morning. She was carrying a lot of books. I opened the door for her.I helped someone in need(需要). I felt so good.

    April 24th Cloudy

    This morning Jack ran into me in the classroom. My pencil case fell on the floor.I got very angry. At that time,I remembered Ms Green's words "When you get angry, count 10 before you say anything." I did that. Jack said "Sorry" to me and I said, "That's OK."I am happy that I didn't say anything bad to him.

    1. (1) Susan was not at school because ____.
      A . she was ill B . she visited Linda C . she was angry
    2. (2) Linda helped Ms Brown on ____.
      A . April 17th B . April 20th C . April 24th
    3. (3) Ms Green asked Linda to ____ when Linda got angry.
      A . say sorry B . say something bad C . count 10
    4. (4) ____ is NOT true(正确的).
      A . Linda remembered Ms Green's words B . Linda helped Ms Brown carry the books C . Linda visited Susan with homework and notes
    5. (5) From Linda's diaries, we know that ____.
      A . she likes writing notes B . she tries to be nice to others C . she is good at counting numbers
  • 8.  阅读故事,根据内容选择最佳选项。

    Li Shizhen was a fantastic doctor in China hundreds of years ago.In his village,there Was

    a quack(庸医). The quack bought a lot of books, but he didn't read them. He used the books

    to show off(炫耀).

    One day after the rainy season(季节), the quack asked his family to dry(晾晒) the books in

    the sun. Soon, the books were all around his house. "I'm drying my books," the quack said to everyone. He was very .

    Li Shizhen saw what the quack was doing.He lay (躺)down and began to show his belly (肚子).The quack asked, "What are you doing?' "Also drying my books! he answered. "Where are your books?" the quack asked. "Here," Li Shizhen said with a smile and pointed to his belly. When

    the quack heard that, his face turned red.

    1. (1) Who was Li Shizhen?
      A . A doctor. B . A farmer. C . A teacher.
    2. (2) Where did the quack dry the books?
      A . In his belly. B . In his house. C . Around his house.
    3. (3) "He was very ." ,which word best fits(最适合)in the blank(空白处)?
      A . worried B . proud C . bored
    4. (4) According to(根据)the story, which of the statements(叙述)is NOT true?
      A . The quack loved buying books. B . Li Shizhen lay down to read books. C . The story happened hundreds of years ago.
    5. (5) What did Li Shizhen want to tell the quack?

      A . It's important to buy books, not dry books. B . It's important to dry books, not read books. C . It's important to read books, not show off books.
  • 9. 仿照例文,介绍你喜欢的一种动物,不少于五句话,不能抄写文段中划线的内容。

    My Favourite Animal

    My favourite animal is rabbits. They eat fruit and vegetables. They have long ears. They can run fast. I like them because they are lovely.

