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更新时间:2023-09-28 浏览次数:40 类型:小升初模拟
  • 43.  完形填空

    Fire can help people in many 1 . But it can also be dangerous. Fire can keep your house 2 , give light and cook food. But fire can burn things too. 

    3  knows how people began to use fire. But there are many interesting old stories about how a man or a woman 4  a fire. One is about a man. The man lived a very long time ago. He went up to the sun and 5  fire down. 

    Today people know how to 6  a fire with matches(火柴). Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very 7 . One match can burn a piece of paper, and it could burn a house. A small fire can 8  into a big fire very quickly. So you 9  be careful not to play with fire. 

    If you are careful, fire will help you a lot. But if you are not careful enough, it may 10  you.

    A . places B . thing C . ways D . countries
    A . warm B . bright C . cool D . hot
    A . Anybody B . Nobody C . Somebody D . Everybody
    A . invented B . caught C . wanted D . started
    A . put B . carried C . brought D . took
    A . do B . make C . keep D . give
    A . useful B . friendly C . dangerous D . useless
    A . get B . turn C . pour D . put
    A . can B . will C . may D . must
    A . lose B . hurt C . help D . worry
  • 49. 看漫画,将下面的句子按图片正确的顺序排序(其中1已给出)

    Not this one! I want the big boy book!

    I will see you later, dad!

       1   Dad, can you hand me that book?

    Or maybe not…

    Maybe the boy wants to start taking school seriously.

    Yes, I want these books.

  • 50.  阅读选择

    One day, Tony's mother goes to the river to do some washing. Before she leaves (出发),she says to him, "Tony, when I am away, stay near the door and watch it all the time!" She says this because she is afraid of the thieves.

    Tony sits down beside the door. After an hour, one of his uncle comes. He asks Tony: "Where is your mother?" "She has gone to the river to do some washing," Tony answers. "Well," says his uncle, "Now it is one forty-five. Three hours later we ate going to visit your family. Go and tell her about it, for I'm too busy. I have to hurry…"

    After his uncle is away, Tony begins to think: Mother asks me to watch the door all the time and my uncle tells me to go and tell my mother. What shall I do?" He thinks and thinks. Finally, he pulls down the door, puts it on his back and goes to the river with it.

    1. (1) One day, Tony's mother goes to the river to ____.
      A . have a swim B . do some washing C . catch the fish
    2. (2) The Chinese meaning of ‘thieves' is ____.
      A . 邻居 B . 乞丐 C . 小偷
    3. (3) After an hour, Tony's ____ comes.
      A . uncle B . aunt C . brother
    4. (4) They're going to visit Tony's family at ____.
      A . 1:45 B . 4:15 C . 4:45
    5. (5) What do you think of Tony? 
      A . He's smart. B . He's careful. C . He's foolish.
  • 51. 阅读判断                                 

    Invitation (邀请函)Welcome to my New Year Party

    Date & Time: 3:00-5:00 pm on 1st January (Saturday)

    Place: Room 401, Building 5, Renmin Road

    Send me an email: Fangfang@ 163. com or call me: 12324 6588

    With some snacks or a gift under $8 come and join us!

    1. (1) The invitation is for a New Year party. 
    2. (2) The party will be in the afternoon of Sunday. 
    3. (3) The party will last(持续)about 3 hours. 
    4. (4) You can send an email to Fangfang@163. com or call: 1234 6588 if you want to the party. 
    5. (5) If you go to Fangfang's party, you can take some snacks or a gift($6).
  • 52. 任务型阅读

    "Well, we're in our new house. Let's get a new pet," Mrs Brown said to her husband.

    "That sounds a good idea," he answered.

    "Let's go to the animals shelter. Many pets there need homes. we can go together tomorrow," she said.

    The next morning, the Browns met Mr Snow at the animal shelter. "We want to be sure that the pets here go to good homes," Mr Snow said, "So I need to ask you some questions. "

    After they talked for a while, the Browns planned to get a small dog. It wouldn't need a big house or a big yard. A small dog would bark and warn(警告) them if someone tried to come into their house. After Mr Snow gave the Browns a book on pet care, they chose one and wanted to take her home at once. But the animal doctor needed to check her. So Mr Snow told them to come again the next day. On Sunday afternoon the Browns went to the animal shelter. The animal doctor said, "Shadow has all of the shots(预防针). She will be healthy." The Browns thanked the doctor and went home with the dog.

    1. (1) Shadow is the  of a small dog.
    2. (2) The Browns met Mr Snow on  morning.
    3. (3) The "Animal shelter" is a place to keep animals that have homes.
    4. (4) The Browns think a small dog can help them keep their house .
    5. (5) The Browns  the dog home on Sunday afternoon.
  • 53. 暑假就要开始了,Helen正在做暑假计划。请根据提示写一篇小短文。


    Summer holiday plans

    Summer holiday is coming. Helen is going to    ▲    . She is going to     ▲    . She    ▲    

