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更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:37 类型:小升初模拟
  • 11. 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项填写在答卷上。

    Yoga(瑜伽)is a kind of sport. It's very 1 around the world now. Everyone can do yoga. It's good 2 both men and women. Why do more and more people 3 yoga? It's hard to say. The short answer is that yoga helps you 4 fit. For many people, this answer is enough, 5 if you have an interest in it, there's more. People ant to live a long life. They also want to be 6 . Yoga is a good way to exercise. So more and more people like this kind of 7 . It has 8 parts: exercise, breathing and thinking. If you do 9 in yoga, it can 10 you peace(平静)and help you feel less stressed(焦虑的).

    A .  nice B .  cute C .  easy D .  popular
    A .  for B .  in C .  with D .  at
    A .  see B .  like C .  hate(讨厌) D .  make
    A .  take B .  make C .  turn D .  keep
    A .  so B .  or C .  but(但是) D .  because
    A .  strong B .  warm C .  busy D .  poor(贫穷的)
    A .  trip B .  meeting C .  sport D .  movie
    A .  two B .  three C .  four D .  five
    A .  good B .  well C .  bad D .  nice
    A .  bring B .  take C .  find D .  get
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Mark Twain was travelling with one of his friends by train. His friends lost his wallet(钱包)and asked Twain to pay for his ticket. 

    "But I don't have enough money to buy two tickets," Twain said.

    His friend didn't know what to do.

    "I have an idea," said Twain. "We can get on the train and when the conductor(售票员)comes to check the tickets, you can hide under my seat. " Later, however, when the conductor came, Twain gave him two tickets—one for his friend and one for himself. Then he explained in a loud voice, "My friend is a strange man. When he rides on a train, he doesn't like to sit on the seat. He likes to lie(躺)on the floor under the seat. " Of course everybody on the train looked at the poor man and laughed at him.

    1. (1) Why did the friend ask Mark Twain to buy him a ticket?
      A . Because he thought Twain was rich. B . Because Twain owed(欠)him money. C . Because he left his wallet at home. D . Because he lost his wallet.
    2. (2) When the conductor came, ____ hid under the seat. 
      A . Mark Twain B . Mark Twain's friend C . both of them D . neither of them
    3. (3) Which one is true?
      A . Mark Twain's friend played a joke on the conductor. B . Mark Twain played a joke on his friend. C . His friend played a joke on Mark Twain. D . The conductor played a joke on his friend.
  • 13.  阅读理解

    The Black family is going to London for a holiday today. And they have to be at the airport at eleven forty. "It'll take us thirty minutes to get there in the taxi," Mr Black says. "So we have to be ready by eleven o'clock. Nobody should be late. "

    At ten to eleven, Mrs Black is sitting quietly in the garden. But Mr Black and their son and daughter are still running around in a hurry. At eleven o'clock, the taxi gets to their home. Mrs Black says to them, "Well, I know that this is going to happen, so before I went to bed last night, I moved all our clocks and watches forward(向前拨动)by twenty minutes. Now we can go to the airport without worrying about being late. "

    1. (1) There are ____ people in the Black family. 
      A . 4 B . 3 C . 5 D . 6
    2. (2) They are going to London by ____. 
      A . train B . taxi C . sea D . plane
    3. (3) It will take them ____ to get to the airport by taxi. 
      A . fifteen minutes B . half an hour C . forty minutes D . ten minutes
    4. (4) They will arrive at the airport at about ____. 
      A . 10:50 B . 11:10 C . 11:40 D . 11:50
    5. (5) Mrs Black moved all their clocks and watches forward last night because she didn't want to ____.
      A . be late B . be ready C . miss the taxi D . arrive on time
  • 14. 阅读理解

    Once there was a rabbit. He was proud of his long ears and long feet. He was also very proud of how fast he ran. 

    "No one can catch me," Rabbit said proudly. "I'm wonderful!"

    "We should teach him a lesson," said Mouse. "What can we do?"

    "I know what to do," said Turtle slowly.

    "Would you like to have a race?" Turtle asked Rabbit. "Let's race to Big Rock. "

    "Do I want to race? With you?" laughed Rabbit loudly. "You are just a slow turtle. "

    Turtle smiled, "I can win. "

    "Let's go!" Rabbit said.

    They began to race. Rabbit ran fast. He left Turtle far behind. Then he saw a restaurant. "I'm hungry. And Turtle runs slower than me. I have enough time for dinner," he thought happily.

    When Rabbit was having a delicious meal, Turtle went past the restaurant. He did not stop. But Rabbit caught up with him quickly and left him behind again. 

    Rabbit felt a bit tired then. He found a stump. He slept against the stump. Turtle did not stop. He went past the stump. He ran slower than Rabbit. But he ran and ran. 

    Suddenly, Rabbit opened his eyes. He jumped up quickly. He ran faster than before. But it was too late. Turtle won the race. 

    (改编自《快乐英语阅读》六年级下册The Rabbit and The Turtle

    1. (1) What was Rabbit proud of?
      A . His short ears and short feet. B . His long ears and long feet. C . His big eyes and a short tail. D . His white hair and a short tail.
    2. (2) What's the destination(终点)of the running race?
      A . A stump. B . Big Rock. C . A restaurant. D . A house.
    3. (3) Why did Mouse and Turtle want to give Rabbit a lesson?
      A . Because Rabbit was too proud. B . Because Rabbit was not friendly. C . Because Rabbit was helpful. D . Because Rabbit was kind.
    4. (4) Who won the race at last?
      A . Rabbit. B . Mouse. C . Turtle. D . Dog.
    5. (5) What can we learn from the story?
      A . When we have a race, we should have a rest. B . We shouldn't have a running race with our friends. C . Turtle runs quickly. But Rabbit runs too slowly. D . We should be modest(谦虚的)and not laugh at others.
  • 15. 请认真阅读下面对话,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,填写在答卷上。选项中有一项为多余选项。                                 

    A. Thank you. 

    B. How will you go there?

    C. Where are you going to visit?

    D. How long will you stay there?

    E. Are you going to have a trip during the holiday?

    F. Who will go there with you?

    A: Hi, Wang Bing. 

    B: Hi, Liu Tao. 

    A: The summer holiday is coming.

    B: Yes, I am. 


    B: I plan to go to Mount Taishan. 

    A: Mount Taishan?

    B: Yes. It's very beautiful.

    A: Wow, it's great!

    B: I will take a train. 


    B: My classmates and our teacher. 


    B: We will stay there for a week. 

    A: You'll have a wonderful trip.

    B: I think so. I'm sure we'll enjoy it very much.

  • 26. 请认真阅读下面短文,联系上下文,根据首字母提示填空。

    Chinese New Year is the m important festival is China. We also c it the Spring Festival. It is usually in J or f. Before Chinese New Year, we always c our houses and b lots of food. On Chinese New Year's Eve, we usually have d with our families. We usually l a lot of fireworks and firecrackers at Chinese New Year. This year, we won't do that because that makes the air d. We should keep the air clean and p our Earth.

  • 27. 阅读表达

    A car race is held near our town every year. In 2022, there was a very big race. Thousands of people went there to watch it. My friend and I were there, too. You could see us in the crowd(人群). We stood on the left. There were twenty cars in the race. They were from different countries. The race was very exciting. Both the people and the cars made much noise. All of the cars ran forward with full speed(速度). No. 12 car ran faster than the other cars. It won the first prize. The winner was Phillip. When we drove home, my friend said to me, "Slow down! It's not a car race. "

    1. (1) Where is the car race held?
    2. (2) How many people went to watch the race in 2022?
    3. (3) Who was the winner?

