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更新时间:2023-10-17 浏览次数:18 类型:开学考试
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Dear Reader,

    Medical related emergencies are on the rise. More seniors are seeking an independent lifestyle and better quality of life. Over 1 in 3 people over the age of 64 will fall this year. Nearly half will not be able to get up without support. Medical expenses can escalate when a person is not given timely support. You can prevent a medical catastrophe with our 24-hour emergency response system. Our solution is highly recommended by doctors, healthcare professionals, and hospitals. 

    We are offering a FREE Medical Alert System to seniors or their loved ones who call now. For a limited time, there will be no set-up fees and the medical monitoring starts at less than a dollar a day. Call Toll-Free 1-800-360-0405 and gain peace of mind. There is no long-term contract. Our new system can detect falls automatically. Our medical alert professionals can walk you through everything over the phone. 

    The first 100 callers to order will receive:

    • Free Medical Alert System ($300 value)

    • 24 Hours a Day / 7 Days a Week LIVE Monitoring and Support

    • Free Waterproof Necklace Pendant or Wristband

    • No Long-Term Contract

    • Free Shipping (mention "Reader's Digest")

    Don't wait until after a fall to give us a call. Take advantage of this special offer now to protect yourself or a loved one.

    Call Now Toll-Free 1-800-360-0405 and mention "Reader's Digest".


    Geoff Gross

    1. (1) Which statement about the medical alert system is TRUE?
      A . All medical catastrophes can be avoided after using it. B . Its service runs in the daytime and stops at night. C . It is a 24-hour emergency response system. D . It can stop a medical related emergency.
    2. (2) What can you receive if you are the 88th caller?
      A . Free medical alert system. B . Shipping fee discount. C . Long-term contract. D . A waterproof ring.
    3. (3) This passage aims to____. 
      A . warn people of the high risk of falls B . promote a medical alert system C . urge the government to cut medical expenses D . provide advice to old people on how to prevent falls
  • 2.  阅读理解

    As the world starts to become increasingly aware of the dirty carbon footprint left behind by airplane travel, could it be time to bring back to the air ship? Hybrid Air vehicle, a UK-based company, has recently displayed a new concept design of their around 100-passenger air-ships that hopes to revolutionize city tripping, all while reducing carbon emissions (排放). The images of the flashy inside parts are just an ambitious plan for the moment, but the company argued the air ship would be well-suited to city-to-city trips. 

    A journey by air ship would take slightly longer than one by airplane. For example, a flight from Liverpool to Belfast across the Irish Sea is approximately 4 hours and 24 minutes, check-in and security time included, while the air ship will take 5 hours and 20 minutes in theory. However, the payoff comes in the amount of carbon dioxide released—67. 75 kilograms (149. 36 pounds) of carbon emissions per passenger by plane, compared to 4. 75 kilograms (10,47 pounds) per passenger by air ship. 

    The company claims their standard Airlander 10 model can now complete journeys with a total of a 75 percent reduction in emissions compared to conventional aircrafts. They eventually hope to introduce a hybrid-electric (混合电能的) model by 2025, which would reduce emissions by 90 percent, then a totally electric model by 2030 that would be a zero emissions aircraft. 

    In a bid to attract air travel enthusiasts, the company also hopes to make the experience more pleasurable than the typical journey of sticky seats and minimal leg room. "For many decades flying from A to B has meant sitting in a metal tube with tiny windows—a necessity but not always a pleasure. On Airlander, the whole experience is pleasant, even enjoyable," George Land, Commercial Business Development Director at Hybrid Air vehicle, said in a recent statement.

    1. (1) What is the new air ship designed for?
      A . Reducing the use of carbon. B . Trips with fewer passengers. C . Traveling specially between cities. D . The lowest cost of trips for passengers.
    2. (2) Why does the author list the figures in Paragraph 2?
      A . To highlight the speed of the airplane. B . To stress the disadvantages of the new airship. C . To indicate the potential market of the new airship. D . To present the positive effect of the new air ship on the environment.
    3. (3) What is the plan of the company for the new air ship?
      A . Producing a hybrid-electric model by 2030. B . Producing a fully electric model by 2030. C . Completing the standard Airlander 10 model by 2025. D . Putting the standard Airlander 10 model into service by 2025.
    4. (4) What does George Land think of the traditional airplane?
      A . It's much safe. B . Its atmosphere is more pleasant. C . Its seats are too hard. D . Its space is too narrow.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    Race walking shares many fitness benefits with running, research shows, while most likely contributing to fewer injuries. It does, however, have its own problem. 

    Race walkers are conditioned athletes. The longest track and field event at the Summer Olympics is the 50-kilometer race walk, which is about five miles longer than the marathon. But the sport's rules require that a race walker's knees stay straight through most of the leg swing and one foot remain in contact with the ground at all times. It's this strange form that makes race walking such an attractive activity, however, says Jaclyn Norberg, an assistant professor of exercise science at Salem State University in Salem, Mass.

    Like running, race walking is physically demanding, she says, According to most calculations, race walkers moving at a pace of six miles per hour would burn about 800 calories per hour, which is approximately twice as many as they would burn walking, although fewer than running, which would probably burn about 1,000 or more calories per hour. 

    However, race walking does not pound the body as much as running does, Dr. Norberg says. According to her research, runners hit the ground with as much as four times their body weight per step, while race walkers, who do not leave the ground, create only about 1. 4 times their body weight with each step. 

    As a result, she says, some of the injuries associated with running, such as runner's knee, are uncommon among race walkers. But the sport's strange form does place considerable stress on the ankles and hips, so people with a history of such injuries might want to be cautious in adopting the sport. In fact, anyone wishing to try race walking should probably first consult a coach or experienced racer to learn proper technique, she says. It takes some practice.

    1. (1) Why are race walkers conditioned athletes?
      A . They must run long distances. B . They have to follow special rules. C . They are qualified for the marathon. D . They are good at swinging their legs.
    2. (2) What advantage does race walking have over running?
      A . It's more popular at the Olympics. B . It's less challenging physically. C . It's more effective in body building. D . It's less likely to cause knee injuries.
    3. (3) What is Dr. Norberg's suggestion for someone trying race walking?
      A . Hiring an experienced coach. B . Having a medical checkup. C . Getting experts' opinions. D . Doing regular exercises.
    4. (4) Which word best describes the author's attitude to race walking?
      A . Objective. B . Skeptical. C . Tolerant. D . Conservative.
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Have you ever noticed that the stars sometimes appear brighter in December, January and February? There's a link between cold air and the night lights. "Part of it is that it tends to be drier in the winter," said Diane Tumshek, an astronomer at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Even though it's invisible, moisture can change the way light moves through the air. And in the summer, moisture can make stars appear more dull.

    Air temperature is also what puts the twinkle twinkle in the little stars. "Even on very clear nights, some of the atmosphere is cooler, and some of the atmosphere is warmer," said Tumshek, who also works with the Allegheny Observatory. "And when the light from a star passes through those bubbles of varying temperatures, it bends and shifts the light, so that we are seeing stars appear to dance or twinkle," she said.

    For star lovers in the United States, there's another factor that comes into play for bright winter stars, although this is a matter of coincidence. "During Earth's journey around the sun, there are just simply more bright stars visible from the Northern Hemisphere in the winter sky," Tumshek said. If you really want to see a shiny star, just try to find a burning ball of gas called Sirius near the horizon. At 8.6 light-years away, Sirius is relatively close to Earth and the brightest star visible in the night sky. It is also large — nearly twice as big as our sun and 20 times as bright. So this winter, when the world turns cold and it seems like we should be spending more time indoors, consider asking an adult to go exploring outside. With a warm coat and a clear sky, any night can be turned into a treasure hunt. All you have to do is look up.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "dull" in Paragraph 1 probably mean?
      A . not exciting B . not shiny C . not severe D . not smart
    2. (2) How does air temperature influence the brightness of stars?
      A . By changing the bubbles around them. B . By putting the twinkle twinkle in them. C . By making the stars dance and twinkle in the sky. D . By varying the direction of the light from them.
    3. (3) What do we know about Sirius?
      A . It can be found at any night. B . It is closer to Earth than other stars. C . It is 20 times as bright as the sun. D . It is a burning and shiny ball.
    4. (4) What is the author's purpose in writing the text?
      A . To explain why stars are more visible in winter. B . To present new research results about stars. C . To call on people to focus on stars. D . To advocate stargazing in winter.
  • 5.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Increase your creativity

    Every month I face the same problem—how to write educational, informative and, hopefully, interesting articles. . At other times my mind goes blank (空白的), and I experience a creative block. 

    At times we all face creative challenges in life, from designing websites to decorating our apartments, but there are ways to work through creative slumps (低潮). 


    For years, others may have told you to stop daydreaming. . Daydreaming sometimes helps you take a more creative approach to your problem. 

    Be happy

    Some studies suggest that a positive mood encourages creativity because it increases activity in the parts of the brain related to decision-making and feelings. 

    Face-to-face conversations with friends can lead to creative thinking. 

    Take risks

    Don't let fear hold you back. You won't succeed at everything you try. But with each new effort, you will build self-confidence and develop new skills for the future.

    Limit your amusement

    Everyone enjoys entertainment. . Literature and audiobooks are better forms of amusement because they force you to use your imagination. 

    Look for inspiration

    Activities such as listening to music, going to museums and travelling all provide sources of inspiration. 

    Go offline and go outside

    Remember how much fun you had as a child running, playing and pretending? Your imagination simply ran away with you. , and can help you get back some of that creative energy from your childhood. 

    A. Get social

    B. Make friends

    C. Nature settings fire the imagination

    D. In fact, letting your mind run briefly can actually be helpful

    E. Sometimes I can just sit down at my computer and the words just flow

    F. Reading relaxes the mind and encourages you to use your imagination

    G. But watching TV, for instance, requires little thought and can actually decrease creativity  

  • 6.  阅读下面两篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    During my first three years as a 1  student, I spent my time studying. I rarely spoke with patients. Then I 2  visiting stroke patients to gather data. 

    There was a stroke patient I called Ms. A. When I walked into her room. She was lying on bed. I sat on a chair next to her bed and 3  her I wanted to gather some information. She 4

    When I finished, she asked whether she could get back to her 5 life. I replied I didn't know much about her case. She started making conversation. I was

    6  she would want to 7 . She talked about herself. She had three children, who were with a neighbour. Her husband died a year ago. 

    I didn't know what to say. I held her hands and sat 8 . Then I 9 she just wanted me to listen. The conversation 10 for about 20 minutes. She shared her sufferings and expressed her fear about what would become of her

    11  if something bad happened to her. 

    Finally, she stopped talking and said, "12 for keeping you listen to my problems. Doctor, thank you. " She let go of my 13 . I stood up, waved goodbye and left.

    Ms. A taught me an important lesson. Sometimes patients do not 14  expensive medicine. They just need someone with the patience to 15

    A .  chemical B .  medical C .  physical D .  emotional
    A .  avoided B .  finished C .  started D .  stopped
    A .  asked B .  forced C .  ordered D .  told
    A .  agreed B .  left C .  refused D .  cried
    A .  meaningful B .  realistic C .  normal D .  practical
    A .  annoyed B .  surprised C .  entertained D .  amused
    A .  sing B .  talk C .  walk D .  dance
    A .  quietly B .  freely C .  angrily D .  nervously
    A .  recalled B .  heard C .  remembered D .  realized
    A .  put on B .  took on C .  went on D .  called on
    A .  children B .  father C .  mother D .  sister
    A .  Happy B .  Grateful C .  Sad D .  Sorry
    A .  eyes B .  feet C .  hands D .  arms
    A .  buy B .  hope C .  take D .  need
    A .  play B .  listen C .  help D .  discuss
  • 7.  阅读下面两篇短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Chris Person lost his wallet outside a Publix store. The wallet contained his license, credit cards, plenty of cash, and some gift cards. He 1  his pockets and the parking lot carefully but came up empty. He had completely become


    The next day, two 3  who Chris Person had never met before drove to his home in Palmetto Bay. To his excitement, he was told that 15-year-old Lucas had

    4 the wallet in the parking lot by chance. Then he decided to go with his father to Chris's to 5 it in person.

    Chris became impressed with the 6 the father had obviously passed on to his child, 7 because every note of the more than $ 1,000 in cash was still in the wallet. "They both refused my 8 without hesitation when I insisted they 9 the money that was inside, and they said they just wanted to do the

    10 thing—and they did," Chris told CNN. "The father intended to teach his boy the meaning of a selfless and honest act by 11 him for thousands of miles here. And I believe the boy will always make right decisions whenever he faces the same situation in the future. "

    During their conversation, Chris 12  that the warm-hearted boy liked rock and roll. Therefore, he was determined to do something meaningful to 13  the boy for his kindness. The following weekend, Chris and his wife got a new surround sound system. Chris had been remembering that Lucas was very 14  of music, so he called Lucas up and asked if he wanted it. The boy was both 15  and satisfied by the gift. 

    A .  designed B .  found C .  searched D .  pressed
    A .  hopeless B .  confident C .  relaxed D .  bored
    A .  teens B .  boys C .  strangers D .  managers
    A .  stolen B .  noticed C .  lost D .  delivered
    A .  describe B .  repair C .  post D .  return
    A .  virtue B .  appearance C .  wealth D .  tradition
    A .  usually B .  especially C .  generally D .  fortunately
    A .  call B .  answer C .  help D .  offer
    A .  change B .  lend C .  claim D .  keep
    A .  dangerous B .  strange C .  right D .  different
    A .  accompanying B .  greeting C .  updating D .  arguing
    A .  protested B .  rejected C .  learned D .  whispered
    A .  pay off B .  pay back C .  turn back D .  pick up
    A .  short B .  fond C .  tired D .  reliable
    A .  surprised B .  disappointed C .  confused D .  embarrassed
  • 8.  语篇填空

    Nowadays, it is common that more and more high school students open their own micro blogs on the Internet. For one thing, it can provide a colorful platform to show their talent. For , it is a useful way (release) their pressure. And all these make it more and more popular with high school students. many parents and teachers hold a different view. They think that (manage) one's micro blog will take a lot of time and energy, should be used to study.

    In my view, I am greatly in favor of this activity. Today the Internet is playing

    important role in our life. Therefore as high school students of the Information Age, we need to learn to make use of this valuable tool to communicate and display ourselves. What's more, opening and organizing micro blogs need (vary) abilities such as writing, designing, being skillful at computer and so on. Only if we master those abilities can we make a successful micro blog. As a result, we improve ourselves while (organize) our micro blogs.

    In fact, micro blog  (oneself) is of little harm. It is your attitude towards it  matters. We should take the advantages and avoid some bad effects. 

  • 9.  暑假结束了,大家对这个暑假的感受一定各不相同,请同学们以A(n) _____ Summer Vacation为题写一篇短文。


    A(n) Summer Vacation

