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更新时间:2023-08-30 浏览次数:39 类型:二轮复习
  • 1. (2023·吉林) 根据短文内容, 从每小题所给的三个选项中, 选出一个正确答案。

    As an exchange student, Tony has studied in China for one year.He finds where students have lessons is different 1  China and America. 

    In China, most students stay in the same classroom to have different lessons.When the school bell rings, students wait for their teachers 2  then start their lessons.Students put their school things in the 3

    In America, however, things are quite different.For 4  subjects, students are supposed to go and find the right classrooms.They have to 5  their classrooms.They put their things in the lockers (储物柜)out of the classrooms. 

    Tony thinks these two patterns have their own advantages.He likes both of them.

    A .  outside B .  behind C .  between
    A .  and B .  but C .  or
    A .  playground B .  office C .  classrooms
    A .  easy B .  different C .  busy
    A .  break B .  change C .  lose
  • 2. (2023·长春)  阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

    Most of us may often take no notice of ants. But this is not the case for Huang Yifan, a 17-year-old 1  from Shandong. He likes ants and has discovered many 2  secrets behind their behavior. It helped him 3  a national high school science competition.

    He found that though ants live underground for a long time, they can still find out whether other ants 4  the same nest (窝) by looking at, smelling and touching them.

    To test his 5 . Huang made a nest with about 100 ants, using a plastic bottle. He took one ant out and painted its abdomen (腹部) blue. Then he put the painted ant back into the nest and 6 to see what would happen to it. "After the ant which was painted blue goes into the nest, the other ants try to attack (攻击) and 7 it out of the nest with difficulty." Huang said. "But when the ants discover the painted ant belongs to the same nest by using their sense of 8 , they stop attacking."

    Huang 9 further with instruments like cameras to learn about the ants' ability to tell their own nestmates. "Social insects such as ants and bees have a (n) 10 ability to do that. It's especially fun that ants are 11 to humans in some ways. They also know how to work together," Huang said.

    Huang's achievements don't depend on luck but on his great 12 . Huang has 13 about 1, 000 ants since he was ten, using his 14 of the needed temperature and light. Even if most people think the tests are boring, he sticks to doing them 15 . And he will go on doing more scientific projects in the future.

    A . doctor B . student C . officer D . worker
    A . moving B . scary C . interesting D . sad
    A . compare B . decide C . start D . win
    A . come from B . clear out C . give up D . set up
    A . skill B . talent C . discovery D . wish
    A . failed B . waited C . forgot D . regretted
    A . pull B . steal C . follow D . hang
    A . direction B . taste C . smell D . safety
    A . agreed B . researched C . doubted D . guessed
    A . weak B . old C . new D . strong
    A . polite B . open C . fair D . similar
    A . health B . support C . effort D . kindness
    A . raised B . led C . met D . surprised
    A . risk B . knowledge C . list D . symbol
    A . loudly B . nervously C . patiently D . quickly
  • 3. (2022·吉林) 根据短文内容,从每小题所给的三个选项中,选出一个正确答案。

    Dear classmates, I learned how to make dumplings last month. Let me introduce the steps of making dumplings to you.

    First, cut 1 the vegetables and the meat, and put them in a bowl.

    Next, add some salt and oil, and 2 them together.

    Then, put a 3 of filling (饺子馅) in a wrapper (饺子皮) and fold the wrapper around it.

    Finally, put the dumplings in the boiling water and cook 4 they are on the surface of the water. And then it's time to enjoy them.

    I'm so 5 to share my way of making dumplings. Thanks for listening.

    A . up B . off C . down
    A . mix B . fix C . print
    A . basket B . spoon C . box
    A . though B . since C . until
    A . angry B . happy C . bored

