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更新时间:2023-09-27 浏览次数:20 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What happened to the train?
      A . It was late. B . It was canceled. C . It arrived three hours earlier.
    2. (2) Where does the conversation probably take place?
      A . On a train. B . In a restaurant. C . At the train station.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman think of chicken?
      A . She can accept it. B . She doesn't like its taste. C . She thinks it's very delicious.
    2. (2) What does the woman like to drink while eating cake?
      A . Cola. B . Coffee. C . Juice.
    3. (3) What are the speakers talking about?
      A . How to enjoy meals. B . How to go on a diet. C . How to eat healthily.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the woman want to return the shoes?
      A . They can't be worn. B . They're of poor quality. C . They are not the right size.
    2. (2) How did the woman's mom feel about the present?
      A . Funny. B . Confused. C . Worried.
    3. (3) When will the company send the new shoes?
      A . In 2 days. B . In 3 days. C . In 6 days.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why is the man in the town?
      A . To paint. B . To visit. C . To study.
    2. (2) What will people do in the Town Hall?
      A . Enjoy art. B . Dance. C . Have dinner.
    3. (3) Where could the man expect to meet interesting people?
      A . At the city library. B . At the center square. C . At the street market.
    4. (4) How much will the man and the woman's family pay for the food festival in total?
      A . 50 yuan. B . 55 yuan. C . 75 yuan.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why is the guided climbing tour set up?
      A . To provide a good way of exercising. B . To help people learn about the engineer. C . To let people enjoy the tower from within.
    2. (2) What is the main feature of the second floor?
      A . The private office. B . The glass floor. C . The view of Paris.
    3. (3) What is the speaker probably?
      A . An engineer. B . A travel agent. C . An architect.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    You're lost in the woods, in the sea or on the mountain. You have your smart phone with you. At this time, don't worry as you can use the following apps on your phone to get help.

    BootPrint Survival

    The BootPrint Survival app can keep track of the last position where you had a cell phone signal (信号). If and when you find yourself lost and without a cell phone signal, just open up BootPrint Survival, which tells you the direction and distance to the last position where you had a signal. Then it's simply a matter of finding your way back.

    Wild Edibles

    "Wildman" Steve Brill is an experienced explorer and naturalist who poured his knowledge of wild foods into this handy app. Though humans can go weeks without eating, our bodies work much better with a little food in our stomachs. Out in the wild it can be just as dangerous to eat the wrong thing as to eat nothing, and the Wild Edibles app provides detailed descriptions and pictures of each plant as well as food preparation instructions.

    Army Survival

    You can't have too much good information when it comes to saving your life. The Army Survival guide app draws information from a survival guide written by the U.S. Army and covers water, dangerous animals to avoid, and how to find and prepare food. This app has topics like cold weather survival and how to get by in the desert.

    SAS Survival Guide

    If you've gotten to this point, it probably means you're considering spending at least a night out in nature. The SAS Survival Guide was born as a book written by John Wiseman, a former SAS (British Special Air Service) soldier and instructor. The 400-page book has been translated to both iPhone and Android apps and is full of information on first aid, shelter-building, eating, drinking, and tips to guide you through places like forests, deserts, the sea coast and cold weather environments.

    1. (1) How can BootPrint Survival help you out?
      A . By helping find your best path forward. B . By providing a cell phone signal for you. C . By recording all the places you have been to. D . By guiding you to a place with a cell phone signal.
    2. (2) What do Wild Edibles and Army Survival have in common?
      A . They have information on food. B . They offer tips on driving away animals. C . They can be used to teach cooking at home. D . They are developed under the guidance of a book.
    3. (3) Which app can you turn to if you need to build a place to sleep at night?
      A . BootPrint Survival. B . Wild Edibles. C . Army Survival. D . SAS Survival Guide.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Rob Kenney's dad left him when he was little. At a time when he was on the path to young adulthood, he had no father to guide him on the way. He had a painful experience as a young boy, but learned, with the help of his marriage, to forgive his dad just before his dad died in his 80s. Now, with a wife of 29 years and two successful adult children — Kristine, 27, who works with kids, and Kyle, a software engineer — Kenney wants to pay it forward.

    "My goal in life was to raise good adults, not good children," he explains. The fact that his kids have both grown up and left the house left him thinking how he might help others. And the quarantine (隔离期) was actually the perfect time for him to finally share some key life skills with other kids who might be growing up in difficult situations — maybe they've lost a parent or have parents who are absent.

     So the dad set up a heart-warming YouTube program called Dad, How Do I?, a program that shares instructional videos like how to cook a meal and tie a perfect tie.

    His practical tips have really touched the viewers, which are growing in number day by day. Rob Kenney is just what the Internet needs — a caring dad who wants to share his skills. It's no wonder that he has gotten as many as 1.9 million fans in return.

    The unbelievable success of Rob Kenney's videos suggests the need for a good father figure in a child's life. From teaching basic life skills to encouraging them to be kind, a father figure helps kids develop into active members of society. He especially instructs them in good manners, being honest, and being grateful.

    1. (1) What do we know about Kenney?
      A . He learnt a lot from his dad. B . He learnt life skills from his wife. C . He once hated his father so much. D . He recognised his failing as a father.
    2. (2) Why did Kenney start the program?
      A . To offer tips on how to deal with loneliness. B . To teach life skills to kids with absent parents. C . To prepare his own children for the adulthood. D . To encourage people to lead a healthy life.
    3. (3) What does the author think of Kenney's videos?
      A . Their popularity is no surprise. B . They are beautifully made. C . They should cover more skills. D . They need something moving.
    4. (4) What does the author want to show in the last paragraph?
      A . Best qualities of a good father figure. B . Lessons learnt from Kenney's success. C . A father figure's role in child development. D . Kenney's achievements as a father figure.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Looking for a fun World Earth Day activity? You may want to try plogging, or picking up litter while jogging. The new "sport" is becoming extremely popular with runners worldwide, many of whom are posting photos of themselves and friends holding bags of trash on social media.

    Originated from the word jogging and "plocka upp", a Swedish expression which means "pick up", plogging is the idea of Erik Alström. In 2016, after moving to Stockholm, Alström became increasingly agitated at the amount of trash on the road during his daily bike ride to work. Since picking up litter while on his bike was hard to do, Alström began making the activity part of his daily runs. "I was shocked by the amount of junk along the way," he said. "The same trash could remain on the road for several weeks without anyone picking it up, so I started picking it up."

    Other joggers soon joined Alström, and, by the end of 2016, the activity became so popular that official "plogging" events, with groups of runners entering, began appearing suddenly all across Sweden. As plogging began turning up on social media, the new "sport" started to spread beyond Sweden, first to other European countries and then worldwide. The official online "Plogga" group now has members from over 40 countries, all the way from the United States to Thailand and Ecuador. Many school running clubs are also getting in on the action, posting photos of themselves after going plogging together or holding competitions that reward (奖励) the runner with the heaviest trash bag.

    According to Swedish fitness app Lifesun, a person burns about 288 calories (卡路里) while plogging for half an hour. This is about 50 calories more than he/she would burn when just jogging. So, why not put on your running shoes, take a trash bag or two and make every day World Earth Day?

    1. (1) What can we learn about plogging from the text?
      A . It was created on World Earth Day. B . It encourages people to run to work. C . It is enjoyed by worldwide travelers. D . It is an environmentally friendly sport.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "agitated" in paragraph 2 probably mean?
      A . Familiar. B . Doubtful. C . Worried. D . Interested.
    3. (3) What plays an important role in making plogging popular around the world?
      A . The online group "Plogga". B . The Internet. C . The government. D . School clubs.
    4. (4) What does the author suggest in the last paragraph?
      A . Making plogging a daily habit. B . Doing more exercise to burn calories. C . Improving the environment every day. D . Celebrating this year's World Earth Day.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    From Frank Sinatra to Katy Perry, singers have long sung about the power of a smile — how it picks you up, changes your mind and generally makes you feel better. But is it all smoke and mirrors or is there a scientific backing for this? Research from the University of South Australia proves that the act of smiling can make your mind be more positive, simply by moving your facial muscles. With COVID-19 and strong rises of worries around the world, the findings couldn't be more timely.

    The study from Experimental Psychology looked at the influence of a smile on perception (感知) of facial and body expressions. In the study, a smile was created by volunteers holding a pen between their teeth, forcing their facial muscles to make the movement of a smile. The research found that facial muscular activity changes the recognition of not only facial expressions but also body expressions, with both producing more positive feelings.

    Lead researcher Dr. Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos says the findings are important for spiritual health. "When your muscles say you're happy, you're more likely to see the world around you in a positive way," Dr. Marmolejo-Ramos says. "In our research we found that when you forcefully practiced smiling, the amygdala — the part of the brain controlling feelings — became active, which encouraged a more positive state. If we can make the brain view stimuli (刺激) as 'happy', then we can possibly use this way to help improve spiritual health."

    The study was done in the same way as an old smile experiment by examining how people understood a group of facial expressions using the pen-in-teeth method; however, it also used special videos (from sad walking videos to happy walking videos) as the stimuli. Dr. Marmolejo-Ramos says there is a strong connection between action and perception. "A ‘fake (假装) it until you make it' method could be more useful than we expect," Dr. Marmolejo-Ramos says.

    1. (1) What can we learn from the first paragraph?
      A . Few people smile when facing difficulties. B . The study on smiling is helpful at the moment. C . The findings of the study hardly match the songs. D . The researchers did the study because of COVID-19.
    2. (2) What were the volunteers asked to do in the study?
      A . Laugh aloud from the heart. B . Respond to different feelings. C . Just perform the act of smiling. D . Think of happy things in the past.
    3. (3) What does Dr. Marmolejo-Ramos mean by saying the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?
      A . Pretending to smile actually works. B . Practicing smiling is quite normal. C . We should practice smiling a lot. D . Forced smiles work better than real ones.
    4. (4) Which of the following can be the best title for the text?
      A . How to feel positive B . How to force a smile C . Forced smiles can hide unhappy feelings D . Forced smiles can produce positive feelings
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    As a human being, we are born with responsibilities which we cannot avoid. Here are a few tips on how to be a responsible teenager.

    Do well in school. No matter how smart you are, doing well in school is what a responsible student should do. School can mean a lot of effort. 

    Care for your health. When you're a teen, it's a good idea to start practicing good habits.Visit your doctor and dentist regularly so that you can take the responsibility for your health.

    Become a responsible support when needed.So instead of asking them to cook fancy dinner for you, if you cannot cook, ask them to cook something quick and easy. This is a very small example of support.

    If elders give you a piece of advice, always listen to them because it is not they who are speaking, it is their experience speaking. But don't follow them blindly. Instead, evaluate (评估) and take the best out of all. This ability will help you to make from small to big decisions all your life.

    Take responsibilities for your actions. When you make a mistake, it won't do you any good to blame (责备) someone else or make an excuse.And, you will never learn and grow if you don't face the results.

    A. Health, of course, is one of them.

    B. Build the right attitudes to your mistakes.

    C. Always listen to everyone but do the best for you.

    D. Sometimes parents get tired after a long hard day.

    E. The adults certainly know what you are going through.

    F. But that will all pay off in the end with jobs and your values.

    G. Putting your responsibility off on others can break your relationships.

五、完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
  • 16. 完形填空

    When Kashif was one year old, his parents were told that their son had cerebral palsy (脑瘫). Kashif's mother said, "We knew nothing about the1, but we were happy to learn that his intelligence (智力) was2."

    When he was old enough, Kashif started attending school. He3the ability to read and write. In 2009 Kashif announced his plan to4. The family kept telling him that he was5and could not do tasks that other people could. His6went on till early 2012, when a relative, Sham Latiff, had a7with Kashif. "I want to work and8people like me," Kashif said. Sham realized that Kashif really wanted to have a9in society.

     After much discussion, Kashif's family made his dream come true. On his 24th birthday, Kashif's family10him with his "present". With his11fingers, Kashif used an iPad to create a Facebook page called the "I Am Speciable" Movement. Kashif himself12the word "speciable", a combination of the words "special" and "able".

    To date, the movement has organised many activities. Kashif also sells "I Am Speciable" T-shirts through his page to13money. Kashif has helped many students like him in his community through his14.

    The family's support made Kashif a15member of society — a superman taking up a cause for his own community.

    A . environment B . relation C . condition D . deal
    A . clear B . normal C . excellent D . similar
    A . developed B . recognised C . proved D . admired
    A . share B . write C . travel D . work
    A . special B . common C . slim D . busy
    A . suggestions B . congratulations C . questions D . pleas
    A . battle B . talk C . goal D . show
    A . find B . interview C . help D . save
    A . lesson B . partner C . place D . dream
    A . welcomed B . surprised C . comforted D . educated
    A . shaking B . skillful C . dirty D . nervous
    A . spelled B . copied C . understood D . invented
    A . raise B . get C . borrow D . repay
    A . attitude B . effort C . discovery D . experience
    A . confident B . new C . valuable D . dependable
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Today, I will talk about my favorite novel, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, is written by Mark Twain. Tom was the hero of the story.He (live) with his aunt in a small town named St. Petersburg. He ran away his two friends to an island in the middle of Mississippi River for several days. They went to look for gold but got (lose) in a cave. (luck), they find a box of gold. My favorite scene in the book is when everyone thought Tom was dead. He decided (go) to his own funeral and appeared suddenly. Everyone was (surprise) to see him. They were also pleased to see him alive. The main theme of the story is surviving in dangerous situations. It's also about (free), social rules, and what people do about bad behaviors. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is great. It's thought to be one of the greatest (novel) in American literature. I think you will love .

  • 18. 假定你是李华,你的外籍笔友Henry发来邮件说他最近对中国小说很感兴趣,请你给他回一封邮件,向他推荐一本中文小说。 内容包括:
  • 19. 阅读下面材科,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    On my fortieth birthday, I moved into my new home. In doing so, I also moved into a new neighborhood. Over the last years, I've made friends with everybody in my last neighborhood. However, I had difficulty getting on with my new next-door neighbor.

    On most days, we had a friendly relationship and sometimes we were able to give each other a hand. The conflicts (冲突) came around the hunting season. I kept cows on my land and my neighbor lived by hunting. One day, my neighbor came knocking at my door, saying that he had injured a deer that then ran onto my land and asking if he could follow and finish it, and I refused. Later, I searched for the deer for several hours but found no signs of any deer.

    Certainly, it caused poor relations between us. When my neighbor did kill a deer, he hung it behind his house within a few feet of my house. For days as I drove in and out, there was that deer. I knew they needed the meat; it was part of their income (收入), but the hanging deer really annoyed me. In the neighborhood I was one of the few who didn't back hunting.

    For more profit, my neighbor also cut wood. He sold some for money, and used some to heat his home. One cold winter day, I asked him the price of his firewood and ordered some. The next day it was delivered. Although it looked big, it did not last as long as I expected, so I ordered some more. I was worried this could get expensive.

    One day, as I drove down my path, he waved to me and said he had just cut some wood, but it was of poor quality and he needed some space. He said he would give it to me for free. I happily accepted this gift. Over time, he must have discovered that our need was great, for every time he had extra wood, we would have it. I came to appreciate his helpfulness, trust and kindness.

    注意:1.续写词数应为150左右; 2.请在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Then one day I got an idea.


    In the daily exchange with my neighbor, we became close.

