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更新时间:2023-07-10 浏览次数:45 类型:期末考试
  • 1.  阅读理解

    Road to Hana Tours

    The famous roadway along Maui's North Shore provides fantastic views for travelers who enjoy the beauty of nature.

    Road to Hana Day Trip

    You will enjoy beautiful beaches, quiet coastline, and towering waterfalls as you drive your way across the Kalepa Bridge, where the highway continues to Kipahulu on the Piilani Highway. This journey through the narrow highway consists of 59 bridges and over 600 turnings taking travelers in and out of rainforests and tropical plants. 

    Hana Grand Tour

    During this 6-hour adventure, you can sit back and relax inside your bus on the way to Hana, stopping at Hana Tropical Gardens and at wonderful waterfalls, where you'll have time to swim. You'll also enjoy a beachside lunch before eventually boarding a helicopter for a thrilling 36-minute flight above Haleakala Crater and the island's rough coast. This grand small-group trip to Hana also includes a professional guide.

    Rainforest Hiking Adventure

    Experience the green beauty of East Maui on this rainforest hike with an informative local guide. Learn about the Maui's ecosystems, be impressed at magical waterfalls, climb rock formations, and leap into the fresh water pools below for a refreshing swim. Enjoy a delicious, healthy lunch along the way — it's included in the tour price.

    Jungle Adventure on Maui

    This personalized experience is great for nature lovers. You can visit multiple beautiful waterfalls, with a local tour guide. There are chances for safe cliff jumping, or choose to swim, or simply admire the magic of the falls. If the group is 4 people or more, this will be a private tour for your family only. 

    1. (1) Which is the best choice for those who love self-driving tours?
      A . Road to Hana Day Trip. B . Hana Grand Tour. C . Rainforest Hiking Adventure. D . Jungle Adventure on Maui.
    2. (2) What do we know about Hana Grand Tour?
      A . It lasts a whole day. B . It includes a local guide. C . It provides a flight experience. D . It offers a free wonderful lunch
    3. (3) What can you do in all the four tours?
      A . See waterfalls. B . Enjoy swimming. C . Walk in rainforests. D . Climb rock formations
  • 2.  阅读理解

    Here is a story to show how naive( 天真的 ) Einstein was on occasion. Shortly after he moved to America, he was inveigled (诱骗) into giving an address before a group of mathematicians at Princeton University. It took some time, for , with characteristics shy and quiet, he said he had nothing to say that the audience wouldn't already know. At last he agreed to talk on some aspects of tensor analysis (结量分析). A small card, announcing the speaker, time,and place, was put up on the notice board of Fine Hall, where the address was to be given. 

    When the day for the address arrived, Princeton University campus was filled with cars, reminding people of the Princeton vs Yale football game, and great crowds of people were walking around Fine Hall, trying to get into the small hall there, It turned out that the little card posted in Fine Hall, and intended only for the interested mathematicians, was read by some students. These informed other students. Students wrote home to parents,and the parents came, picking up friends on the way. The people of Prin-ceton also arrived. Everyone wanted to hear the great man speak. 

    Einstein was led through the shoving crowd and placed in a seat in the front row of the little hall, to wait for introduction at the proper moment, Turning his head and looking about in surprise at the excited and pushing crowd trying to get into the hall he said to himself, "I never realized that in America there was so much interest in tensor analysis. 

    1. (1) The reason why so many people came to the school was that?
      A . There was an exciting football match. B . They came here to see their children. C . They only wanted to have a look at the great man. D . They had a great interest in tensor analysis.
    2. (2) What does the word "address" in the first paragraph mean?
      A . Lecture B . Meeting. C . Party. D . Lesson.
    3. (3) When he was invited to give an address for mathematicians, Einstein felt?
      A . happy. B . uncomfortable. C . sad. D . worried.
    4. (4) From the passage we can infer that?
      A . Einstein had a good sense of humor. B . Einstein was very happy to see so many people in the hall. C . Many people in America understood Einstein's relativity theory. D . Einstain didn't like showing himself in public.
  • 3.  阅读理解

    SYINEY: AS they sat sharing sweets beside a swimming pool in 1999, Shane Gould and Jessicah Schipper were simply getting along well, chatting about sport, life and "anything" else that came up".

    Yet in Sydney next month, they will meet again by the pool, and for a short time the friends will race against each other in the 50-meter butterfly(蝶泳) in the Australian championships a

    Homebush Bay. 

    Gould,now 1 47 year -old mother of four ,has announced she will be making a return to elite competition( 顶级赛事) to swim the one event, having set a qualifying (合格的)time of 30. 32 seconds in winning gold at last year's United States Masters championships,he Her comeback comes 32 years after she won three golds at the Munich Olympics. 

    Schipper, now a 17-year-old from Brisbane with a bright future of going to Athens for her first Olympics, yesterday recalled(回忆)her time with Gould five years ago. 

    "I was at a national youth came on the Gold Coast and Shane had come along to talk to us and watch us train. "Schipper explained. It seemed as if we had long been good friends. I don't know why. We just started talking and it went from there. "

    She had a lot to share with all of us at that camp. She told us stories about what it was like at big meets like the Olympics and what it's like to be on an Australian team, It was really interesting. "

    Next time, things will be more serious. I will still be swimming in the 50m butterfly at the nationals, so there is a chance that I could actually be competing against Shane Gould," said Schipper, who burst onto the scene at last year's national championships with second places in the 100m and 200m butterfly. 

    1. (1) What is the passage mainly about?
      A . Stories happening in swimming competitions. B . Two women swimmers winning Olympic golds. C . Lessons learned from international swimming championships. D . Friendship and competition between two swimmers.
    2. (2) Gould and Schipper are going to?
      A . talk about sport and life B . go back to elite competition C . set a qualifying time and win gold D . take part in the same sport.
    3. (3) Gould won her three Olympic golds when she was?
      A . 15. B . 17. C . 22. D . 30.
    4. (4) The underlined word "it" in the fifth paragraph probably refers to?
      A . The Olympics B . The youth camp C . The friendship D . The Australian team
  • 4.  阅读理解

    Believe it or not, school uniforms are absolutely not only clothes for students. They stand for the culture or beauty appreciation standard of a country. To wear uniforms has become a trend in most countries in modern society. Well, let's take a look at school uniforms in different nations. This will be interesting. And here, you will detect diverse allure (魅力)!

    The style of England school uniforms is rather classic, simple and respectable. Middle school students must wear traditional western-style school uniforms. Boys wear traditional western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear neckties. Girls also wear western-style clothes, regular leather shoes and must wear bow ties. This classic clothing style unconsciously affects England students' temperament(性格)and also sense of beauty.

    Both boy and girl students in Australia are required to wear black leather shoes and white socks. They wear school uniforms all the time except the physical education, when they need to wear gym suits. 

    Students in Malaysia obey rather strict rules. Girls' dresses must be long to cover the knees. Shirts must cover the elbow. Comparing with Thai students, they are much more conservative. School uniforms in most schools of China are only different in size. You can't find big differences between boys' uniforms and girls' uniforms only from the appearance. Both of them are loose sport suits.

    1. (1) What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?
      A . School uniforms make the students interested in clothes. B . School uniforms have become a tendency in all countries. C . School uniforms stand for the culture of a country. D . School uniforms are appreciated by many students.
    2. (2) In which countries are students required to wear leather shoes?
      A . England and Malaysia. B . China and Australia. C . Malaysia and China. D . Australia and England.
    3. (3) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . Boy students need to wear ties in Malaysia. B . Students needn't always wear school uniforms in Australia. C . Girls can't wear skirts in Malaysia. D . School uniforms in China are more conservative.
    4. (4) What's the obvious feature of school uniforms in China?
      A . Sportive. B . Beautiful. C . Fashionable. D . Modern.
  • 5.  根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Deal With a Depressed Family Member

    Every minute, every hour, every day, we are losing precious time to our devices ( 设备). Technology has taken over much of our lives , especially over the last two years as school and work went online during the COVID- 19 pandemic. 

    No, sadly. But there are things that you can do to make sure you don't waste your time scrolling (滚屏) in the future. 

     This is called social economizing,which means you choose how to use your time. You know exactly what you want to do, what brings you joy or closer to your goals, so choose 1to do those things. 

    If you feel an urge to jump on social media or scroll websites when you have a few spare minutes, don't feel bad. This is normal. This can include cleaning your room, organizing your closet or even replying to important 3] messages. 

    Another great way to help reduce the desire to check your device is to turn off notifications( 通知). In the 1890s, Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov conducted experiments to measure the build-up of saliva (唾液) in the mouths of dogs under a variety of conditions. Like the dogs in the experiments, people are conditioned to respond each time they hear a ping. 

    As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind. Simply put your phone, tablet or computer in another room or away in a desk so that it can't be seen. 

    A. Is it possible to get back the time you have lost? 

    B. Today many people spend much time on electronic devices

    C. One way to manage your time is to control how you spend it. 

    D. Here are some ways to reduce the desire to check your device. 

    E. This is also a helpful reminder to keep you away from your device. 

    F. You can avoid this trap by listing things you can do when you are free. 

    G. By removing the notifications, you remove there minder to check your device. 

三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)
  • 6.  阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    In the wold, thee are more than 305 million people whose native language is English. Of this number of people, only about 275 million 21  in the United States and Great Britain The 22 90 million live in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, some Pacific islands, and other place 23  British people settled. 24  of time,one English speaker 25  understand another. 

    But in every 26 country, people added new words 27 their vocabularies to name animals, plants, and other things that were 28 to the first British people who went there. Brítish settlers in Australia 29 the word "kangaroo"for an animal they had never seen 30 , from the language of the people who were 31 to Australia. And the British who 32 to South Africa took "trek", meaning a long journey by ox wagon, 33 the language of the Dutch people who settled in the same place.

    English speakers or34 every country know what a kangaroo is and use the word "trek" to 35 "difficult journey". But some 36 "English" words are used only by the people who borrow or 37 them. A South African who talks about "kopjes" is speaking English, but only another South African or a Dutch person would know he is speaking 38 hills. And if an Australian said, There were some "ropable" people at the corroboree(狂欢会)," only another Australian would 39 that he was talking about angry people 40 a party.

    A . stay B . live C . settle D . arrive
    A . another B . rest C . remained D . other
    A . where B . that C . when D . which
    A . More B . Most C . None D . Less
    A . will B . might C . can D . shall
    A . speaking-English B . English-speaking C . oral English spoken    D .  spoken English
    A . into B . to C . for D . with
    A . new B . strange C . good D . useful
    A . named B . used C . found D . took
    A . ago B . before C . yet D . again
    A . local B . native C . strange D . new
    A . moved B . went C . settled D . got
    A . in B . from C . by D . through
    A . hardly B . almost C . near D . mostly
    A . say B . tell C . talk D . mean
    A . other B . else C . others D . another
    A . discover B . find C . invent D . make
    A . at B . of C . to D . with
    A . mean B . say C . go D . understand
    A . in B . at C . for D . of
  • 7.  阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    Rivers are one of our most important natural resources, Many of the world's great   are located in rivers, and almost country has at least one river flowing through it that plays important part in the lives of its people. 

    Since the beginning of history, people  (use) rivers for transportation. The longest one in the United States is the Mississippi, and the lifeline of Egypt is the Nile. transportation, rivers give water to drink, water for crops, and chances for fun and recreation for the peoplelive along their banks. However, large cities and industries that are located on rivers often make problems. As the cities grow size and industries increase in number, the water in the rivers becomes (pollute) with chemicals and other materials. People are learning the (important) of doing more to keep their rivers cleanthey want to enjoy the benefits of this natural resource. 

  • 8.  假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




    1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    While in my first year of high school, I live in the dormitory and could only go home at weekends. Therefore learned to be independently. Once, I couldn't bear the dirtiness of my shoe after playing basketball. I decided to wash them of my own for the first time. In a fact, I even hadn't seen my mother do the job. What should 1 get it done? 1 borrowed a brush and some washed powder from one of my roommates, and with his help I managed to make my shoes as clean a new pair. I was about to cheer himself when I heard him say, "Maybe you should use more water next time. You've wasted too much.

  • 9. 未来的笔会是什么样的呢?请根据以下提示,以"Future pens"为题,写一篇110词左右的短文。
    1. 笔杆里面装有一台微型电脑,笔杆上配备了一个屏幕。
    2. 当你遇到不会写的字时,只要对着屏幕读一下这个字,屏幕上就会显示出来;当你写错字时,它会发出警告,并在屏幕上显示出正确写法;当你坐姿不正确的时候,它会亮起红灯来提示你。
    3. 有自动修复功能,经久耐用,非常环保。

    参考词汇:笔杆penholder 坐姿sitting position 耐用的durable

