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更新时间:2023-06-30 浏览次数:46 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 下面是手机群聊的界面,请根据聊天内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余项。

    (Three friends are talking about the ways of learning English.)

    Alan @ Jeff Hey, guys. 1 found something useful on TV.

    There are some classes taught by great teachers on Taiyuan TV.

    l want to have a look.

    Of course.                                                      

    My English grammar is not very good.

    It can really help us a lot. I will share the timetable with you on WeChat.

    Thanks. And these days I keep listening to English news every day.

    Yes. I always improve my listening skills in this way, too.                

    I watch some wonderful English movies in my free time. It helps me with my pronunciation.

    We have so many ways to learn English. Let's share them with our classmates.

    Hope these ways can help them.

    A. Me, too.

    B. What is it?

    C. Good idea!

    D. Long time no see!

    E. I think it's helpful.

    F. You can ask the teacher.

    G. Can you share them with us?

  • 2. 请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A, B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的佳选项。

    "Don't forget to study for the Chinese history test on Friday, "Mrs. Green said to the class. Julie closed her look and sighed(叹. 息). Julie is a perfect monitor(班长) and can organize all kinds of activities. But history was something that she couldn't1.

    The following day, she went to the library and tried to make sense of all the facts and dates. But it was useless. Just then Julie 2 and found Maria from her class was seated at a nearby table.

    Julie3 Maria who was sitting there with some cards and colored pencils on the table. Each card showed a colorful picture. Julia was curious, "I think you are studying history. ""This is the way I study, "Maria said." Sometimes memorizing things isn't 4 and I have to be creative. I like art and the images help me recall facts. "

    "I see, "said Julie, with 5. After thinking for a while, an idea came to her mind. She had rich6in organizing big events, starting from making small plans step by step. How could she connect all of them in the end? Mind maps!

    "Hey, Maria," said Julie. "How about this: I classify(分类) these historical events into 7 types use a mind map to connect each type together. And you draw the images that can make great explanations these types to help us remember. ""That will be pretty cool, "Maria shouted8, "Let's start righ now!"

    "Sure, "said Julie. At that time, studying history didn't seem so difficult. All in all, what you need to do is to find what you are good at and make full use of it.

    A . understand B . practice C . imagine
    A . came out B . looked up C . sat down
    A . visited B . joined C . stopped
    A . enough B . helpful C . difficult
    A . interest B . surprise C . courage
    A . information B . knowledge C . experience
    A . common B . different C . useful
    A . worriedly B . proudly C . excitedly
  • 3. 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B, C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。

    From Tiangong-1 to the China Space Station, the development of China's manned space project has always been closely connected with science education. "Tiangong Class" has become an important way to spread space knowledge to students in China.

    On December 9, 2021, the first lesson of" Tiangong Class" began. Astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu of the Shenzhou Ⅷ flight crew showed how they lived and worked inside the space station. In a buoyancy(浮力)experiment, Wang put a table tennis ball into a glass of water. Instead of floating(漂浮)to the surface like on Earth, the ball remained in the middle of the water. Buoyancy almost disappeared in the microgravity(微重力) environment.

    On March 23, 2022, the astronauts of the Shenzhou Ⅷ brought us the second lesson of" Tiangong Class". In an experiment, WangYaping and Ye Guanglu threw Bing Dwen Dwen to each other. Bing Dwen Dwen did not land as quickly as on Earth, but moved along the same direction in a nearly straight line. In the microgravity environment of the space station, the action of objects is hardly influenced by gravity.

    On October 12, 2022, the third lesson of" Tiangong Class" was given in the China Space Station. Astronauts Chen Dong, Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe from the Shenzhou XV flight crew brought a wonderful space science lesson to the young people.. This time, a new space classroom was" unlocked"—Wentian Lab Module. On the ground, we all use a short straw(吸管) to drink. If the straw is too long, it will be very difficult to use. But in" Tiangong Class", LiuYang successfully drank juice with a 2-meter long straw.

    1. (1) The astronauts gave lessons from space to _______.
      A . spread space knowledge B . introduce their space life C . show achievements in space: industry
    2. (2) When putting a table tennis ball into water in space, it will _______.
      A . stay at the bottom B . float to the surface remain in the middle C . remain in the middle
    3. (3) The _______ lesson of" "Tiangong Class" was taught in Wentian Lab Module.
      A . first B . second C . third
    4. (4) If there isn't gravity on Earth, _______.
      A . water will not flow to lower places B . you will not be able to walk in any case C . passengers will stay still when the bus suddenly stops
    5. (5) From the passage, we can know that _______.
      A . students can do the same experiments as astronauts B . different technologies are developing rapidly in China C . "Tiangong class" is the only way to spread space knowledge
  • 4. 请阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的A, B, C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。

    Did you watch the popular TV series Meet Yourself(《去有风的地方》)? In the TV series, Xu Hongdou travels to a village in Yunnan and volunteers at a local cafe. She gets free meals in return. As the show gets popular, volunteer travel—an old-yet-modern form of travel similar to Xu's work-has caught more people's eye. "

    Volunteer travel refers to taking a trip and all or part of the purpose of the trip is to help others. It can date back to the 1960s. These volunteer trips are usually organized by nonprofit (非盈利的)organizations. During the trip, volunteer travelers often provide service like teaching, cooking, animal caring and cultural activities. In exchange for their help, the volunteers may get free or cheap living places, meals, activities and classes.

    Traditionally, the volunteer activities take place in a foreign country. However, more volunteer trips have taken place within the same countries or places where the volunteers were born in recent years. I's reported that volunteer projects in the countryside are now attracting more visitors from cities. They see it as a break from the fast and stressful city life.

    People try volunteer travel for several reasons. By working voluntarily while traveling, travelers may have a real and positive influence on the world. The service volunteer provide can be cheap for the communities they serve. Another benefit of volunteer travel is that it helps people living in cities to get a taste of countryside. For those who are sick of the pressure living in cities but can't decide whether to move to the countryside, volunteer travel can be a solution. And communities in the countryside also benefit by receiving more travelers for the local tourism and high-quality service.

    1. (1) Why does the writer tell us hut the TV series in the beginning?
      A . To encourage people to travel. B . To lead to the topic of volunteer travel. C . To make readers interested in the TV series.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "exchange" mean in English?
      A . Having a short conversation with others. B . staving in another country for some time. C . Doing something and receiving something in return.
    3. (3) What can we know about volunteer travel?
      A . It requires people to the be highly educated. B . Volunteers have to go to a foreign country. C . There has been volunteer travel in old times.
    4. (4) Match the information with the correct paragraph.

      a. Where do the volunteer activities take place?

      b. What does volunteer travel mean?

      c. Why do people chose volunteer travel?

      d. What does the TV series Meet Yourself tell us?

      A . ①-a, ②-c, ③-d, ④-b B . ①-d. ②-b. ③-a. ④-c C . ①-c, ②-d. 3-a, ④-b
    5. (5) What is the best title of the passage?
      A . Traveling for Better Service B . Traveling to Spread Love. C . Traveling with a Purpose
  • 5. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容, 从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺,选项中有一项为多余项。

    Throughout the history of human beings, he dialogue between civilizations (文明)has served as a spiritual connection for people of different nations..

    Let's travel back to two thousand years ago—the Western han Dynasty. A man returning from the western areas was reporting his journey to the emperor, his man was "Zhang Qian. His task was actually not for cultural purposes. Also, he brought home many kinds of plans and musical instruments.

    In a hotel in Dongjiaominxiang Alley in Beijing, an elder was giving a speech in English. The speech was about the spirit of Chinese people. The man was Cu Hongming, a highly respected scholar who could speak nine languages. Cu spent his life translating the Confucian(儒家的) classics into English and western poetry into Chinese.

    Time to look at the modern age. In a hit video on the Internet, a girl wearing common clothes is putting beef and soybeans into a boiler. Her videos have got popular at home and abroad, spreading Chinese culture through recordings of life in the countryside.

    People of different dynasties, different fields and social backgrounds have used their voices as media for cultural dialogue. No matter how common their experiences might seem, they are undoubtedly excellent because they are the building blocks of communication between civilizations. lt is our duty to use our voices to spread the extraordinary(非凡的) power of cultural dialogue.

    A. Now let's fast-forward to the 20th century.

    B. She is actually a short-video creator called Li Ziqi.

    C. still, more stories of the future remain to be written by us.

    D. However, his team taught western people Chinese technologies.

    E. When we have cultural communication, we need to know cultural differences.

    F. Whether it's leaving a conversation or making u simple trundle, cultural dialogue: lutes place.

  • 6. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词,每空一词。

    Do you live a green life now? Over the past 10 years, China's ecological(生态的) projection systems have been improved, the fight against pollution has been successful and the progress has been made in improving green and scientific development.

    One example is that China has got great achievements in wetland protection. Last year, among the 43intermational wetland cities in the word, there were 13 Chinese cities, including Yinchuan. The area of the Yellow River Wetland Park in Yinchuan was once a place local people avoided. 'The polluted water caused an awful smell and almost no grass could grow on the land. But with the government's efforts, the park has become not only a popular place for people to take a walk, but also a place for many birds to rest in autumn. And a new plan has been made by the country and the wetland protection rate(率) will reach 55 percent by 2025.

    Many common people also play their part in ecological protection. Li Songhai, a researcher, works on studying and protecting the endangered sperm whale(抹香鲸) in the South China Sea. Talking about his experience, Li said, "The weather changes quickly. The ocean is scary. We can't eat or sleep well in our small boat because of seasickness(晕船). "He went on saying," If we give up easily, our country won't know what amazing creatures are in the depths of the South China Sea. As a Chinese scientist, I cannot accept this. "

    We believe that with great efforts, there will be a great improvement in the environment and the goal of building a beautiful China will be reached by 2035. Everyone will enjoy environment-friendly ways of work and life.

    In the past 10 years, China has made great progress in ecological protection. We can see that there is less and more people are living a green life.

    Wetland protection has got great achievements. In 2022, 13 Chinese cities were chosen as international wetland cities. The wetland park in Yinchuan has changed a lot these years, from a polluted place to a place for people and birds. Common people are also working on ecological protection. Li Songhai is doing his part in sperm whales. The weather on the ocean changes quickly and seasickness makes researchers unable to eat or sleep well. Although, the work is dangerous, they don't give up .

    If everyone makes efforts, we will reach the of building u beautiful China by2035. Then with u good environment, we will be happy with our work and lifestyle.

  • 7. 请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题。

    ln China, 56 ethnic groups(民族) live together like brothers and sisters. They are all part of the big family of the Chinese nation. Besides the Ham ethnic group, do you know about the other 55 groups? Each of them has u special culture and keeps passing it on. Here are three of them.

    Zhuang ethnic group

    ●Population: 19, 568, 546

    ●Language: Zhuang language

    ●Living places:

    Most Zhuang people live in southern China, especially in①_______ and Yunnan.

    Many Zhuang people like singing even more than talking. They sing songs while walking, faming and doing housework. On the third day of the third lumbar month, the Zhuang people hold a big singing festival. Thousands of singers get together, competing to be the "king" and queen "of singing. Many singers are young men and women. They often sing Liu Sanjie's love songs in pairs.

    Tibetan ethnic group

    ●Population: 7, 060, 731

    ●Language: Tibetan language

    ●Living places;

    Most of them live in Tibet, ②_______Sichuan, Yunnan and Gansu.

    Kite flying competition in Lhasa is not about height or beauty, but about fighting! When autumn comes, people in Lhasa come to the riverside to hold an exciting kite fighting game. If one's kite is cut off, he or she will lose the competition! People believe that if they fly kites earlier, autumn will end earlier, too. Most kites in Tibet are diamond-shaped. There are colorful pictures on them, such as funny faces, animals and flowers.

    Tujia ethnic group

    Population: 9, 587, 732Language: Tujia language

    Living places: The Tujia people live in ③_______, ④_______Chongqing and Guizhou.

    Tujia people live in the special stilted houses(吊脚楼). Why do Tujia people build houses in the air? It has something to do with where they live. Most Tujia people live in southern China's Hunan and Hubei. The weather there is wet and often hot in summer. People can feel cooler and more comfortable living in a higher house. Also, higher houses can protect people from floods and dangerous animals such as snakes and spiders. What a clever idea to build such houses!

    1. (1) Among the three ethnic groups, which one has the largest population?
    2. (2) Who can be the winner of the kite flying competition in Lhasa?
    3. (3) Please fill in the blanks.

    4. (4) Why do Tujia people live in the stilted houses?
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly talk about? What does the writer introduce about them?
    6. (6) Besides the three ethnic groups, which ethnic group do you know? What do you know about it?
  • 8. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯,每空一词。

    last month, two students contacted(联系)us. They wanted to ask us some questions their dream jobs.

    Wang Lei, 13, a student wants to be a doctor

    Li Yi、32, a doctor with a doctoral(博士的) degree

    Wang: Do doctors all have doctoral degrees?

    Li: Not necessarily. But you want to get into a top hospital, you need to get your doctor a degree from our country's top universities. It usually takes you 8 11 years to study in medical schools.

    Wang: Can you tell me a day of a doctor is like?

    Li: We need to check our patients, communicate with them and families have meetings with other doctors, plan treatments and write medical records.

    Zhao Jun, 14, a student whose dream is to be a computer programmer

    Chen Xiao, 28, a Microsoft engineer

    Zhao: Do all programmers study computer science in the university?

    Chen: Not necessarily. the competition keeps growing. I highly advise you to get a computer science related degree, such in software engineering and AI.

    Zhao: It's said that programmers lose hair because stress. Is it true?

    Chen: Luckily, my hair fine, for now. In most Chinese Internet companies, working hours is long! But we do get a good salary(工资).

  • 9. 请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文通顺、连贯。方框中有两个词为多余项。

    they  learn  great  praise  beautiful  under  stand

    he  dream  smile  thank  different  instrument

    When I was a chill, I once saw a 'TV program about ancient China. A word in the program caught my attention—inheritance(传承). "Do you know what inheritance is, Grandpa?" l asked Grandpa but didn't say anything. He took out a Chinese zither(古筝) from the box und played it. 'The music was one of the

    Pieces that I had ever heard. "What you saw and what you heard is inheritance," he said.

    When I grew up, however, l learned neither zither nor folk music, but the piano instead. After playing the piano for several years, my skills by my classmates and teachers. One day, a teacher of the folk music club asked me for help. I wondered why. In my opinion, there was a luge between the piano and zither. Well, it turned out that the boy who played the zither in their learn was ill and she was hoping that I could took place for a while. "How crazy!" l thought. But I still wanted to have a try.

    The next day, l went to the club and joined the team, of these musicians and their —erhu, pipa, sheng and xiao." Why are you interested in folk music?" I asked one of the players. "I erhu for about eight years. I think there must be someone to inherit these things," he said. "They are the great treasures of the Chinese nation! It is the mission(使命) of each Chinese, isn't it?" Hearing this, I suddenly remembered that my grandpa once said.

    Although that performance of the club was over, I still stayed in the folk music club and learned to play the zither. The boy I replaced was very to me and taught me how to play it!

    Inheritance isn't far from us. It is never a difficult word . The historical tradition of China relates everyone.

  • 10. 俗话说得好:"身体是革命的本钱"。我们每个人都是自己健康的第一责任人。那么在日常生活中,我们可以从哪些方面来爱护自己的身体呢?为此学校组织了一次演讲比赛,主题为"我的健康我做主"。请你参考以下思维导图,写一篇演讲稿。

    1. 阐述健康的重要性;
    2. 讲述自己的相关经历及感受;
    3. 提出相关的建议。
    1. 词数不少于80词,首尾句已给出,不计入总词数;
    2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名;
    3. 参考词汇仅供参考。

    Dear teachers and students,

    Good morning! Today the topic of my speech is" Everyone should be responsible for his health".


    That's all. Thank you very much for your attention!

