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更新时间:2023-05-26 浏览次数:96 类型:复习试卷
  • 1. (2022八下·高州期末) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Vicky worked in Chicago. Every day, she traveled by bus her office and home. She noticed something special about the bus . Whenever the passengers got on the bus, he would smile at them. Everyone would give him big smile back.

    However, Vicky also noticed a passenger who 64. smiled back at the driver. He often made loud noises when he coughed. Every time he got on the bus, he asked the passengers to give him a seat.

    Even this didn't make the driver smiling at the passengers. Instead, the "noisy" man seemed to never see the smile.

    This got Vicky more interested. Once, she asked the driver, "Sir, may I ask a question? don't you kick that noisy man out of the bus?"

    The driver looked at Vicky and said, "He's my guest."

    "Then take back your at least. Don't be so nice to him!"

    "Let me tell you about my story, "the driver said patiently." Every time the moon , my dog barks at it crazily. "

    Hearing this, Vicky was confused and said, "Sorry, but I'm not sure what you're trying to tell me."

    The driver said, "dog keeps barking, but the moon still shines."

  • 2. (2021八下·封开期末) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Ⅰ have a lot of problems recently. Firstly, I'm not happy in class. I'm shy, so I'm of speaking in front of my classmates in class., sometimes I can't sleep well at night. I feel worried when the midterm exam comes and I have to prepareit. Thirdly, I got into a fight with myfriend Kate. I like her very much. I don't want to lose her. l expect to be friends with her again.

    Yesterday, my motherme to the doctor. I told the doctor myand he gave me some advice. He asked me to make more friends and play games in my free time soI will not be so shy. He asked me to drink some milk before going to bed because it helps me get good and enough. And he asked me to relax. He also said, "If you don't want toyour best friend, you should talk with her. Tell heryou think "I'm trying to follow what the doctor told me. I think I will get better soon.

  • 3. (2021八下·惠阳期末) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填一个形式正确,意义相符的单词。

    John lived alone in the countryside after his wife's death. He was very happy when his grandchildren him during summer holidays.

    Once, he cleaned the whole house to welcome his grandchildren. While he was cleaning the bam(谷仓), he lost his watch. It was gift from his wife. When his grandchildren came, they found that their grandfather was very . They asked him what was wrong. John told them that he couldn't find his . The children wanted to help him. They asked John when he last saw his watch. John remembered the last time he it, he was cleaning the barn. The children searched two hours, but couldn't find anything.

    Then, one of the children asked the others to leave and said he would look for the watch by . Several minutes later, the child brought the watch back. John and other children wanted to know how he did it. The boy said, " I sat in the bar. After a few minutes, I heard a "tick-tick' sound found the watch. " John hugged(拥抱) the boy and him.

    That is the power of silence. If we stay quiet, we can find solutions more easily.

  • 4. (2019八下·中山期末) 短文填空

        Joe was over seventy years old. He lived alone in a small village after his wife died. His grandchildren often visited him during the holidays. That was the only fun time he had.

        Once, he the whole house to welcome his grandchildren. After he finished cleaning he barn (谷仓), he found he lost his watch. It was from his wife when their first child was born. Joe loved the watch very much, especially after his wife died. He was very upset about losing it. When his grandchildren came, they found their grandfather was very, they asked him what was wrong. Joe told them that hat he couldn't his watch. The children wanted to help him. They asked Joe when he had last seen his watch. Joe told them he lost it he was cleaning the barn. The children searched two hours, but couldn't find anything .Then, one of the children asked the others to leave and said he would find the watch by . Minutes later, the child brought he watch back. Joe and other children wanted to know how he did it. The boy said, "I sat in the barn . Then I heard a "tick—tick' sound and found watch." 'Joe hugged the little boy and thanked him. That is the power of quietness. If we stay quiet, we might find to solve problems more easily.

  • 5. (2023八下·高明月考) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Adam was an English senior high student living in Liverpool. He thought he was cleverest student in his class.

    One day, Adam wanted to see his uncle in London, so he bought a train from Liverpool to London. he got to the railway station, there were so many people. There were no seats in the carriage (车厢). Then Adam saw a man next to him. The man was selling toys. Adam suddenly had a good .

    Adam bought a rubber (橡胶做的) snake and it into the carriage. All the passengers were very afraid when they saw the "snake". They all shouted help. People ran out of the carriage as quickly as . Adam saw several empty seats and lay down on one of . He soon fell asleep.

    After an hour, Adam woke up. He found the train was not moving and thought it had stopped at a station. He asked a railway man, "Which station is it?" The railway man , "It is Liverpool. In fact, there was a snake in this carriage. So it was separated (隔离) and left behind here, the other carriages just left for London."

  • 6. (2023八下·潮安月考) 阅读下面短文,并借助上下文补充所缺信息。每个空只能填写—个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Everyone needs to sleep. During the day you work and play; at night you sleep. Your body restsyou are sleeping. In the morning you are ready to work, study or play again. If you sleep at night, you can work or learn better in the day.

    Your body grows more while you are asleep. No one can live  sleeping. If a child is tired, he needs sleep than usual. You will be tired or will not be able to listen  your teachers in class or can't work well you do not have enough sleep at night. A baby will cry loudly if you wake him or her up when he or she is sleeping. You will be able to work hard at  lessons if you get enough rest. Many students hope to learn more before rests, so they study till late at night. But they feel very in the day and they may forget more.

    It's very necessary for teenagers to get sleep. Boys and girls of eight or nine need ten hours of sleep every night. So if you want to be strong and , you should get enough sleep!

  • 7. (2022八下·高州月考) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Confidence(自信) is very important in daily life. It is helpful to  develop a healthy attitude. If people are more confident, they are  happier. And they can have more to be successful. Here are some suggestions to be more confident.

    ◆Speak loudly. When you are not confident, you can't do you want to do well. Try to speak loudly enough so that people can hear you . The high voice can help you become more confident.

    ◆Play sports.  Physical exercise makes you tired but strong.  A strong body helps you be full  confidence.

    ◆Encourage yourself. down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you have done well. Give yourself praise for the good things  have done.

    ◆Pick up a hobby. you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a can make you more excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.

  • 8. (2022八下·云浮月考) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确,意义相符的单词。

    I'm Cathy. I just returned homeVietnam(越南). This summer I volunteered in an orphanage (孤儿院). There were about 220 children. I for babies and some younger children.

    I liked helping in the baby rooms. Those babies were so small and lovely. At first I felt sad to see those babies they didn't have a home. But after I saw that many people take good care of them, I felt better. One of the was very special. She was only three months old and she was weak. She laughed as soon as she saw me.

    I was also fond of looking after younger children They were lovely, too. They liked to play withand wanted more attention. I saw a five-year-old girl on the first day. She had nobody to talk or play with and lonely. I tried to cheer her up and encourage her to other children in different activities. By the end of my time there she had made some and looked happier than before.

    I loved to see the happy looks all children's faces and I loved every minute there. All the children were  when I left, but I thought I was much sadder. I told them I would visit them every summer.

  • 9. (2021八下·江城月考) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

    Tim lived in a small house. he was poor, he lived a happy life. He had a lovely daughter. She was nice and often helped him the floor and fold clothes.

    One day, he came home late as .He became angry when he found his girl was some golden paper to decorate(装饰) a box. But later, he was sorry when his daughter gave the box to him as a on the Christmas morning. When he found that the box was empty (空的),he became angry again. He shouted her, "Don't you know when you give someone such a box, there should be something inside ?" The little girl looked up at him with tears (眼泪) in her and said, "Daddy, it's not empty. I put my kisses(吻) into the box. All for you, Daddy." Tim put his arms around the little girl: He asked for her forgiveness (原谅).Tim kept that golden box by his bed from then on.

    Unluckily, the little girl lost her life in car accident. Tim was sad. He often took out the box and that there were full of kisses of his daughter in it.

  • 10. (2019八下·潮南月考) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。

        Sometimes people don't know how important it is to have a good lifestyle. Mike and Bill are good friends. Theyto the same school. They both like studying. However,Mike gets grades than Bill because Bill often gets sick. When Bill gets sick, he has to see the and stays in bed.is Bill often ill?With the help of Mike,he knows that it's because he has many bad habits. In the morning,he has time to eat breakfast because he never gets up on time. He is often hungry class. So he can't listen to the teacher carefully. He never eats vegetables. But he eats Junk food five times week. And what's worse,he never brushes hisbefore he goes to sleep. But Mike is very from Bill. He cares about his health. He exercises every day and he healthy food. So he is never ill." Good health helps you study better." He often says to Bill.

