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更新时间:2023-06-09 浏览次数:45 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What do we know about Jane?
      A . She lost her umbrella. B . She can't go to the party. C . She is fine now.
    2. (2) How did Jane go home last night?
      A . By bus. B . By taxi. C . On foot.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) In which country did the man attend university?
      A . Canada. B . Australia. C . America.
    2. (2) Where does the man's mother probably work?
      A . At an engineering company. B . In a hospital. C . At a university.
    3. (3) What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
      A . Interviewer and interviewee. B . Co-workers. C . Schoolmates.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does the conversation take place?
      A . On the phone. B . In the man's house. C . In the company.
    2. (2) How much will the woman pay for the rent per month?
      A . $650. B . $700. C . $750.
    3. (3) For what does the woman have to pay herself?
      A . The TV. B . The furniture. C . The water and electricity.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is Linda going to do this afternoon?
      A . Go to the dentist. B . Date with the man. C . Go to the supermarket.
    2. (2) What day is it today?
      A . Monday. B . Thursday. C . Friday.
    3. (3) What does Linda ask the man to do?
      A . Have his teeth examined. B . Brush his teeth twice a day. C . Eat less dessert.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) Who is probably the speaker?
      A . A reporter. B . A teacher. C . A writer.
    2. (2) What did the coachman do outside the theater?
      A . He read a book. B . He looked after the horse. C . He enjoyed the snow.
    3. (3) How did the young lady feel about the coachman's situation?
      A . Sad. B . Moved. C . Unconcerned.
    4. (4) What does the speaker want to tell us?
      A . Help those around us as much as we can. B . Read as many books as we can. C . Be thankful for what we have.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    May 19 marks the 12th China Tourism Day. Chinaculture.org will hold a 24-hour lives-tream(直播) event, taking worldwide audiences on a virtual journey throughout the country.

    Take an online tour of the "Panda Kingdom" in Sichuan

    Wolong National Nature Reserve(保护区), known as the "Panda Kingdom" lies in the high mountains of Southwest China's Sichuan Province. It's a national overall nature reserve that mainly protects rare wildlife and forests.

    Watch LIVE: 9 am, May 19

    Discover a China "Beyond Your Imagination"

    With more than 5,000 years of history, 9.6 million square kilometers of land area and rich resources, China has an amazing amount to offer. You can find amazing natural landscapes and various lifestyles, as well as mouthwatering food. Discover the real China here.

    Watch LIVE: 1 pm, May 19

    Best places to visit in China

    From the Forbidden City in Beijing to the City Wall in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, from the mausoleum of Ming Dynasty(1368-1644)emperor Zhu Yuanzhang in Nanjing, east China's Jiangsu Province, to the Shapotou scenic spot in northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and the beautiful Qinghai Lake in northwest China's Qinghai Province...Where do you think is the best place to travel?

    Watch LIVE: 8 pm May 19

    1. (1) When should you watch the event if you're interested in pandas?
      A . 1 pm, May 19. B . 10 am, May 19. C . 9 am, May 19. D . 8 pm, May 19.
    2. (2) What can you see in Discover a China "Beyond Your Imagination"?
      A . The lovely pandas. B . The delicious food. C . The Forbidden City. D . Traditional music and dances.
    3. (3) Where can the text be found?
      A . On a tourist website. B . In science fiction. C . In a biography. D . In scientific research.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Any introduction to Peking Opera would not be complete without telling of Mei Lanfang. During his stage life, he combined the traditions of the past with his own creations, shaping a style of his own and giving birth to "The Mei Lanfang School". He was also the first artist to introduce Peking Opera to an overseas audience, making it popular to the world.

    Mei Lanfang began his stage life at the age of 8. His teacher said he showed little hope because of his boring eyes. To improve this, he exercised them day after day. Thanks to his efforts, he managed to change his dull eyes into a pair of bright and expressive eyes and win national fame before the age of 20.

    In over 50 years on the stage, Mei Lanfang played no less than 100 different characters in the performance. He also wrote many new plays, designing the dances himself. The many dances he created form part of the great legacy that he left to Peking Opera.

    In 1930, Mei Lanfang started on a successful US tour. There his brilliant performances impressed the audience, making them realize that Peking Opera was a theatrical form of great value.

    1. (1) Mei Lanfang was the first artist to introduce Peking Opera to ________.
      A . China B . audience C . the world D . schools
    2. (2) How long did it take Mei Lanfang to exercise his eyes into bright and expressive?
      A . About 8 years. B . About 10 years. C . About 12 years. D . About 14 years.
    3. (3) What is the meaning of the underlined word "legacy" in paragraph 3?
      A . Someone well known at over the world. B . Something of little importance. C . Something traditional mixed with modern dances. D . Something valuable passed down from generation to generation.
    4. (4) What is the main idea of the passage?
      A . The history of Peking Opera. B . Mei Lanfang's early stage life. C . The performance of Peking Opera by Mei Lanfang. D . Mei Lanfang's great contributions to Peking Opera.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    Almost all calligraphy(书法) lovers agree that writing characters with a brush and ink on straw paper offers a way to communicate with not only history and culture, but also oneself. But now Chinese character handwriting is under threat from computers and mobile phones.

    A college graduate looking for a job was reportedly refused by a company because he wrote 24 Chinese characters incorrectly in a 400-character handwritten resume(简历). A survey by HorizonKey, covering people from 12 major cities in China, found that nearly one third of those interviewed often experience "character amnesia(遗忘)", with 94 percent saying this is a problem for them.

    The main reason is that most Chinese rely too much on the pinyin-based Chinese language input method, which is replacing the tradition of writing characters stroke(笔画) by stroke. The software will conveniently choose the right characters according to the context or word frequency(频率), as there are dozens of characters with the same pronunciation in Chinese.

    The number of electronic devices in the classroom is thought to be another reason why students are easily satisfied with just a poor knowledge of the Chinese language and characters. It is quicker to look up a character in an electronic dictionary, but traditional printed dictionaries offer more detailed information on the usage and meaning of the characters. Students pay more attention to remembering a character's pronunciation, but not the other knowledge related to it, which e-dictionaries hardly provide.

    Another worry is the "pollution" of Chinese characters by Internet language. Young people regard using Internet language as cool and fashionable. After they learn to use these expressions, they often include them in their writing.

    1. (1) With the example of a college graduate, the author shows ________.
      A . that practicing can improve writing B . why certain people are poor writers C . that there are differences in students' writing D . that Chinese character handwriting is in great danger
    2. (2) By saying "...those interviewed often experience ‘character amnesia' ", the writer means those interviewed ________.
      A . are not good at handwriting B . can't write characters correctly. C . show no interest in handwriting D . find jobs much more difficultly
    3. (3) What phenomenon is described in Paragraph 4?
      A . Dependence on electronic devices. B . Advantages of electronic dictionaries. C . Mastery of knowledge of the characters. D . Disadvantages of published dictionaries.
    4. (4) What's the writer's attitude towards the Internet language?
      A . Supportive. B . Uncaring C . Negative. D . Friendly.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    A new study suggests that long periods in space can cause the human heart to shrink(缩小). The study—by a team of American researchers—comes as the U.S. makes plans to build a long-term base on the moon and prepares to send astronauts to Mars.

    Part of the study was based on the experiences of the retired astronaut Scott Kelly. The U. S. space agency NASA says that during his career, Kelly spent more time in space than any other American astronaut. One of Kelly's stays aboard the International Space Station(ISS) lasted 340 days. Researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center(UT Southwestern) in Dallas collected and analyzed the physical data during Kelly's long stay aboard the ISS. The goal was to learn the effects of weightlessness on heart health and performance. The team found that during Kelly's stay in space, the left ventricle(心室) of his heart shrank about 0.74 grams per week.

    Dr. Benjamin Levine is a professor at UT Southwestern. He was the leader of the research. In a statement, he explained that because of the conditions in space, the heart does not have to work as hard to pump(输送) blood uphill from the feet. Over time, this can cause shrinkage. In an effort to keep their hearts and bodies healthy in space, astronauts are required to perform different kinds of exercises throughout their stay.

    Decrease in heart size are also seen in patients who spend long periods in bed because they are lying flat and the heart does not have to work as hard to pump. A second part of the study examined data from a long-distance swimmer who spent nearly a year trying to cross the Pacific Ocean. The swimmer, Benoit Lecomte, was chosen because he swam more than 2,800 kilometers over 159days. Levine says long-distance swimming has similar effects on weightlessness. The study showed that during Lecomte's swim, his left heart ventricle shrank about 0.72 grams per week.

    1. (1) How did the researchers carry out their study?
      A . By interviewing astronauts. B . By examining collected information. C . By experimenting aboard the ISS. D . By comparing people in different fields.
    2. (2) What are astronauts asked to do to keep their hearts fit in space?
      A . Do various exercises. B . Get regular blood tests. C . Stay in space for less time. D . Stand on their heads sometimes.
    3. (3) Whose heart may not probably shrink according to the text?
      A . A patient spending a long time in bed. B . An astronaut traveling in space for long. C . A long-distance professional swimmer. D . A well-trained marathon runner.
    4. (4) What can be the best title for the text?
      A . New Ways to Fight Heart Diseases B . The U.S. Builds a Medical Center in Space C . Long Space Flights Can Shrink the Heart D . Long-distance Swimming Keeps Your Heart Fit
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Wild chimpanzees(黑猩猩) are rapidly disappearing. Some people are trying to solve this problem. people are trying to save the rainforests and woodlands where the chimps live from being cut down. It will take many people working together to solve this problem.

    Chimpanzees and humans are alike in many ways. A baby chimp laughs when its mother tickles(搔痒) it. After chimpanzees fight, they kiss and make up. When one chimpanzee comforts another, it gives it a hug or pat on the back. There are, of course, many ways that chimpanzees and humans are different.  an adult male chimpanzee stands three or four feet tall and weighs about 100 pounds. But a chimpanzee can lift more weight than a man who is six feet tall.

    Chimps live in groups and like each other a lot, but sometimes they fight. Because they don't want to stay angry at each other after a fight, they make up by holding a hand out to the other and kissing. They show they are sorry with pats and hugs.

    A chimpanzee's body is made for climbing and swinging in the trees. First, it uses its long arms to reach a branch. Next, with its hands and feet, it hangs itself on the branch.

    It is fun to read about chimpanzees. All wild chimpanzees live in Africa.  there are two types, or species, of chimpanzees—the common chimpanzee and the bonobo, also known as the pygmy(矮小的) chimpanzee.

    A. Then the anger goes away.

    B. Chimps often fight over small things.

    C. If not, chimpanzees may one day exist only in zoos.

    D. Chimpanzees are smaller and stronger than humans.

    E. Finally, it swings from that branch to another branch.

    F. They live mostly in thick rainforests and in woodlands.

    G. The rainforests and woodlands where the chimps lived no longer exist.

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    In a year of sadness, one fast food manager is doing what she can to spread a message of love.

    April DiDonna told a customer she 1 him after he ordered at the 2 where she works in Washington. Three months later, she has told thousands of people "I love you".

    "It's filling my heart with so much more love. I know that the little three 3 could mean so much to so many people," DiDonna told a reporter. "I 4 that if we just love each other, the world will be better."

    The "love" 5 kept going and DiDonna started 6 how many people have said "I love you" back. About 2,700 customers have 7 to the message since October 3.

    "Sometimes people are 8," DiDonna said. "Then I just explain it. If people can hate for no 9, why can't I love?"

    One time an elderly woman was, 10 by her, and she simply thanked DiDonna before she left the store, "Thank you for felling me that you love me." The customer told DiDonna that her husband had 11. "I don't have anyone to tell me that they love me anymore," the woman said, 12.

    DiDonna then hugged the woman 13, "When I gave this woman a hug, she just stayed in my arms with tears in her eyes," DiDonna said.

    Never 14 doing little things for others. Sometimes those things occupy(占据) a(n) 15 part of their hearts.

    A . needed B . loved C . welcomed D . supported
    A . factory B . hotel C . company D . store
    A . words B . letters C . symbols D . tips
    A . worry B . believe C . explain D . announce
    A . action B . schedule C . puzzle D . method
    A . forgetting B . counting C . imagining D . considering
    A . returned B . attended C . replied D . applied
    A . thankful B . nervous C . generous D . curious
    A . opinion B . reason C . answer D . choice
    A . moved B . reminded C . recognized D . greeted
    A . turned up B . given in C . taken over D . passed away
    A . crying B . shouting C . waving D . jumping
    A . officially B . anxiously C . tightly D . eagerly
    A . depend on B . adapt to C . get tired of D . be crazy about
    A . fascinating B . striking C . extra D . big
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The 2021 China International Confucius Cultural Festival was held in Qufu,  small city in Jining, East China's Shandong Province, from Sept.27 to 28.

    Foreign journalists of over 10 foreign media from countries such as Italy, Brazil, Pakistan and Portugal, went on a "Charming Shandong" trip to the city  (experience)traditional Confucian culture.

    This year's cultural festival focuses   the celebration of the 2,572nd anniversary of the birth of Confucius, a famous ancient Chinese philosopher and  (educate). The Confucius Temple, is located in Qufu, the birthplace of Confucius, held a memorial ceremony on Sept.28.

    The media group visited the Confucius Temple, the Confucius Cemetery and the Confucius Family Mansion on Sept. 27. They  (build)in 478 BC in memory of Confucius. It was the first time that so many foreign journalists had visited Qufu.

    "The cultural atmosphere, the scenic spots I visited, and even every tree and grass here are amazing and   (impress), "one visitor said, adding that he is a big fan and student of Chinese culture, and the trip allowed him to learn about Chinese history, culture and stories  (close)connected to Confucius.

     The Confucius Temple, the Confucius Cemetery and the Confucius Family Mansion in Qufu,  (add)to UNESCO's World Heritage list in December 1994, have kept   (they)artistic and historic characteristic.

  • 18. 假如你是李华,在你校就读的美国交换生Jim邀请你本周六下午参加他的生日聚会,但你因故不能参加,请你给他写一封电子邮件。内容主要包括:
    1. 表示歉意;
    2. 说明原因;
    3. 表达祝愿。
    1. 词数80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

    Dear Jim,


    Best wishes,

    Li Hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    8-year-old Evan was standing by the sidewalk when he noticed Mrs. Carter opening her shop again.

    Several days ago, when Evan was passing by her store, he saw a closed sign on the store's door. When the shop remained closed for not just two days, Evan was worried he'd never be able to get his "dream job".

    85-year-old Mrs. Carter was a woman selling flowers for a living and Evan had become a friend of her when he helped her cross the street one day.

    Now seeing her again, Evan ran up to her and greeted her. "Can I help you today, Evan? Do you want flowers?" Mrs. Carter asked. Evan smiled, "I'm looking for a job! Can you please hire me?"

    "A job?" the elderly lady laughed, thinking Evan was too little for that. But Evan proudly replied he knew many things, like making sandwiches and helping his mom get grocery bags from the car. Mrs. Carter laughed and asked Evan how much money she would have to pay him if she hired him.

    Evan shook his head. "All I want is a big bouquet (花束) for my mom. Her name is Stacey and her birthday is one week away. Mom says we should work hard for what we want. I want to work hard for that bouquet. Can you hire me?" Evan asked. Mrs. Carter was impressed and nodded.

    Then for a whole week, Evan would come to Mrs. Carter's store in the evenings and help her, and having Evan around relieved Mrs. Carter's boredom while she was working. Some customers thought Evan was lovely and entertaining, so they bought more flowers. Mrs. Carter's business became better.

    A week later, on Evan's last day on the job, Mrs. Carter was emotional. They had grown close for working together, and Evan had become like a grandchild to her. While making a huge bouquet for Evan's mother, Mrs. Carter secretly placed one envelope into the bouquet. The envelope contained $200. When handing him the bouquet, she said, "Will you come to see me someday, Evan? I'd be delighted to have you here."

    "I will!" Evan smiled and waved goodbye to Mrs. Carter.



    Carrying the flowers, Evan rushed home to surprise his mom.


    Then, Evan and his mom hurried to return the money to Mrs. Carter.

