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英语人教新目标(Go for it)版八年级下册Unit 1...

更新时间:2023-06-29 浏览次数:45 类型:同步测试
  • 26. 选词填空

    lend    match    taste    have    sing

    1. (1) I don't have enough money for the new bicycle. Could you me some money?
    2. (2) Look! The new pair of jeans my black jacket well. ​
    3. (3) It's twelve o'clock. The Greens lunch in a restaurant.
    4. (4) Now the food better than before.
    5. (5) Listen! One of the girls a wonderful song.
  • 27. 选词填空

    club    dream    play    make    read

    1. (1) Daniel is one of my favourite in the school basketball team.
    2. (2) I like drawing and I am a member of the Drawing .
    3. (3) My grandma enjoys Chinese poems (诗歌) in her free time.
    4. (4) Hold on your , boys and girls. They may come true one day.
    5. (5) Working hard our dreams come true.
  • 28. 选词填空

    I    real    good    swim    time

    1. (1) Ben plays basketball very . He wants to be a basketball player.
    2. (2) Messi is favourite football player. He looks so cool!
    3. (3) The little boy is cute. We all like him.
    4. (4) His parents go to the Music Club many a week.
    5. (5) —What's your favourite sport, Daniel?

      . What about you?

  • 29. 选词填空

    kucky    wish    one    boat    hill

    1. (1) I plan to go with my family this weekend.
    2. (2) —How often do you have basketball matches?

      a term.

    3. (3) Wish you good in the test!
    4. (4) There are many beautiful in our country.
    5. (5) Linda makes three birthday in front of the cake.
  • 30. 短文填空

    Mr. Tang works in a zoo. He gets up at six every morning (clean) the zoo. Then at eight Mr. Tang feeds the animals. Look! There (be) many animals in the zoo. The tigers like (eat) meat. They eat much meat every day. They look kind of scary. The monkeys like fruit. They like bananas (well). They are very interesting. Animals in zoo don't have to find food or water. The keepers feed (it) every day. They walk and sleep, and they usually give a show weekends. So some people think the animals are happy and lucky. But they are always sad (伤心的), they can't go out of the zoo. Animals elephants, monkeys and tigers like living in the forest (森林), but now they have to (live) in the zoo. The life in the zoo is very boring. Mr. Tang thinks animals must go back to the forest.


