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更新时间:2023-05-26 浏览次数:42 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 完形填空

    Our beautiful daughter Lara had been very unhappy for months, and her action had become more and more radical(极端的). She was1all the time and hurtful to the whole family. Her brother couldn't 2 being in the same room with her. 3 home was no longer a home but a camp under siege(包围).

    After careful consideration, we had to send her to a wonderful 4 in northern Idaho. What a beautiful and alive place! The teachers greeting us were like warm clothes on a 5 day. But "I never want to see your face again" were Lara's parting words. They hurt my heart.

    For five months we didn't 6 Lara — not a card, not a call, nothing. I called the school almost every day.

    7, a written letter arrived from Lara, thanking me for her new clothes, I'm sure that was the teacher's order. I was excited to have it. Gradually, our communication got better, leading to our first 8.

    The love and teaching of the 9were beginning to pay off. Each time we came for a visit we saw more improvement in our 10. I could see her face softening, the anger and the hardness were gone. Her girlish face was beautiful and soft, 11and caring. And she discovered she had a beautiful voice. With encouragement, she began to 12 every chance she got. The more she sang, the more confident she felt. She 13began to love herself.

    Lara's graduation from the school was a time of pride and love. She wore a dress knitted(编织) for seven months herself. Her grandmother, her father, brother and I excitedly watched 14 she made her graduation speech.

    Lara truly found her 15. She graduated with honors, getting a bachelor's(学士) degree in music and singing performance.

    A . busy B . sleepy C . separate D . angry
    A . stand B . help C . mind D . consider
    A . His B . Her C . Our D . Their
    A . camp B . school C . factory D . hospital
    A . cold B . cloudy C . hot D . sunny
    A . ask for B . hear from C . look for D . talk about
    A . Luckily B . Naturally C . Finally D . Honestly
    A . card B . call C . letter D . visit
    A . teachers B . neighbors C . humans D . parents
    A . son B . grandmother C . daughter D . friend
    A . warm B . pale C . tidy D . smooth
    A . speak B . dance C . read D . sing
    A . carefully B . wisely C . suddenly D . slowly
    A . until B . as C . since D . after
    A . symbol B . family C . voice D . music
  • 2. 阅读理解

    In the coming summer holiday, we offer all kinds of interesting and exciting activities. You can call 1-800-987-9852 to order or to ask for more information.

    Schlitterbahn Waterpark

    Schlitterbahn Waterpark, the number one water park in the State of Texas, is designed to give your whole family a cool place to relax completely.

    ►Most guests spend about 4 to 10 hours at the park.

    ► Profer few all ages.

    ►Available to disabled people.

    ►Great restaurants and gift shops.

    Grand Historic City Tour

    With a Grand Historic City Tour, guests are sure to have an amazing time discovering everything that the area has to offer. Start one of these tours with the whole family to create some new memories in the Texas Hill Country. Each tour offers something special and takes place in a comfortable bus.

    ►Each tour lasts about 4 hours.

    ► Proper for all ages.

    Sea World San Antonio

    You can discover the fascinating sea life in Sea World San Antonio, where interesting rides, exciting moments to come across some of the world's most amazing animals are always right around the corner.

    ►Most guests spend 1 or 2 full days in the park.

    ► Proper for young children.

    ►Great gift shops.

    1. (1) The most special about Schlitterbahn Waterpark is that ______.
      A . it has wonderful gift shops B . it is special for young children C . it offers interesting rides D . it is good for disabled people
    2. (2) The tourists can ______ in Sea World San Antonio.
      A . go for a swim B . watch sea animals C . take a bus tour D . enjoy historical movies
    3. (3) The purpose of the text is to ______.
      A . describe the number one parks in the city B . show how to make a summer holiday plan C . raise the readers' interests in these activities D . share the writer's experience in visiting the places
  • 3. 阅读理解

    On the first day of school, our professor challenged us to get to know someone we didn't already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned round to find a little old lady looking up at me with a smile. She said, "Hi, handsome! I'm Rose. I'm 87 years old. Can I give you a hug?"

    I laughed, "Of course! Why are you in college at such a young, innocent(幼稚的) age?" I asked. She jokingly replied, "I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have children and then travel around."

    "No seriously," I asked. I was curious(好奇的) why she took on this challenge at this age.

    "I always dreamed of having a college education, and now I'm getting one," she told me.

    We became friends. Every day for the next three months we would leave class together and talk for hours. Listening to this human "time machine" as she shared her years of wisdom(智慧) and experience with me was so interesting.

    Over the year, Rose became a campus icon(校园偶像) and she easily made friends wherever she went.

    She loved to dress up and enjoyed the attention from other students. She was living it up.

    At the end of the term, we invited Rose to speak at a student gathering. I'll never forget what she taught us. "We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. There are only a few secrets to staying young. You have to laugh and find humor every day. You've got to have a dream. When you lose your dreams, you die. There are many people walking around who are dead, and they don't even know it," she said.

    "There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. Anybody can grow older. That doesn't take any talent or ability," she added. "But growing up requires finding the opportunity in change. Have no regrets. People usually don't have regrets for what they did, but rather for things they did not do."

    Rose taught us by example that it's never too late to be all you can possibly be.

    1. (1) Rose went to college because she ______.
      A . wanted to live longer B . loved to stay with the young C . wanted to realize her dream D . planned to enjoy her life there
    2. (2) In Rose's opinion, "growing up" means ______.
      A . taking on more responsibilities B . people stop playing C . people have a lot of regrets D . the opportunities of change
    3. (3) What is the correct order of the following events?

      a. Rose became popular among students.

      b. Rose explained why she went to college.

      c. Rose gave an inspiring speech.

      d. Rose and the author became friends.

      e. Rose introduced herself to the author.

      A . e-d-a-b-c B . e-b-d-a-c C . d-e-a-c-b D . d-a-c-e-b
    4. (4) From Rose's life and experience, we can learn ______.
      A . being nice to people can get respect from them B . the secret of staying young is never stopping studying C . do what we dream of and live without regret D . no matter how old we are, we should keep playing
  • 4. 阅读理解

    It just hadn't been a very good 'week. On Tuesday, Sam's father lost his job. Then on Wednesday, Sam's mother announced that the rent(房租)on their apartment was going up. Now it was Friday, and Sam received an invitation from Rosa to her birthday party.

    Sam knew Rosa from Adventure(冒险)Club. He knew he would enjoy Rosa's party, but he didn't want to go without a gift. What could he possibly buy her with the little bit of money he had? Sam knew he couldn't ask Mom or Dad for any money—not this week!

    Later that afternoon, Sam noticed a second-hand book sale going on. He went there and had a quick look. Two books caught his eye. The first was a cookbook of Puerto Rican foods, and the second was a book about women explorers(探险家). "Rosa would like these, "Sam thought, "but would it be tacky(蹩脚的)to give her second-hand books for her birthday?"

    Sam decided that a second-hand gift was better than no gift at all. Besides, Rosa supported recycling in that way. So, she would probably like it. With his last dollar, Sam bought the books and went home. He felt a little better.

    The party was on Saturday. Rosa opened all her gifts and thanked everyone for the nice things they had given her. She paused(停顿): when she opened Sam's gift, which made him wonder if she liked the books, but nothing was said.

    When Sam got home, he opened his e-mail and found this note from Rosa.

    Dear Sam,

    Of all the gifts I received today, yours was the nicest. How did you know I would love a book about women explorers and a cookbook of Puerto Rican foods? Now I have something to read that will inspire me to follow my dream of becoming an adventurer, and I have a book that I can share with my grandmother. She is getting older and wants to be sure her granddaughter knows how to make the wonderful foods of Puerto Rico. Thank you so much.

    Love, Rosa

    The week turned out to be a good one after all.

    1. (1) Sam buy second- hand books as gifts for Rosa, because ______.
      A . Rosa likes reading second-hand books. B . He couldn't afford anything expensive. C . He himself always collected second-hand gifts. D . Rosa was so kind that she would accept any gift.
    2. (2) What can we know from the e-mail?
      A . Rosa thought Sam's gift was helpful and useful. B . Rosa would be an adventurer with the help of Sam. C . Rosa would like to share the cooking skills with Sam. D . Rosa told Sam why she didn't open the gift in the party.
    3. (3) What might be the change of Sam's feelings during the week?
      A . upset →worried →happy. B . embarrassed →upset →down. C . annoyed →surprised →happy. D . disappointed →excited →down.
    4. (4) This text probably comes from ______.
      A . A travel guide B . A sports newspaper C . A teenager magazine D . A science report
  • 5. 阅读理解

    For middle and primary school students, being able to cook has become a must. They will also need to learn how to plant vegetables, raise poultry(家禽) and maintain home appliances(修理家电) under new requirements for labor(劳动) education. The Ministry of Education (MOE) brought out a new standard for labor education in schools last year. Starting from the 2022 fall term, students in primary and middle schools have to take courses on labor skills at least once a week.

    Labor education helps students value hard work. It includes things like household chores, on-campus labor and community volunteer services. The new standards include three types of labor tasks. The first is for things like everyday chores, including cleaning, organizing, cooking, and using and maintaining home appliances. Next is productive labor, including agriculture(农业), making traditional handicrafts, and applying new technologies such as 3 D printing and laser cutting(激光切割). The third type is service work, which includes volunteer work. Schools in China have traditionally placed more focus on studying, and many have seen household chores as a waste of children's time. But according to the MOE, labor education must be built up to help students develop social values and develop an interest in labor. Online, people have been busy discussing the new standards on social media. Liu Fang, a mother of 6-year-old twins in Beijing, strongly supports labor education. For the past year, she has trained her daughters to do household chores and make simple dishes for the family. "The main idea is to let them share responsibility as family members and become independent as early as they can," said Liu. "Through doing housework, their hand-eye coordination(协调), time management and organization skills can be trained and it's also good to help them relax." Through such education, Liu said her twins have found fun in doing chores and are more independent.

    1. (1) According to the new labor education standard, we know that ______.
      A . labor education is for students from primary school to college B . students can get nothing for taking labor courses C . labor education started in the fall term of 2022 D . students have to take three labor courses every week
    2. (2) What can students learn through labor education?

      a. How to plant vegetables.

      b. How to raise chickens or ducks.

      c. How to be more focused in class.

      d. How to fix computers or fridges.

      A . abc B . abd C . bed D . acd
    3. (3) Liu Fang thinks that labor education ______.
      A . is too simple for students B . isn't fun enough for students C . takes up too much of students' free time D . helps students develop different skills
    4. (4) What's the main idea of this passage?
      A . New courses for primary school students. B . Labor education for primary and middle school students. C . Ways to cultivate students' social values. D . New technologies used in primary and middle schools.
三、任务型阅读<b >-</b>多任务混合(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)
  • 6. 任务型阅读-多任务混合

    When you and your friends enjoy a meal in a restaurant, how do you pay the bill? Or do you prefer to split the bill evenly(平均分摊费用) instead? With mobile payments, many young people prefer the latter.

    Let's say the bill for your lunch is 66 yuan. You and your two friends decide to share the bill evenly three ways—this means each person should pay 22 yuan.

    One of your friend says he'll pay the full bill first. Then you and your other friend can give him 22 yuan each. Then you give your friend the exact amount(数量) through WeChat. But your other friend just gives him 20 yuan because he doesn't have enough money in his WeChat Wallet. Your friend who pays the bill might say there is no need to give him the rest, so the other doesn't.

    Guess what? The friend who pays for lunch probably thinks more highly of you than your other friend. Why? It's because if you decide to divide the bill evenly, everyone is supposed to pay the same amount. This might make his credit(信用) drop, even if it's just a little bit.

    Actually, credit really matters a lot in one's life. So next time you eat out with your friends, make sure you divide the bill fairly.

    A. However, this can cause problems sometimes

    B. This makes the bill paying process quick and simple.

    C. Does one person pay for everything?

    D. Your friend who doesn't pay enough doesn't stick to your agreement.

    E. You may think it is unfair for you to pay for the lunch.

    In which part of a magazine can we read this article?

    A. Social life.

    B. Food culture.

    C. Modern technology.

    D. Family business.

四、选词填空<b >-</b>短文(本大题共1小题,共5.0分)
  • 7. 选词填空-短文

    twenty  agree  deal with  polite  discover

    1. (1) My best friend invited all of us to attend his birthday.
    2. (2) The volunteers were so friendly and that it made all the foreigners feel at home.
    3. (3) Nowadays, the police are busy many different kinds of cheats.
    4. (4) We the beach while we were travelling around the island.
    5. (5) Don't worry. We are all in with you.
  • 8. 阅读填空

    Disabled people who climb a skyscraper

    In January, Lai Chi-wai used a rope to pull himself up over 820 feet (250 meters) along the side of a skyscraper in Hong Kong. Mr Lai is a disable person can't move his legs. He was strapped into his wheelchair as he climbed.

    Before 2011, Mr Lai was one of ( good) rock climbers in the world. He ranked (排名) the eighth in the world, and had received many prizes. He also taught ( other) how to climb.

    That ended 10 years ago, when Mr Lai met car accident. It left him paralyzed (疾的) from the waist down. He was unable to move his legs. Since then, he has needed to use a wheelchair ( get) around.

    However, Mr Lai couldn't get over his love of climbing. He came up a way to climb again. He began working as a climbing teacher once more.

    In 2016, Mr Lai climbed a 495-metre mountain in Hong Kong. "While I ( climb), I forgot that I was a disabled person. I could still dream and I could still ( successful) do anything I liked doing, " he said. "Usually, disabled people ( think) as being weak. I hope my climb will send a different message. Nothing is impossible you put your mind in it." he continued.

六、单词拼写<b >-</b>单句(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)
  • 9. 单词拼写-单句

    The 2022 Asian Games will be (举办) in Hangzhou. The China Mobile Cup English Star Competition (结束) on March 28. It drew more than 50, 000 people from 1, 170 universities in (将近) 30 countries and regions.

    During the three-day final, 400 people gave (演讲) about "Life shines on life"and "All things are ready if our minds be so". Mao, who was Miss World China in 2018, shared her story about gaining confidence in her looks. "I know that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman being herself, (舒适的) in her perfect imperfection, "she said. Xu Jianfeng, the (导演) of Asian Games Hangzhou Organizing Committee, said, "We hope more young people with excellent English skills from home and (在国外) will act as volunteers for the Games. As we work together, we will carry forward the spirit of sports. "

    The 2022 Asian Games is a (机会) to tell the stories of China and Hangzhou to audiences in Asia and beyond, said Wang Guan, a CGTN anchor. "It needs (相似的) understanding when we tell the stories of China. People will not care how much you know (直到) they know how much you care. "

  • 10. 时光飞逝,你的初中生活即将结束。请你根据以下要点提示写一篇发言稿,谈谈你对初中三年学习生活的感受和对高中生活的向往,在不久后举行的毕业典礼上宣读。要点提示:



    Dear teachers and classmates,

    I'll graduate from junior high school soon. At this special moment, I have many words to say.

