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更新时间:2023-05-30 浏览次数:39 类型:中考模拟
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

    Long ago, Mr. Guo returned home after planting trees. He found a small tree that was not1and always turned towards one side. He2it in a broken pottery jar(瓦罐).

    Several days later, the tree felt uncomfortable and spoke to Mr. Guo, "My owner, I will be a3tree when I grow up. It's shameful to live on such a shabby(寒酸的) jar. Could you please 4me to the yard? "Mr. Guo did as the tree expected in silence.

    A couple of days passed by, the tree wasn't pleased with its5. So it required Mr. Guo to move it to the garden. "I don't 6here. A small yard isn't my world. " The owner said nothing. He gave a hand.

    Almost half a year, the tree7the same. It didn't grow into a huge tree. It couldn't stand living on the garden that was poured into human excrement(排泄物) at times. It shouted to the8, "How awful! I want to live on the top of Mount Tai. "

    Mr. Guo9it out and spent days and nights carrying the tree there. At last he said, "It's a10 that the bigger the world is, the smaller you will be."

    A . cheap B . fresh C . straight D . tiny
    A . cut B . placed C . blew D . sent
    A . wrong B . private C . tiny D . useful
    A . sell B . offer C . record D . move
    A . position B . role C . value D . culture
    A . take down B . come across C . belong to D . pick up
    A . accepted B . created C . remained D . prevented
    A . customer B . owner C . manager D . pilot
    A . reached B . dug C . fixed D . led
    A . sign B . mark C . pity D . honor
  • 12. 完形填空

    There is a kind of fish named Red tailed fish that live in the rivers of Australia. They're quite strong and1eating Wen fish.

    However, scientists have discovered a 2thing. Most of the time, Red—tailed fish won't3 Wen fish even though they swim near the mouth. What's the 4 ? It takes scientists much time to find out why.

    The rivers Wen fish run around is usually polluted. Those Red tailed fish often fester(溃烂) in the tails or other parts of their bodies. Red—tailed fish can't 5the pain. Because there is no enough food, as a result, Wen fish have to get close to Red—tailed fish to bite the festering6. At first, Red tailed fish will attack Wen fish. The latter don't give up and 7eating from time to time. When time goes by, Red—tailed fish start to let Wen fish 8to eat the wounds because they feel much better. They 9accept the special activity of Wen fish. They even actively swim towards Wen fish.

    The example above gives us a lesson. If you don't give up, you will finally10your aim.

    A . hate B . fear C . enjoy D . forget
    A . boring B . strange C . clear D . normal
    A . catch B . sell C . invent D . treat
    A . advice B . novel C . score D . reason
    A . lock B . repair C . stand D . control
    A . fields B . wounds C . secrets D . numbers
    A . break up B . look for C . keep on D . set out
    A . hope B . refuse C . continue D . protect
    A . simply B . traditionally C . especially D . gradually
    A . describe B . understand C . imagine D . achieve
  • 13. 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项。

    A: What are you watching, Linda?

    B: A short video on cooking.


    B: No, my husband does.


    B: Fantastic.

    A: Does he often add much salt to the dishes?

    B: No.


    B: Of course! What about your cooking?

    A: They usually eat up all the dishes.

    A. Not bad.

    B. Do you usually cook at home?

    C. You both have a healthy lifestyle.

    D. What's your favorite food?

    E. How is his cooking?

    F. I don't understand.

    G. Neither of us likes salty dishes.

  • 14. 阅读理解

    Can you introduce a kind of special thing in your hometown? Here is one.


    Huamo, a kind of food made from flour( 面粉), has several names.


    Mainly found in Shanxi Province.

    What it is made:

    People usually make huamo more beautiful with dates(枣) and some kinds of beans first and then boil it on the pot, And finally color it when it is soft.

    Now huamo adds its creative forms. People color it with fresh juice made of vegetables or fruit. Huamo is getting more and more colorful, richer in form and healthier.

    Shapes and symbols:

    People shape huamo and turn it into animals, famous roles and flowers. Traditionally, for the celebration of Spring Festival

    For the kids, huamo is often shaped into sheep, dogs or chickens. Mother will give her daughter a fish huamo which means rich life when she gets married. When the old hold a birthday party

    Huamo carries best wishes and good luck and expresses deep love and care.

    1. (1) What great changes happen to huamo?
      A . Sizes. B . Prices. C . Forms. D . Places.
    2. (2) What does a fish huamo mean when a girl gets married?
      A . Long life. B . Love of animals. C . Rich life. D . Deep care.
    3. (3) In which part of a magazine can we read the text?
      A . Culture. B . Travel. C . Environment. D . Sports.
  • 15. 阅读理解

    Thanks to the rapid development of online shopping, delivery (快递业) is also progressing greatly. Have you ever heard of "deliver (快递)

    One day Liu Yaqiang received a call while he was busy dealing with delivery service. He was required to have a physical test immediately during a fixed period, because his stem cell sample(干细胞样本) matched a patient. It meant he could save a person's life.

    Liu Yaqiang isn't a normal man. He once donated blood many times and one of his dreams was to donate stem cells. It's surprising and lucky to get the sample matched.

    However, he also felt upset. Why? He was running a delivery store. He failed to spare any time to go to Huainan Red Crossing. If there was no person running the store for more than seven days, Liu would probably lose it. And the clerk from Huainan Red Crossing told him that the matter would wait no time.

    Liu's father encouraged him not to fear anything. To save a life means a lot. It is the most important and fastest delivery for Liu Yaqiang.

    Liu's neighbors, relatives and customers think highly of his kindness. The touching news is being spread widely.

    1. (1) Who called Liu Yaqiang when he was busy with delivery service?
      A . His delivery sotre. B . A patient. C . His father. D . Huainan Red Crossing.
    2. (2) Why was Liu upset after he received the call?
      A . Because he would fear the physical test. B . Because he had no money. C . Because he may lose his store. D . Because no one understood him.
    3. (3) What did the successful sample matching mean?
      A . Liu could save a person's life. B . Liu could make more business. C . Liu could sell his store. D . Liu could be in danger.
    4. (4) Which word can best describe Liu Yaqiang?
      A . Silly. B . Polite. C . Warm-hearted. D . Intelligent.
  • 16. 阅读理解

    A group of dogs were responsible for guarding some goats(山羊). At night, the goats had a secret discussion. They all agreed that the grassland was more comfortable than the yard.

    One goat suggested running away. "Is it possible that we can get out of here? Although the dogs are wild and dangerous, we can make it as long as we pull together. "

    A little dog passed by and heard what the goat said. It soon reported to the elder one. The old dog woke up and said slowly, "Well, they won't do that. Take it easy. "

    However, the little dog took it seriously and kept watching the goats quietly. "Then who is able to lead us to run away from here? "another goat asked. "Oh, it requires some time to consider it. After allcanines. " A voice was heard among the goats.

    Soon, the goats continued to talk about the possible results. And then, their voices gradually died down and finally the yard turned into a quiet one. They all fell asleep.

    The next day, the little dog asked the old one, "Why the goats talked loudly but took no action?"

    "Because talking costs nothing but action requires risks. "the old dog replied.

    1. (1) Who had a discussion at night?
      A . The little dog. B . The goats. C . The owner. D . The boss.
    2. (2) What does the underlined word "canines" mean?
      A . 爪子 B . 犬齿 C . 胡须 D . 肌肉
    3. (3) What is the ending of the story?
      A . The dogs killed some goats. B . The little dog stopped the goats from running away. C . The goats beat the dogs and won the victory. D . The goats remained in the yard.
    4. (4) What can we learn about the old dog?
      A . It didn't take the work seriously. B . It was afraid of the goats. C . It refused to take risks catching the goats. D . It understood the goats' thoughts deeply.
  • 17. 阅读理解

    You probably admire those who have long hair: What we think hard about is how often we have our hair cut, People with long hair require regular cutting to keep their hair healthy. Every eight weeks is the best choice.

    Is it necessary for those with short hair? It's easier to keep a shorter hairstyle every four to six weeks. The main purpose is to keep the image(形象) well.

    Those with coarse (毛糙的) and curly hair are expected to have it cut every twelve weeks. In fact, they don't have to cut their hair more often. The 12 week period is long enough 80 that the natural oil of skin can travel down to the hair to make it healthier and stronger.

    Whether it's curly or straight, you should get your hair cut every four to six weeks if you have fine hair (细发), according to Fitzgerald. Without regular cutting

    The last thing to remember is using thermal tools(烫发工具) can give you the curly hair of your dreams. But it takes much more time to repair your hair by cutting off the weak parts.

    1. (1) What kind of hairstyle needs cutting every eight weeks?
      A . Long hair. B . Short hair. C . Curly hair. D . Fine hair.
    2. (2) What is the third paragraph mainly about?
      A . How we can protect long hair. B . Where we can cut our hair. C . How often to cut curly hair. D . What we will do with fine hair.
    3. (3) What is the purpose of the text?
      A . To suggest how often to cut the hair. B . To introduce different kinds of hair. C . To encourage us to cut our hair. D . To express different feelings towards hair.
  • 18. 阅读理解

    Some people are crazy about spicy food such as hot pot, laziji and mapotoufu, while others say "no, no". How much do you know about the advantages and disadvantages of eating spicy food?

    Spicy(辛辣的) food can make you live longer and lose weight. Capsaicin(辣椒素) in peppers can provide a kind of thing and it will create much pleasure. That's the main reason why you fall in love with spicy food.

    Eating spicy food six or seven days a week—even just once a day—lowered the possibility of death by 14 percent, according to a large 2015 study by Harvard and National Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

    Another finding also shows that capsaicin does much good to fat burning and weight loss. Those who prefer spicy food are less thirsty for food with much fat, sugar or salt.

    However, it doesn't mean the more spicy food we eat, the better our health will be. According to one scientific study in the National Library of Medicine, it will cause an upset stomach and diarrhea(腹泻). What's more?

    1. (1) What is the advantage of eating spicy food from the text?
      A . Preventing illnesses. B . Leading to diarrhea. C . Making food delicious. D . Making you lose weight.
    2. (2) Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?
      A . Almost everyone enjoys spicy food. B . Eating spicy food will increase the possibility of death. C . Capsaicin does much good to fat burning. D . The more spicy food we eat, the better our health will be.
    3. (3) What is the best title for the text?
      A . Advantages of Capsaicin B . Capsaicin in Peppers C . Advantages and Disadvantages of Eating Spicy Food D . Diarrhea, Ugly Look and Bad Sleep
  • 19. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。

    One day, a rabbit was eating grass on the hill. A hungry tiger got close to it and tried to kill it, however

    Then a monkey resting on the tree saw them and shouted to the rabbit, "Run up towards the top!" But the lovely rabbit turned to the opposite direction and ran down the foot of the hill. The tiger kept on running but seconds later it rolled down(滚落) the hill. The rabbit luckily got out of danger.

    The monkey asked the rabbit, "If the tiger tries to kill me, I will run up towards the top. You didn't take my advice. Why? "

    The rabbit replied peacefully, "If you know your weak points and strong points and others' well, you will not be the loser. My forelegs( 前肢), but hind legs(后腿) are long. I'm not good at running up and the tiger has long forelegs and short hind legs. It's weak in running down the hill."

    1. (1) Who wanted to kill the rabbit? (不超过5个词)
    2. (2) How did the rabbit get out of the danger? (不超过5个词)
    3. (3) What did we learn from what the rabbit said? (不超过15个词)
  • 25. 假如你是李华,你为校园英语报社写一篇文章,想在毕业之际给学弟学妹们一些建议。


    1)生活: 独立自爱,健康友善;

    2)学习: 勤学好问,温故知新;

    3)思想: 坚守梦想,不怕困难。


    1)词数80~ 100;



    Dear younger schoolmates,

    How is it going? I'd like to give you some useful suggestions for the coming Grade 9 school life.

