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更新时间:2023-05-08 浏览次数:50 类型:中考模拟
  • 1. 完形填空

    David was only eight, but he enjoyed hanging out with the older boys. To be a 1 of their group and to play with them, David would do anything they might 2.

    One day, the older boys were making a snowman. "I can bring my dad's 3 for the snowman," said David. "Bring the scarf and some 4" The older boys said, "We will buy some snacks with it. Take it from your father's wallet. "

    On his way back home, David saw his friend Rhea. "What happened, David? Why do you look so down?" Pushing Rhea 5 to the side, David shouted, "Don't ask me!" and went home, leaving her in tears.

    The 6 boy tried to steal money from his father's wallet and got caught red-handed! "What are you doing, David? I never expected this from you. " David's father asked as David has never 7 such behavior before.

    "I am so sorry, father! Those boys I tried to make friends with asked me to steal it from your wallet. " cried David. Father smiled and 8 David in his arms, and explained, "Son, 9 friends will never ask you to steal. Be friends with people that will have your best in their interest and will never 10 you to follow the wrong path. "

    David understood what his father said and never cared to play with the older boys again, or to be friends with them.

    A . hero B . director C . member D . stranger
    A . have B . ask C . find D . know
    A . hat B . sweater C . coat D . scarf
    A . water B . money C . food D . paper
    A . roughly B . slowly C . easily D . pleasantly
    A . pretty B . smart C . hopeless D . careless
    A . shown B . reported C . stopped D . avoided
    A . heard of B . depended on C . called out D . picked up
    A . adult B . true C . old D . personal
    A . beg B . pay C . encourage D . prepare
  • 2. 阅读理解

    A special pet-care center in Shenzhen has been highly praised by people. It is China's first pet-care center to take care of pets while their masters are in quarantine(隔离)because of COVID-19.

    Because of COVID-19's Omicron variants(奥密克戎变), many people have been taken into quarantine, leaving their pets at home alone. Such a small pet-care center in fact is a big step for love, which shows the city's care for people's needs during pandemic(疫情). It's common that most pet owners see their pets as members of their family. Besides, pets are also people's private things. So, taking good care of pets will show the government's respect both to life and private things of people.

    Shenzhen has set a good example. Some pets even received certificates(证书)of "Little heroes against COVID-19". One of these certificates was awarded to Fu Zai, a British short-hair cat. He spent about 20 days at this special pet-care center. The certificate said: "Dear Fu Zai, in view of your excellent performance at the pet center, doing pretty well in eating, walking and other tasks, and successfully fighting against the pandemic, we have decided to award you the title Anti-pandemic Little Hero. This certificate is for you and we hope that you will grow up healthy and happy!"

    The high praise on the small pet center in Shenzhen shows people's strong wish to have their pets well cared when they are in quarantine and this wish exactly should be paid attention to by government. Although the care center can only take care less than 300 pets, it's undoubtedly a good start.

    1. (1) What do people think of the special pet-care center?
      A . Awful. B . Helpful. C . Beautiful. D . Harmful.
    2. (2) Why is the small pet-care center a big step for love?
      A . It can give pets certificates. B . It regards pets as family members. C . It successfully fought against the pandemic. D . It showed the city's respect to life and private things.
    3. (3) Why was Fu Zai awarded Anti-pandemic Little Hero?
      A . His owner was quarantined. B . He performed well at the pet-care center. C . He stayed in Shenzhen during the pandemic. D . He helped people a lot at the pet-care center.
    4. (4) What is the purpose of this passage?
      A . To call on people to take care of their pets. B . To fight against the pandemic successfully. C . To advise people to spend more time with their pets. D . To encourage more cities to follow Shenzhen's example.
    5. (5) Where can you probably read the passage?
      A . In a story book. B . In a newspaper. C . In a sport magazine. D . In a science book.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    I always carry a Rubik's Cube(魔方)in my backpack and I'm really good at solving it quickly. I usually ask people to try it first. They turn the cube over in their hands, make a few moves and then shyly hand it back—they don't even know where to begin.

    That's exactly what it was like for me to learn how to read because I am dyslexic(有阅读障碍的). It's awkward to admit this, I still couldn't always spell my full name correctly when I was ten, in grade four.

    Solving the Rubik's Cube has made me realize that sometimes you have to take a few steps backward in order to move forward. When I was in grade five, I had to leave public school and started a new life at a school for students who are dyslexic. I spent the next four years learning how to read, which later allowed me to return to high school with the ability to communicate and my ideas and express my intelligence.

    The Rubik's Cube also taught me that to work out something big, it helps to break it down into smaller pieces. I learned that it's important to spend a lot of time thinking, to try to find connections of each part. I believe that there are surprises around the corner.

    Like a difficult text or sometimes like life itself, the Rubik's Cube can be a big puzzle. So I carry one in my backpack as a reminder that I can achieve my goals, no matter what difficulty I may face.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "awkward" probably mean?
      A . Embarrassing. B . Necessary. C . Impossible. D . Important.
    2. (2) What can we learn from in Paragraph 3?
      A . Practice makes perfect. B . It is never too old to learn. C . Lost time is never found again. D . Take a step back to gain more.
    3. (3) How old was the writer when he went to the school for dyslexic students?
      A . 10. B . 11. C . 14. D . 15.
    4. (4) How does the writer work out something big?
      A . By dividing it into smaller parts. B . By taking a few steps backward. C . By making connections of each part. D . By spending much time solving the Rubik's Cube.
    5. (5) What is the main idea of this passage?
      A . Life is a big puzzle that can't be solved. B . Special schools are better than public schools. C . Face and solve the difficulties in life actively. D . Always carry a Rubik's Cube in your backpack.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    Shenzhen is well known for having a lot of different kinds of local birds as well as some visiting birds. Sometimes our city receives special and unexpected animal visitors, such as the lovely green magpie (鹊) from Southeast Asia.

    The beautiful green bird, which is 35cm long, will take anyone's breath away. The green magpie has a very loud call that will catch any wild animal's attention quickly; however, its green color makes the bird quite difficult to be found, as it has perfectly the same color as the vegetation (植被) around it. In fact, this lovely bird has a lot of different color types that go from being totally blue to having a yellow belly (腹部) and a green back.

    Green magpies are known for being social birds, usually flying together in a large number. Male and female green magpies also like to build their home together. The female bird will lay up to four eggs each time and it usually lasts three weeks before baby magpies come out of the eggs. These beautiful birds feed on almost any animal they can find and that they can eat, including insects, frogs, and even snakes.

    It is quite unbelievable to have these amazing creatures visiting Shenzhen since this kind of bird is not a bird that will always come here. So it is lucky to have them around and enjoy the new visitors to our city. If we continue protecting Shenzhen's green areas, it is very likely that in the near future we may have even more kinds of animals not only passing by, but staying among us forever.

    1. (1) What is Shenzhen famous for according to Paragraph 1?
      A . Home to green magpies. B . Receiving no animal visitors. C . Having both local and visiting birds. D . Home to birds from Northeast Asia.
    2. (2) Why is it hard to find green magpies?
      A . They are not long enough. B . They usually fly in groups. C . They spend much time building homes. D . They have the same color as plants around.
    3. (3) What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
      A . Green magpies don't like eating insects. B . The female bird can lay more than four eggs once. C . It takes green magpies 21 days to come out of eggs. D . Male green magpies build homes and female ones lay eggs.
    4. (4) What should we do to attract creatures to Shenzhen?
      A . Build more homes for green magpies. B . Allow more green magpies to visit Shenzhen. C . Raise more female green magpies to lay eggs. D . Continue to protect Shenzhen's natural environment.
    5. (5) Which is the best title for the passage?
      A . The green magpies in Shenzhen. B . The ways to protect green magpies C . The visiting creatures in Shenzhen. D . The differences between magpies.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Do you want to have a healthy and close relationship with your parents? Here's some advice from experts.

    Do your own housework

    Think of the things that your parents is always asking you to do around the house. Think of the housework that are your responsibility. If you don't like doing housework because you find them boring or difficult, ask your parents for tips on how to do them.

    Keep your room tidy

    Messy rooms are a common complaint among parents. Make your bed in the mornings as soon as you're up.  Put dirty clothes in the laundry basket. In this way, they show that you can shoulder the responsibility of taking care of what's yours.

    This is especially important that your parents are the ones paying for your phone bills and the internet connection. You have to show them that you respect the values they teach you.  Using the internet and your phone is an advantage, not your right.

    Take care of your brothers and sisters

     It helps to give your parents a peaceful, comfortable and warm environment. Don't bully(凌)your younger ones and don't annoy your older ones. Help them with any problem they might be going through. Do fun things together.

    A. Use the internet and your phone responsibly.

    B. Perhaps they can help you think of new ways of doing them.

    C. Try your hardest to get along with your family members.

    D. Keep your closet tidy by hanging up your clothes.

    E. You also have to respect the money they pay for you.

    F. Take time to ask your parents about their youth, their dreams, their favourite memories.

  • 6. 下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六个不同特点的春游地点。请根据Alice, Bella, Tony, Diana, Emma的需求,选择最适合他们春游的地方。

     Alice wants to learn more about birds to write a book.  Bella wants to take photos of Shenzhen Bay and the coastlines of Hong Kong.

     Tony plans to go hiking with his 5-year-old sister for an hour.

     Diana likes to explore places that is little known by people.

     Emma wants to have a good view of Yantian Port in the distance and enjoy sunset.

    A. Meilin Mountain Hiking Trail(野径)has a 2. 2km-long footpath which takes about two hours to finish. Some parts of the trail are easy and friendly enough for children as young as 6. B. Taojinshan Greenway is one of the few parks in Shenzhen that is fully covered by a public Wi-Fi network. Visitors here can have a good view of Hongfa Temple, Wutong Mountain and even Longgang District in the distance.

    C. Jiangang Hill is a relaxing place to enjoy the beauty of nature. On the top of the hill stands a mysterious temple-like building which has no introduction and little information can be found on the internet.

    D. In Enshang Reservoir park, there is an S-shaped road from the busy Yantian Port to the sea in the distance. If you have time, it's a good choice to stay and enjoy the sunset there.

    E. OCT Wetland Park offers excellent chances to see and listen to a great many kinds of birds. The park is not only a heaven for birds and birders, but also an open classroom of natural sciences for students.

    F. Neilingding Futian Nature Reserve's highlight is a floating viewing deck(甲板)where you can see Shenzhen Bay on the right and the coastlines of Hong Kong on the left.

  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中所给词语的正确形式填空并将答案填写在答题卡规定的位置上。

    Bai Juyi was born into a family of scholars in 772 in Xinzheng of Henan province. He showed great  (intelligent) in his early age. Before he could speak, he could recognize Chinese characters. He began to write poems at the age of five. By nine years old Bai Juyi was already very good at poetry.

    After he grew up, Bai Juyi became  official of Tang Dynasty. However, later in 815, people  disliked him spread negative stories about him. As a result, Bai Juyi was demoted (降职) to Jiangzhou. Bai Juyi was very sad. One day, while he  (walk) by the river, he heard beautiful music being played  a young woman. He learned that the woman had had a happy life as a singer and pipa player before she got married. Now she was often alone  her husband always went away on business trips. Bai Juyi wrote a very beautiful long poem about the excellent music she played and  (she) life story, The Song of the Pipa Player.

    Bai Juyi is ranked the  (three) greatest poet in Tang Dynasty, second only to Li Bai and Du Fu. And he  (respect) as the "King of Poets". His The Song of Everlasting Regret and The Song of the Pipa Player have  (wide) influenced readers for generations. The stories he told in his poems later became the basis for many famous operas and novels.

  • 8. 舞狮是中国优秀的传统民间艺术。请你为班级英语角的"人物"板块写一篇短文,介绍一位舞狮(Lion Dance)技艺传承人——叶天。短文内容包含以下要点:








    提示词:传承 keep...alive

    Ye Tian is a master of Lion Dance.

