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更新时间:2023-04-23 浏览次数:44 类型:高考模拟
  • 1. 阅读理解

    With thrill-seeking spots from north to south, there are various of theme parks in California for every taste and style. Different parks offer unique experiences and I'm here to help you decide which is best for you! Here are the top 3 California theme parks that shouldn't be missed.

    Universal Studios Hollywood

    Cinema lovers delight as they visit Universal Studios Hollywood. Experience the movie magic and behind-the-scenes Hollywood studio tours at this Southern California theme park. This is one of the best theme parks in California that doesn't break the bank. There are always discounts available online and with a good search, you may end up paying next to nothing for a trip to Universal Studios with the whole family.

    Knott's Berry Farm

    Knott's Berry Farm is one of the most popular theme parks in California and it is also known as "America's first theme park. " for it is over 100 years old. Its wild west theme is seen throughout the park with cowboy characters striding(阔步) along in the western-themed live entertainment. After you go on roller coasters, check out Mrs. Knott's Chicken Dinner Restaurant. Some guests visit the theme park for that restaurant alone. Work up your appetite from walking around the park all day for a delicious chicken dinner.

    Legoland California

    Legoland California is a children's paradise (乐园). Kids are excited when they see their favorite toys come to life at a whole amusement park. There are also kid-themed shows for children to watch throughout the park so your children never grow bored. Don't forget to try all the delicious food around Legoland like fried apples.

    1. (1) Who will make Universal Studios Hollywood their first choice?
      A . Lego lovers. B . Movie lovers. C . Thrill seekers. D . Bargain traders.
    2. (2) What is available in "America's first theme park"?
      A . Fish. B . Beef. C . Mutton. D . Chicken.
    3. (3) Why is Legoland California children's paradise?
      A . They can eat the delicious food free of charge. B . They can play a part in the kid-themed shows. C . They can experience their favorite toys vividly. D . They can make fried apples when feeling bored.
  • 2. 阅读理解

    Going to the post office is usually a weekly event for me. However, our world has changed and now I must give careful consideration to this journey, as my age and health condition put me into the "vulnerable" category. There are decisions that I need to make. Is this a package that must go out now? Which of the post offices is closest to me? Before I set out from my home, I need to make two decisions!

    On the drive over, I determined that I should wait for someone to come out and ask them to take my package in. One more decision was made. Then I realized that I would be making contact with a perfect stranger, and what is the difference between talking to that stranger and just going in and talking to the clerk? Another decision was made and then I walked inside and waited for my turn.

    Shortly, I was called to the window, where the postal clerk was aware of the fear in my eyes. She quietly stepped back from her station and signaled me to come forward. I stepped up to the counter and placed my package on the scale. She then signaled me to step back. I moved away and she began the process of weighing it and determining the proper postage. She told me the price and signaled me forward as she took a step back. Again. I believed she saw the terror in my eyes and said,

    "One moment. Ma'am. " She leaned under the counter and picked up a wipe. She thoroughly cleaned the credit card machine and the entire counter around it. She then stepped back and again signaled me forward. As I inserted my card, my tears started to roll down. I was so moved by the care with which she accomplished this usually very simple task. When I had completed the transaction(交易), she again signaled me back as she stepped forward. She took the receipt, wiped it down, and lay it on the counter. Beside it, she placed a clean tissue as she could see my tears were still streaming down my cheeks. She again stepped away from the counter. I picked up the receipt and took a step back. In gratitude, I bowed to her. She bowed to me with equal respect.

    1. (1) What does "vulnerable" underlined in Paragraph 1 refer to?
      A . Easily lost. B . Easily hurt. C . Easily surprised. D . Easily overlooked.
    2. (2) Why did the clerk step back and forward several times?
      A . To clean the writer's card. B . To relieve the writer's fear. C . To signal the writer better. D . To show the writer politeness.
    3. (3) What moved the author to tears?
      A . The clerk's care. B . The cheap price. C . The clerk's tissue. D . The clean counter.
    4. (4) What is the most suitable title for the text?
      A . A Tough but Simple Decision. B . A Silly but Wise Person. C . An Ordinary but Special Day. D . A Kind but Cruel Clerk.
  • 3. 阅读理解

    This year will have been the warmest in the UK, the Met Office has said. Although for many people the record from the year that attracted the most attention was that the summer heatwave reached 40. 3℃, the organization said that more significant was a figure 30 degrees lower-the average temperature over the course of the year.

    Although the exact temperature will need to be confirmed in the new year, the Met Office predicted that 2022 is going to exceed(超过) the previous record for the warmest annual average, which was 9. 88℃ in 2014. Apart from this month, every other month in the UK in 2022 was warmer than average. New Year's Day 2022 was the warmest on record, exceeding 16℃ in North Wales. Dr. Mark McCarthy, head of the National Climate Information Centre, said: "While many people will remember the summer's extreme heat, what hurts people most, especially the elderly, this year is the relatively consistent heat through the year." Although this summer was the fourth warmest on record, it was the first in which the temperature exceeded 40℃.

    McCarthy said that we can expect to see increasingly warmer summers as a consequence of climate change. "The warm year is in line with the impacts we expect as a result of human-related climate change." he said. "Although it doesn't mean every year will be the warmest on record, climate change continues to increase the chances of increasingly warm years over the coming decades." Rebecca Newsom, head of politics at Greenpeace UK, said: "These aren't the kind of records you want to be breaking. Record-breaking investment in the renewable technologies will get us out of this mess. "

    At present though, Britain is ready for rain, with forecasters warning of difficult driving conditions caused by wet weather over the next few days. Although temperatures will stay mild for much of the UK, the Met Office warned that the rainfall will hit England and Wales this Saturday and Sunday.

    1. (1) What will make this year special in the UK?
      A . The most visitors will be attracted. B . The warmest year will take place. C . The biggest success will be achieved. D . The highest temperature will be 30℃.
    2. (2) What can be inferred from Paragraph 2?
      A . Every month in the UK was warmer than average. B . Next summer may be the first summer to exceed 40℃. C . Many elderly men may go to hospital for the high heat. D . New Year's Day was the warmest on record in England.
    3. (3) What does Rebecca think of the future climate?
      A . Renewable energies can fight climate change well. B . Record of high temperature will be broken next year. C . Politicians should be responsible for the current mess. D . Warm summers are a consequence of human activities.
    4. (4) What is the weather like in Wales this weekend?
      A . Sunny. B . Snowy. C . Cloudy. D . Rainy.
  • 4. 阅读理解

    In large population studies, people who eat lots of fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C appear to have a reduced risk for various types of cancer, including cancers of the mouth and lung. But it's not clear that these benefits come specifically from vitamin C. The Age-Related Eye Disease Study found that a daily supplement containing 500 mg of vitamin C can help slow the progress of macular degeneration, an age-related eye disease that causes vision loss. But we don't know what benefits, if any, are provided by vitamin C in particular.

    Many people take vitamin C supplements in unnecessarily high doses to prevent or treat various conditions for which its effectiveness is unproved. The vitamin C supplements have variously been said for staving off sunburn and improving the appearance of wrinkles. None of these benefits have been confirmed in scientific studies.

    Perhaps the best-known and most widely promoted use of high-dose(高剂量)vitamin C is to prevent or treat the common cold. Most of the evidence shows that high-dose vitamin C will, at most, shorten a cold by one day. In ordinary circumstances, vitamin C has no preventive value, although a few studies have reported a 50% reduced risk of developing colds among people taking vitamin C in extreme circumstances-for example, skiers, marathon runners, and soldiers working in extreme conditions.

    The recommended vitamin C dosage per day for healthy women is 75 mg per day. For adults, the highest safe daily intake is likely to be 2, 000 mg per day. Vitamin C is water-soluble, so any amount more than you need will not be stored in the body. It's safe in almost any amount from foods, and supplements in recommended amounts are also regarded as safe for most people. In some people, high doses-more than, say, 2,000 or 3,000 mg per day-can cause a variety of symptoms. People with kidney conditions should take no more than 1,000 mg a day.

    1. (1) What can we learn about vitamin C in the first paragraph?
      A . It can be of better effect in higher doses. B . It can be a cure for age-related eye disease. C . It can help slow the progress of some illness. D . It can reduce the risks of the mouth cancer.
    2. (2) What function does vitamin C have in treating the common cold?
      A . It can help people save plenty of money. B . It can stop soldiers from catching a cold. C . It may reduce a cold by one day at most. D . It may prevent the common cold efficiently.
    3. (3) How much Vitamin C are healthy women advised to take per day?
      A . 75 mg. B . 500 mg. C . 2,000 mg. D . 3,000 mg.
    4. (4) Where is this text probably taken from?
      A . An exam paper. B . A travel journal. C . An art guidebook. D . A science magazine.
  • 5. 任务型阅读

    Everyone has their own way of taking notes. But beyond just noting down key points when you hear them, you can take advantage of a few different methods to improve information recording and learning experience.

    The Charting Method.

    . These could include important dates, people, events, phrases, etc. For example, the columns in a history class could be "Date." "Person." and "Significance. " This is a great method to use when the content is difficult to understand or presented quickly, as it allows you to get an overview of the lecture in your own words.

    The Outline Method

    Place the most important points farthest to the left of your paper so the more to the right a point is, the less important it is. . Your outline should be a well-organized system where each subheading relates back to the original heading. Outlining reduces editing, records content, and relation-ships, and allows for easy reviewing. .

    Write every new thought with a new sentence. Although similar to the outline method, this method is easier to use when the material is difficult. It is best to immediately review these sentences after class and rank what information is most important and least important.

    The Mapping Method

    Find out the main topic and underline it at the top or middle of your paper. . Continue down or outward until you cover all the relevant information. Color coding or changing the shape of the bubble depending on where the information came from could be helpful. For example, a rectangle(矩形) for book information and an oval(椭圆) for lecture information.

    The Note-taking Method for You

    If you're unsure which method fits your learning style best, start from the top and try each one. Keep in mind that one method might work well for one type but not necessarily for all of your types. .

    A. The sentence method

    B. The connecting method

    C. But your teacher may have a better method

    D. So don't be afraid to try and you will make it

    E. Separate your paper into columns headed by types

    F. Identify the sub-topics or supporting main ideas and put them around it

    G. It's important to note that once you start a new topic, begin the left once more

  • 6. 完形填空

    We often see people with high EQ in our life or on TV, who are able to take things easy when things are difficult. The words they say and the actions they take can always1things around and make people2their talent. So what makes them so3? In addition to the ability to change things very quickly, of course, it is4attitude that gives them enough energy to5the best solutions, to the onlookers6a gentle image and set up a good reputation. So how do you make yourself remain calm? There are two ways of human7. One is the stimulus (刺激) reaction, the other is the thinking reaction. The former reaction is8action-immediate and rapid, and does not9through the brain. For example, if you suddenly touch something very hot, you will immediately10your hand. If you11a snake under your feet, you will immediately12away. A thinking reaction, by13, is an action taken after14, such as chess, career, marriage and so on. These are behaviors that we15according to our own opinions. However, anger, tension, worry, fear-these are the16of a stimulus response. The17of emotional control is essentially a reactive attitude to an event, 18from an immediate response to a thinking response, weighing it and then19it in the way that you want. It is only by understanding this logic that it is possible to20emotions from stimulus to thinking reflection.

    A . move B . take C . turn D . show
    A . seek B . permit C . admire D . lose
    A . brilliant B . eager C . proud D . ashamed
    A . critical B . calm C . cautious D . careful
    A . think about B . take up C . speak out D . fade away
    A . appreciate B . witness C . draw D . leave
    A . reaction B . solution C . attitude D . appearance
    A . confused B . conditioned C . supposed D . reported
    A . lead B . go C . hear D . drive
    A . receive B . withdraw C . cut D . hold
    A . cover B . kill C . eat D . see
    A . put B . give C . boil D . jump
    A . definition B . tradition C . mistake D . coincidence
    A . exploration B . imagination C . observation D . consideration
    A . drop out B . try out C . carry out D . leave out
    A . cause B . source C . result D . resource
    A . function B . degree C . effect D . idea
    A . developing B . transforming C . fighting D . testing
    A . hesitating B . forecasting C . expressing D . correcting
    A . control B . share C . explain D . remember
  • 7. 语法填空

    I have always been a language enthusiast, especially of the languages more distant from my mother tongue (Spanish). I learned that only a year before, new degree called Modern Languages and their Literatures, which included Chinese among three other languages, (establish) at the University of Granada. I chose to study Chinese though I didn't know a word of it.

    The four years were a journey of hope and (disappoint) in equal parts. I wanted to quit several times in the third year, (see) that after two years of hard study it was impossible for me to keep a simple conversation in Chinese.

    Thinking of all the (invest) time, I determined to finish my degree. After that, I would look for an opportunity to go to China for further study. During my study period, the one that (real) helped me to start speaking Chinese was the Chinese Bridge, a contest which I participated with zero talent and great enthusiasm. The preparation for the contest benefited me a lot and (strength) my desire to improve. Thus, I graduated with honors and applied for a one-year scholarship to study Chinese in China. So in August of 2015 I arrived to Nanjing University, I lived and studied for nine months. A year later, I headed to Yunnan Normal University (pursue) another Master's Degree in teaching Chinese to foreigners.

    When I look back to my past study life, I know it was many unknown paths that took me to the right places.

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。







    How much water should you drink each day? Studies have produced varying advices over the years. But your individual water needs depend many factors. Know more about your body's needs will help me estimate how much water to drink each day. Normal kidneys can release nearly a quart of fluid every hour. If you drink less than that, you'll keep the extra water in your body, that can be poisonous to your health. For the most people, drinking more than needed water is neither necessary or medically helpful. Normal day water intake is up to the level of physical activity and climate. It was recommended that men should not drink over 3. 7 liters and 2. 7 liters for women.

  • 9. 上周,你班组织了一次"用英语讲述汉语成语故事"的活动。请你根据以下六幅图的先后顺序,写一篇英文稿件。内容包括:






    提示词:锄头hoe;树桩tree stump;启示inspiration

    The Wait for the Hare

    Once upon a time, there was a Song man who had a fertile field. Every day, he worked hard and got a good harvest.

