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冀教版(三起点)三年级下学期Unit 2 Lesson 7 ...

更新时间:2023-01-30 浏览次数:43 类型:复习试卷
  • 28. 匹配题

    ⑴Come here, children!    

    A. 猫快。 老鼠肥。

    ⑵It has a small head.     

    B. 它有长尾巴和大眼睛。

    ⑶Make your arms long.     

    C. 它有个小脑袋。

    ⑷It has a long tail and big eyes.     

    D. 使你的手臂显得长一些。

    ⑸Cat is fast. Rat is fat.     

    E. 孩子们来这里。

  • 29. 匹配题

    A.   B.    C.   D.   E.

    F.   G.    H.    I.

    1. (1) key
    2. (2) nest
    3. (3) lock
    4. (4) lion
    5. (5) kangaroo
    6. (6) jeep
    7. (7) mouse
    8. (8) night
    9. (9) milk
  • 30. 将下列单词分类。(把序号写在横线上)
    father       2. two      3. fourteen     4. pen       5. ruler    6. Mother   7. pencil        8. grandpa     9. nine    10. eraser    11. sister     12. eleven13. kangaroo     14. four    15. hamburger     16. fish    17. five    18. goose19. ice—cream 20. thirteen    21. hot dog 22. ant    23. twenty   24. ten    25. lion
    1. (1) 动物:
    2. (2) 食物:
    3. (3) 数字:
    4. (4) 文具:
    5. (5) 家庭成员:
  • 31. 单词拼写
    1. (1) uice
    2. (2) ion
    3. (3) ight
    4. (4) ilk
    5. (5) ite
  • 32. 将下列单词分类。(把序号写在横线上)

    elephant  tiger  mountain  behind  kangaroo  wolf  rock  tree  monkey  inside   outside  in front of  forest   river

    1. (1) 虎——狼——袋鼠——猴子——大象
    2. (2) 石头——树——山——森林——河流
    3. (3) 外面——前面——里面——后面
  • 33. 选词填空

    A. tall     B. long    C. short     D. big     E. small

    1. (1) The watermelon is. The car is.
    2. (2) Dad, You are.  I'm short.
    3. (3) The pen is.  The crayon is.
  • 34. 阅读对话,然后判断句子的正误。

    Chen Jie: Oh, you're so tall.

    Amy: Yes, I'm tall. You're short.

    Chen Jie: Look. I have a cat. It's small.

    Amy: I have a pig. It has a short tail.

    Chen Jie: I have a rabbit. It has long ears.

    Amy: I have a panda. It has big eyes.

    Chen Jie: Haha! How lovely!

    1. (1) Amy is tall.
    2. (2) Chen Jie is short.
    3. (3) Chen Jie has a cat and a panda.
    4. (4) The pig has a long tail.
    5. (5) The panda has small eyes.
  • 35. 阅读理解,判断正误。

    Jack: Come on, Sarah! Look at the pandas.

    Sarah: Oh, they're so cute! I like them.

    Jack: I like the monkey! It has a long tail.

    Sarah: Yes. And it has a big mouth.

    Jack: Look! The monkey is eating bananas! It's so funny! Haa……

    Sarah: Yes, and it's cute, too

    1. (1) Sarah likes pandas.
    2. (2) Jack likes pandas.
    3. (3) The panda has a long tail.
    4. (4) The monkey has a small mouth.
    5. (5) The monkey is eating bananas.
  • 36. 阅读理解,判断正误。

    Jim: What's that?

    Lewis: It's a bear.

    Jim: It is so cute.

    Lewis: Yes, it is. It has a big body.

    Jim: Look! What's this? Is it a tiger?

    Lewis: No, it isn't. It's a pig.

    Jim: It's fat. It has a big nose and two big ears.

    Lewis: Yes, it has two small eyes.

    1. (1) That is a bear.
    2. (2) The bear has a small body.
    3. (3) This is a tiger.
    4. (4) The pig is fat.
    5. (5) The pig has two small ears and big eyes.
  • 37. 阅读短文, 判断句子正误。

    Hi! I'm Tom. Look at my monster! It's so tall!  It has a big head. It has one small eye. It has a red nose. It has a green mouth. It has six arms. It has a long body. It has four short legs. It's Monster Jack!

    1. (1) The monster is Jack.
    2. (2) Monster Jack has six arms.
    3. (3) Monster Jack has one big eye.
    4. (4) Monster Jack has a small body.
    5. (5) Monster Jack has four long legs.

