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更新时间:2022-12-28 浏览次数:68 类型:期末考试
  • 12. 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,使对话完整流畅。

    A. I ate it all.

    B. What did you do today?

    C. Don't eat too much chocolate.

    D. What did you buy?

    E. How much chocolate did you buy?

    Lucy's mum came back from Beijing.

    Lucy: Oh, mum! You are back!

    Mum: Yes. I miss you very much.

    Lucy: I miss you too.


    Lucy: I went to the supermarket with my father.


    Lucy: We bought some chocolate.

    Mum: Oh!

    Lucy: We bought half a kilo.

    Mum: Can I have some chocolate?

    Lucy: Sorry, mum.

    Mum: It's bad for your teeth(牙齿).

    Lucy: Sorry, mum.

  • 13. 选择合适的单词补全短文,只填序号。

    A. deaf B. blind C. useful D. weekend E. firefighters

    I am Daming. Last I watched a TV show about dogs. A little girl is . She can't hear. A dog helps her. An old man is . He can't see. A dog helps him. And the dog can also help the in the fire. Dogs are so . I love dogs, and I want to have a pet dog, too.

  • 14. 根据柱状图补全短文,只填序号。

    A. Twenty B. play chess C. fifty D. happily E. playing football

    In our school, there are many interest groups(兴趣小组). Look, ten pupils like. Five pupils can well. They can join in the chess group. Fifteen pupils join in the music group. Listen! They are singing in the Music Room. pupils like reading. They often read books in the library. All of us are learning . How many pupils are there in my class? Oh, there are .

  • 15. 读海报,判断正误。

    What do you like to do after school? Come and join the clubs. We are waiting for you!

    The Singing Club

    Time: 15: 30-16: 30, Wednesdays

    Place: Room 203

    Music Teacher: Linda

    Te1: 8265163

    The Reading Club

    Time: 15: 00-16: 30, Thursdays

    Place: Library

    Chinese Teacher: Jackson

    Tel: 8265325

    The Drawing Club

    Time: 15: 00-16: 00, Tuesdays

    Place: Room 302

    Art Teacher: Susan

    Tel: 8265816

    The Football Club

    Time: 15: 00-16: 30, Mondays

    Place: Playground

    PE Teacher: Andrew

    Tel: 8265188

    1. (1) I like drawing, I can go to Room 302.
    2. (2) I want to join the drawing club, the teacher is Linda.
    3. (3) I want to join the singing club, I can call 8265163.
    4. (4) I want to join the football club, the time is15: 00—16: 30, Mondays.
    5. (5) I want to join the reading club, I can go to Room 203.
  • 16. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

    Life is colourful, and feeling is colourful too.

    Life is colourful, and feeling is colourful too. If(如果) you're sad, you're feeling blue.  Wow! What can you do? You can talk with friends or your family.

    If you are angry, you're feeling red.  Oh, bad! What can you do? You can take a deep breath(深呼吸) and count to ten.

    If you're afraid, you are feeling yellow. Oh, no! What can you do? You can ask for help.

    If you're bored, you are feeling grey.  Enn, what can you do? You can listen to music.

    If you're happy, you're feeling pink. Great! Yes, you can sing and dance.

    1. (1) I am very ________. I can take a deep breath(深呼吸).
      A . angry B . happy C . sad
    2. (2) I am singing and dancing, I am ________.
      A . afraid B . happy C . bored
    3. (3) You argue with your friends, you're feeling ________.
      A . grey B . pink C . red
    4. (4) You can't go out to play, you're feeling ________.
      A . pink B . grey C . yellow
    5. (5) The topic(题目)can be __________.
      A . Bad Feelings B . Colourful Feelings C . Good feelings.
  • 17. 同学们,自国家实行"双减"政策以来,我们的校园生活更加快乐充实,请根据下图提示写一写你一天的学习及生活情况吧。



    My School Day

