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更新时间:2022-12-29 浏览次数:52 类型:期末考试
  • 17. 选择合适的答语。

    ⑴What do you do at Christmas?                        A. Yes, of course.
    ⑵What are you doing?                                       B. It's next to the shop.
    ⑶Where's the supermarket?                               C. I'm listening to music.
    ⑷What are you going to do?                             D. We give presents.         
    ⑸Can I come in?                                                 E. I'm going to do the long jump.

  • 18. 从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话。

    A. I am going to visit the zoo with my friend.

    B. He is doing his homework now.

    C. What is your brother John going to do?

    D. I'm watching TV.

    E. Where is he now?

    Tom: Lily, what are you doing now?


    Tom: What are you going to do tomorrow?

    Lily: Tomorrow is Saturday. 


    Lily: He is going to play football in the park with his friends.


    Lily: He is at home.

  • 19. 补全短文,完成下面的任务。
    1. (1) 选词填空,补全短文,只写序号。
      A. fishing  B. Flying  C. rowing  D. riding  E. playing
        Today is Sunday. Bob, Tim, Lingling, Li Ming and Ann are in the park. Look,Bob is a boat. Tim is chess with his friend. Lingling is a bike. Li Ming is by the lake. There are lots of fish in the lake. Where is Ann? She is a kite. They are having a good time.
    2. (2) 根据短文内容,给下面的图片连线。

  • 20. 读短文,选择正确的选项。

    Today is Saturday. Lingling is going to visit her grandma tomorrow. Her grandma lives in Xinjiang. Lingling's brother is going there with her. They are going there by plane. They are going to get up at six o'clock. They are going to ride a horse in Xijiang. They are going to climb the Tianshan mountain there.

    1. (1) Lingling is going to visit her grandma on__________.
      A . Saturday B . Sunday C . Monday
    2. (2) Lingling is going to Xinjiang with _________.
      A . her father B . her mother C . her brother
    3. (3) They are going there by _________.
      A . B . C .
    4. (4) They are going to _________ in Xinjiang.
      A . B . C .
    5. (5) 划线词语mountain的意思是 _________.
      A . 森林 B . 河流 C .
  • 21. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。

    I'm Daming. I live in Beijing with my parents. My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. It is also called the Chinese New Year. At the Spring Festival, we have a big family dinner. We have lots of delicious food, such as chicken, fish, dumplings and so on. Besides, I like sweets and peanuts very much. After dinner, we watch the Spring Festival Gala(春晚)together. We wear new clothes and I can get lots of lucky money. We have a good time.

    1. (1) Daming's favourite festival is the Dragon Boat Festival.
    2. (2) The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year.
    3. (3) Daming doesn't like sweets or peanuts.
    4. (4) Daming can get lucky money at the Spring Festival.
    5. (5) Daming lives in Shanghai.
  • 22. 读短文,然后在图中的相应位置写上地点名称所对应的序号。

    Look at the picture. There is a zoo here. On the right of the zoo is a super-market. Two trees are behind the supermarket. There is a hill on the left of the zoo. A lake is behind the zoo. There is a cinema beside the lake. There is a station behind the lake.

    A. supermarket B. hill C. lake D. cinema E. station

