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更新时间:2022-12-29 浏览次数:78 类型:期末考试
  • 11. 根据所给情景,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,使对话完整流畅。

    A. Swimming is his another hobby.

    B. Can you teach me a Chinese song?

    C. What's Jack's hobby?

    D. I will teach you "I love my country".

    E. Do you like singing?


    Lulu: Reading is his hobby. He lives on a farm, sometimes he reads to the cows.
    Peter: That's interesting.


    Peter: Really? Swimming is my hobby, too.

    Lulu: He also likes singing.


    Lulu: Yes, I often sing Chinese songs.

    Peter: That's great.

    Lulu: Of course. I think you will learn it well.

    Peter: Thank you.

  • 12. 从方框中选择合适的词或短语补全短文。
    A. swim  B. ride  C. eating   D. walk   E. live in

               My favourite animal is penguin. They like fish. They Antarctic (南极). Penguins are birds, but they can't fly. They can very fast in the water. They can stand and walk. They often on the ice. But now global warming(全球变暖)is bad for penguins. They can't live without enough ice. So we should protect the environment(保护环境). We should walk and bicycles more.
  • 13. 从方框中选择合适的词或短语补全短文。

    A. special B. high C. countries D. member states E. all around

    The UN was founded in 1945. There are 193 in the UN. China was one of the first to join the UN. The UN building is a famous place in New York. It is 167 metres . There are flags from the world. There are presents from many countries to the UN. The train was the first present from China in 1974. It is made of ivory(象牙). So it is . And in 2016, China gave peace respect (和平尊)to the UN. It stands for peace(和平).

  • 14. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Laura wants to visit Shanghai. Her pen friend Daming tells her something about Shanghai. Shanghai is very big and very famous. It is in the east of China. It is also called the Oriental Pearl(东方明珠). It has got about twenty-four million people. People like walking along the Bund(外滩). There are many old buildings there. In the evening, there are some ships on the Huangpu River. There is an interesting garden in Shanghai. It is Yu Garden(豫园). There are many shops near the garden. People can buy some presents there. Shanghai Museum is a good place to visit. You can see many old artworks(艺术品)in it, they are very famous.

    1. (1) Laura learns something about Shanghai from the library.
    2. (2) Shanghai is called the Oriental Pearl.
    3. (3) There are some ships on the Huangpu River in the evening.
    4. (4) There are many old buildings near Yu Garden.
    5. (5) Many things in the Shanghai Museum are very famous.
  • 15. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

    Little monkey gets three bananas. "One for dad, one for mum, and one for me. "he thinks.

    On his way home, he meets Baby squirrel(松鼠). "Can I have a banana, please?" Baby squirrel asks. Little monkey gives him a banana happily.

    Then Little monkey meets Baby duck. "Wow! They are so beautiful! They must be very delicious! Can I have a banana, please?" Little monkey looks at the two bananas in his hand, and gives one to Baby duck.

    Little monkey gets home, he tells his mother what the matter is. His mum is happy. "You are a good boy, my baby! You do a good thing! You can enjoy the banana now, it is your banana!"

    After some minutes, someone knocks(敲)on the door. Mother duck gives Little monkey three peaches(桃子). Mother squirrel gives Little monkey three apples. They thank Little monkey a lot.

    Don't be afraid to give, sometimes you can get more.

    1. (1) There are _________ monkeys in Little monkey's family.
      A . 2 B . 3 C . 4
    2. (2) Little monkey is ________ to give a banana to Baby squirrel.
      A . happy B . sad C . angry
    3. (3) "someone" refers to(指代) ________.
      A . Mother duck B . Mother squirrel C . Mother duck and Mother squirrel
    4. (4) Mother duck gives Little monkey_________.
      A . three apples B . three peaches C . three bananas
    5. (5) Which one is NOT true(哪一项不正确)?
      A . The three bananas are beautiful. B . Little monkey is kind and friendly. C . Little monkey is sad to give bananas to others.
  • 16. 同学们,我们的好朋友Panpan现在拥有属于自己的名片,请根据名片信息用英语介绍一下它吧。


    2)可适当拓展和想象。(约40 词)

    Name: Panpan

    Age: 6

    Live in: China

    Colour: black and white

    Has got: a round face

    Can: swim, climb the tree

    Can't: run fast, jump high

    Favourite food: bamboo

    Favourite activity(活动): sleep, play with friends

