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更新时间:2022-11-27 浏览次数:99 类型:期中考试
  • 6. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What time does the party start?
      A . At 6:15. B . At 6:30. C . At7:00.
    2. (2) Who knows where to park the car?
      A . Sarah. B . Sarah's husband. C . Sarah's neighbor.
  • 7. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What is the man going to do?
      A . Attend a meeting. B . Check in the hotel. C . See a business partner.
    2. (2) About how long does it take to get to the Regents Hotel?
      A . 15 minutes. B . 20 minutes. C . 30 minutes.
    3. (3) How is the man going to come back from the meeting?
      A . By bus. B . On foot. C . By taxi.
  • 8. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What made Catherine look terrible?
      A . Her mother's illness. B . Her grandmother's death. C . Her friend's sudden appearance.
    2. (2) Where did Catherine's grandmother die?
      A . At home. B . In the office. C . In the hospital.
    3. (3) What was Catherine's grandmother doing when she died?
      A . She was sleeping. B . She was seeing the doctor. C . She was doing housework.
    4. (4) Which of the following shows the man miss his grandmother very much?
      A . He looked for her everywhere. B . He often visited the cemetery. C . He liked talking to himself all day.
  • 9. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the woman think of her new job?
      A . Stressful and boring. B . Easy but important. C . Heavy but interesting.
    2. (2) What does the man suggest doing?
      A . Flying a kite. B . Going to lunch. C . Visiting his uncle.
    3. (3) Where are the speakers going to fly a kite?
      A . In the street. B . In the parking lot. C . In the Worker's Stadium.
  • 10. 听材料,回答问题。
    1. (1) What does the speaker think of Dragon Man?
      A . It may be our ancestor. B . It was sold by a worker. C . It was discovered in 2021.
    2. (2) Where did the worker hide Dragon Man?
      A . In the wall. B . In the garden. C . In the well.
    3. (3) What can we know about Dragon Man from Chris Stringer?
      A . He could live in cold climate. B . He came from the Neanderthals. C . He looked like the modern humans.
  • 11. 阅读理解

    Big Thinkers Series

    The 2022 Big Thinkers Series from New Scientist events features four online talks, covering a wide range of topics by world-class scientist speakers and experts. If you are curious about your planet or your universe, then this series is your place to hear the latest research.

    Save 20 off the standard ticket price by purchasing a series ticket to all four talks in the Big Thinkers Series (available on-demand) or purchase single tickets for just £13 per lecture( available by early booking).

    Reality+ :From the Matrix to the Metaverse with David Chalmers

    In this talk, philosopher David Chalmers argues that Metaverse-style virtual worlds experienced through headsets are also genuine and meaningful realities and we can live a meaningful life in VR.

    What we don't know about gravity with Claudia de Rham

    We are all familiar with the concept of gravity. In this talk, Professor Claudia de Rham will explore how much we actually know about gravity and how much more there is left to uncover.

    A Brief History of Timekeeping with Chad Orzel

    From Stonehenge to atomic clocks, here is the 5, 000-year history of how science is used to mark time. Chad Orzel, the internationally best-selling author of How to Teach Quantum Physics to Your Dog, offers us a witty joumey through scientific theory and quirky(反常的) historical detail.

    Physics at the end of the universe with Katie Mack

    The Big Bang theory tells the story of the beginning of the universe for the last 13. 8 billion years. But how does the story end? Join astronomer Katie Mack as she shares what modern astrophysics tells us about the final fate of the universe.

    1. (1) How much does a series ticket cost?
      A . £13. B . £20. C . £30. D . £32.
    2. (2) What will Chad Orzel lecture on?
      A . The genuine reality. B . The history of time marking. C . The secrets of gravity. D . The final fate of the universe.
    3. (3) What do the four talks have in common?
      A . They are all aimed at science lovers. B . They are all concerned with gravity. C . They will all be given by best-selling authors. D . They will all be given by excellent physicians.
  • 12. 阅读理解

    Edward O. Wilson who died on Dec. 26, 2021 at the age of 92, was an extraordinary scholar in every sense of the word. By the time I met him in 1982, he'd made great contributions to science. For example, he discovered the chemical means by which ants communicate. He worked out the importance of the habitat size and position in protecting animals.

    In 1982 I cautiously sat down next to the great man during a break at a small conference on social insects. He turned, extended his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Ed Wilson. I don't believe we've met. "Then we talked until it was time to get back to the meeting. Three hours later I approached him again. He turned, extended his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Ed Wilson. I don't believe we've met. "

    Wilson forgot me but remained friendly. I was fresh out of graduate school, while Wilson was already very famous. Yet he didn't hesitate to extend his hand to me, not once but twice.

    My work studying native plants and insects was inspired by Wilson's descriptions of biodiversity. His 1992book, The Diversity of Life, became the basis for an eventual tum in my career path. Throughout his career, Wilson communicated the urgent need to preserve the natural world. As I see it, the only way to realize Wilson's lifelong wish is to bury the idea that humans are here and nature is someplace else. Providing a practical plan for protecting the earth has been my goal for the last 20 years, and I'm honored that it mixes with Wilson's thought.

    1. (1) When did the author meet Wilson for the first time?
      A . When the author was doing business. B . When the author was in graduate school. C . When the author attended a small conference. D . When the author was studying native plants.
    2. (2) What did the author probably think of Wilson after they met?
      A . Clever. B . Determined. C . Creative. D . Kind.
    3. (3) What do we know about the author?
      A . He regularly had discussions with Wilson. B . His research was influenced by Wilson. C . He wrote a book under the guidance of Wilson. D . His opinion about nature was different from Wilson's.
    4. (4) What does the author think the way to realize Wilson's lifelong wish is?
      A . Staying away from nature. B . Learning about all kinds of animals. C . Conducting future research. D . Learning to coexist with nature.
  • 13. 阅读理解

    There's nothing wrong with a tomato that isn't perfectly rounded or a peach with an extra dimple (浅凹) or two; they still carry the same benefits and flavors as the versions we're used to seeing in grocery stores. Farmers conventionally throw away these imperfect items, as many grocery chains won't buy them for fear that they are unsellable. However, a growing group of grocery chains are fighting to make these deserted fruits and vegetables part of consumers' buying habits.

    One such business is Imperfect Produce, a start-up that delivers fresh ugly produce to consumers. Through this service, you can get up to 20 pounds of fruit and veggies for around $20 a week. This is about a 30 percent discount compared to what's currently sold in stores. Recently, the company had a major breakthrough when Whole Foods accepted their partnership and agreed to sell the misshapen (畸形的) produce.

    While this movement might be a new trend here in the US, it's already gained serious momentum (势头) in Europe. In 2014, the E. U. announced the Year Against Food Waste, with French grocery chain Intermarche launching a very successful campaign called Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables and England's Waitrose selling "weather blemished" apples. In Portugal, a similar company to Imperfect Produce called Fruta Feia has also taken off.

    Buying these unfortunate-looking foods should be appealing to consumers not only because of the affordability, but also because of the support it gives to farmers and the direct impact it has on decreasing food waste and the environmental pollution. It is believed that when the discarded fruits and vegetables decompose they release methane, a greenhouse gas that, when released into the gtmosphere, is about 86 times as powerful as carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Waste is, in fact, the ugliest thing of all.

    1. (1) What do farmers do with imperfect fruits and vegetables traditionally?
      A . Throw them away. B . Turn them into fertilizer. C . Donate them to charity. D . Store them for the winter.
    2. (2) What is the purpose of Imperfect Produce?
      A . To make beller profits. B . To sell imperfect produce. C . To get discounts from farmers. D . To compete with Whole Foods.
    3. (3) What can we learn about Europe compared with the US?
      A . It has more successfully-run food chains. B . It produces less misshapen fruits and vegetables. C . It addresses the problem of misshapen produce earlier. D . It faces a more serious problem of unfavorable weather.
    4. (4) According to the last paragraph, why is wasted food harmful to the environment?
      A . It pollutes the farms. B . It gives out a bad smell. C . It contributes to global warming. D . It produces lots of carbon dioxide.
  • 14. 阅读理解

    You don't need to be an expert to recognize luna moths(蚕蛾). They have hairy white bodies, red legs and huge green wings that stretch up to 4.5 inches across. And at the end of their wings are a pair of long tails that have attracted scientists for centuries.

    Some of them theorized that it was possible that female moths judged the health and quality of a male by the size of his tails. But it turned out that female moths, were not choosy at all. They just mate with the first males they could find. Others believed that the tails could increase luna moths'size to make them harder for the bats—the main enemy of luna moths—to handle. But the theory proved wrong in 1903 when a scientist named Archibald Weeks put bats against a bigger species of moths that lacked tails. He found that the bats killed 66% of their targets. Luna moths, despite being smaller, were harder to catch. "Clearly, their tails provided an anti-bat atwantage, " Weeks observed. "I think they were used to direct bats away from the moths'body. "

    He was roughly right. More than a century later, Jesse Barber from Boise State University put luna moths against bats in a dark room and filmed the hunting. Under normal circumstances, the bats only managed to catch 35% of the luna moths. But if Barber cut off their tails beforehand, the bats caught 81% of them. That was not because the moths became worse liers—in fact, cutting the troublesome tails seemed to have improved their flying abilities.

    Barber explained that bats were not visual hunters. They found their food with a special sound. To be protected from bats, luna moths needed something that made confusing sounds. That was what the luna moths'tails did:As they flew, they waved behind them and produced sounds that were similar to their wing beats. To bats, they either sounded like a huge part of their target, or like an entirely different target. As a result, they aimed about half their attacks at the tails.

    1. (1) What is Archibald Weeks' important contribution?
      A . He found that bats are the main enemy of luna moths. B . He theorized that luna moths use their tails to confuse bats. C . He proved that luna moths'size is important for their survival. D . He observed that female moths prefer male moths with longer tails.
    2. (2) What can be learned about bats from Jesse Barber's conclusion?
      A . They are not visual hunters. B . They usually hunt in the day. C . They like bigger species of moths. D . They can fly further than luna moths.
    3. (3) What does the underlined word"they"in the last paragraph refer to?
      A . Bats. B . Wings. C . Luna moths. D . Tail beats.
    4. (4) What can be a suitable title for the text?
      A . Who Is Right About Luna Moths' Tails, Barber or Weeks? B . How Do Bats Use Their Special Sounds to Search for Food? C . Why Do Luna Moths Have Such Troublesome Long Tails? D . What Are the Disadvantages for Luna Moths to Have Long Tails?
  • 15. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Maybe you are fearful of missing your holidays due to long waits for new passports. .

    Check your passport to see when it was issued

    "After travel took a pause for many holidaymakers during the pandemic, plenty of passports need to be renewed. To beat any disappointments for your summer vacations, you'll want to make sure that it has been no more than- en years since your passport was issued, " Naveen says, ", including popular travel spots such as Egypt, Thailand, and Dubai. "

    "I'd recommend thoroughly checking your application before you send it off. Many delays are made through typical errors—such as incorrect photos or typos—which can worsen your chances of receiving a passport in time for a summer trip. "he continues.

    Go for digital rather than paper

    Naveen advises, "There are many variables (变数) that go into how long it will take to get your passport renewed—from a first-time passport to a child's renewal. When it comes to the method of how you apply, digital applications generally take a short amount of time as parts of the application are less likely to get lost, plus the online process will be more efficient. . "

    Make an appointment in person or over the phone

    "With the current demand for travel in recent months, even the fast-track services for passport renewal are becoming overwhelmed, so there is no quick fix(捷径) to receiving your passport on time, " he says. ". Altematively, look to book an appointment to one of the various passport centers across the country—that way you can speed up the process in person and have someone on hand should there be any errors. "

    A. Ensure your details are correct

    B. Admit your information of passports is right

    C. Many people don't like the stressful life and want to travel

    D. Keep this in mind if you don't want to end up being stuck in the waiting line

    E. Naveen, founder of Next Vacay, has issued four tips to speed up the passport process

    F. You also need the minimum of three or six months to guin entry into many destinations

    C. However, if you are traveling for an emergency, you may be able to accelerate the process

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Twelve years ago I decided to change my job from an English as a Second Language teacher to simply working at a department store childcare room, basically for better hours and benefits. My1were preschoolers. To my 2, many of these 2-4- year- old children3no English at all because shoppers at the store were families of employees at an international company with headquarters nearby. How4I found myself teaching English to preschoolers! Two experiences were unforgettably5for me — they came from a couple of little girls.

    One child was about 3 years old when she6in the playroom. She was7, having recently come from Mexico and8only Spanish. However, I knew some Spanish, so we9time playing together while she10to English- speaking children around her. Eventually she11a local preschool and became12in English. One day she came to the playroom and13said to me," Teacher, remember when I called you ' maestra '?" Her bright eyes were filled with14!

    The other child was also 3 years old when she came to the15that was filled with blocks, crayons and paper, tea sets, etc. She had no16in the town because her family had just moved from another17. She went to preschool later on, also, and showed her great18in speaking English! Then one day … after a long time away … she came into the playroom and said to me," Let's play blocks!" All our play was19with pleasure and learning and we played together cheerfully. From these children I learned to let extreme discomfort and the massive need for20become a springboard for joy and growth.

    A . bosses B . charges C . aims D . workmates
    A . satisfaction B . regret C . excitement D . surprise
    A . encountered B . liked C . improved D . lacked
    A . delightful B . encouraging C . incredible D . lucky
    A . annoying B . worrying C . disappointing D . moving
    A . turned up B . left off C . dropped by D . looked around
    A . active B . brave C . nervous D . clever
    A . missing B . speaking C . wanting D . ignoring
    A . enjoyed B . wasted C . desired D . valued
    A . walked B . waved C . signed D . listened
    A . called on B . lived by C . participated in D . set up
    A . broken B . fluent C . trapped D . poor
    A . sweetly B . fearfully C . hurriedly D . slowly
    A . sadness B . hatred C . confidence D . complaint
    A . shop B . playroom C . yard D . centre
    A . relatives B . teachers C . neighbours D . friends
    A . state B . school C . classroom D . street
    A . discomfort B . conveniences C . gifts D . shortage
    A . changed B . connected C . misunderstood D . removed
    A . pleasure B . concern C . notice D . learning
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The TV series, A Lifelong Journey, (earn) widespread applause, becoming the most- watched TV series on State broadcaster China Media Group in the past five years.

    A Lifelong Journey, (consist) of 58 episodes, is adapted from famous writer Liang Xiaosheng's novel of the same name which won the 10th Mao Dun Literature Prize, one of the country's top honors for local writers. Starting in late 1960s, the story follows the ups and downs of three children in a working- class family in northeastern China, striking a chord(和弦) with viewers for its details (vivid) bringing them back to old times. First (publishing) in December 2017, the novel shows a wide range of Chinese people from different (walk) of life, from constructors to start- up founders, to examine the huge influence brought by the changes of Chinese society.

    Tie Ning, chairwoman of the China Writers' Association, said the great (popular) of the TV series, A Lifelong Journey, illustrates the " close bond " literature and television. " While taking a look at history, we could see the mutual(相互的) influence of literature, film and television to boost and inspire each other, has connected writers and filmmakers closely." she added. With popular TV series or movies, the stories that have inspired such screen works will see their influence grow even (far).

  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






    The weather has been like late summer this week, even though it is Noyember. I have caught chance and walked every morning. After that, I tend to reward me with a cup of coffee from the cafe wherever if used to meet my old friends. During this difficulty time, everyone seems to being running short of money. Yesterday, I take a bag of coins with me and paid with exact changes. I exchanged the remainder of my coins with paper money. The clerk was very much happy to offer me paper money and said that they could always use coins, no matter how small the amount was. Heard what she said, I felt really grateful and delighted.

  • 19. 上周六,你校组织学生到世纪公园参加植树活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请以"A Meaningful Activity"为题,写一篇报道,内容包括:






    A Meaningful Activity

