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更新时间:2022-11-14 浏览次数:36 类型:期末考试
  • 13. 听录音,将人物与其所对应的信息连线。

    student  doctor      driver    teacher     farmer


    chicken     fish       vegetables  eggs          beef

  • 20. 听录音,给下列句子排序。

    She has black glasses.

    Her schoolbag is on the chair. It's heavy.

    Rose is a thin and quiet girl.

    _3_     Now she is in the classroom.

    Look, their classroom is big and clean.

    Many storybooks, one Chinese book and three keys.

    What's in her schoolbag?

  • 27. 看图,根据图意为每张图片选出合适的选项。

    A. Open the door. B. Have a nap. C. Take a shower.

    D. Pass me the bowl. E. Use the spoon.

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
  • 28. 读短文,根据情境选择相应的字母组合补全单词(每个字母组合只能用一次)。

    a-e  i-e  o-e  u-e  e-e

    My name is Gabe. He is  . Now we are at .

    Today is our birthday. Look, we are . Parents   a big cake for us. We like it very much. We have a  cat. She would like the cake, too.

  • 29. 读一读,根据图片从方框中选出相应的单词,用规范的书写形式填在四线格上。

    kitchen  bathrooms  books  bed  read  three  wall  sofa

    I have a big family. So my house is big. Look! There are,  bedrooms, two, one living room, one and one study. In the study there are many. I can books in it. In the living room, a big TV is on the. I often sit on the and watch TV. In my bedroom, there is a big. I can have a nap on it. I love my house.

  • 30. 读对话,从右边框中选出合适的选项补全对话。

    A. Let me help you.

    B. Can I help you?

    C. What colour is it?

    D. What's in it?

    E. I lost my schoolbag.

    Lily: Hello, Ann.

    Ann: Hi, Lily.

    Lily: Don't be worried(担心的). Let's go to the Lost and Found.

    Ann: Good idea. Thank you. Let's go! (In the Lost and Found)


    Ann: Yes. I lost my schoolbag.


    Ann: It's yellow and purple.


    Ann: Two storybooks and an English book.

    Jack: Here it is.

    Ann: Thank you so much.

  • 31. 读一读,判断下面句子是否与短文内容相符。

    Look at this robot. Her name is Meimei. She has big eyes. She is very clever. She can speak English and Chinese. She likes reading books and playing with us.

    Look at this robot. His name is Dingding. He is tall and strong. He is very friendly, too. He can carry heavy(重的)bags for us.

    Look at this robot. His name is Qiqi. He is short and thin. And he is very helpful. He can clean the room. He can cook noodles and beef for us.

    1. (1) Meimei has big ears.
    2. (2) Dingding is tall and strong.
    3. (3) Dingding likes reading books.
    4. (4) Qiqi can clean the room, cook noodles and beef.
    5. (5) The robots can help us and play with us.

