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更新时间:2022-10-30 浏览次数:61 类型:月考试卷
  • 1. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Corsica, France

    Geographically closer to Italy, this French island has a little bit of everything. This is the island where Henry Matisse, a famous artist, fell in love with color. Corsica is known for its amazing hiking trails in the lush, rugged nature reserve, but for those who'd prefer to hang out at sea level, there's plenty to do, from snorkeling(潜泳)to sun bathing and swimming. So outdoor adventure-seekers will especially love it.

    Gotland, Sweden

    The Baltic Sea is dotted with gorgeous islands, though they're admittedly quite a bit cooler than those along the Mediterranean. Gotland is off the Southeastern coast of Sweden. The old city is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a preserved medieval wall and rows of seriously charming homes in vivid colors and flowers.

    Capri, Italy

    You've definitely heard of Capri, but it's one of the most popular islands in Europe for a reason. From the out-of-this-world food to the breathtaking views, picturesque pedestrian- only streets, and unbeatable luxury shopping, it's definitely worth adding to your bucket list. This island is famous for its Blue Grotto and rocky shoreline.

    Herreninsel, Germany

    The island is in the middle of Bavaria, one of Germany's land-locked states. Chiemsee is an expansive lake home to a few islands, the largest of which is Herreninsel. Plan a day trip here to explore an eighth-century convent(修道院), an unfinished palace, and more. You could also check out Fraueninsel, which is slightly smaller, but the striking Gothic bell tower is worth the trek(跋涉)for architecture lovers.

    1. (1) What can you do on the island of Corsica?
      A . Hang out on the beach. B . Enjoy famous paintings. C . Take a walk around a lake. D . Visit a cave in a nature reserve.
    2. (2) Which island is in the Baltic Sea?
      A . Corsica. B . Got land. C . Capri. D . Herreninsel.
    3. (3) What is an attraction on the island of Herreninsel?
      A . A preserved wall. B . Rocky shoreline. C . An unfinished palace. D . Pedestrian-only streets.
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    There's nothing wrong with a tomato that isn't perfectly rounded or a peach with an extra dimple(凹)or two; they still carry the same benefits and flavors as the versions we're used to seeing in grocery stores. Farmers throw away these imperfect items, as many grocery chains won't buy them for fear that they are unsellable. However, a growing group of grocery chains are fighting to make these discarded fruits and vegetables part of consumers' buying habits.

    One such business is Imperfect Produce, a start-up that delivers fresh ugly produce to consumers. Through this service, you can get up to 20 pounds of fruit and veggies for around $20 a week. This is about a 30 percent discount compared to what's currently sold in stores. Recently, the company had a major breakthrough when Whole Foods accepted their partnership and agreed to sell the misshapen produce.

    While this movement might be a new trend here in the US, it's already gained serious moment um(势头)in Europe. In 2014, the E. U. announced the Year Against Food Waste, with French grocery chain Intermarché launching a very successful campaign called Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables and England's Waitrose selling "weather blemished" apples. In Portugal, a similar company to Imperfect Produce called Fruta Feia has also taken off.

    Buying these unfortunate-looking foods should be appealing to consumers not only because of the affordability, but also because of the support it gives to farmers and the direct impact it has on decreasing food waste and the environmental pollution. It is believed that when the discarded fruits and vegetables decompose they release methane(甲烷), a greenhouse gas that, when released into the atmosphere, is about 86 times as powerful as carbon dioxide over a 20-year period. Waste is, in fact, the ugliest thing of all.

    1. (1) What does the underlined word "discarded" in paragraph one mean?
      A . Deserted. B . Harvested. C . Consumed. D . Purchased.
    2. (2) What is the purpose of Imperfect Produce?
      A . Make better profits. B . Sell imperfect produce. C . Get discounts from farmers. D . Compete with Whole Foods.
    3. (3) What can we learn about Europe compared with the US?
      A . It has more successfully-run food chains. B . It produces less misshaped fruits and vegetables. C . It addresses the problem of misshaped produce earlier. D . It faces a more serious problem of unfavorable weather.
    4. (4) According to the last paragraph, why is wasted food harmful to the environment?
      A . It pollutes the farms. B . It gives out a bad smell. C . It contributes to global warming. D . It produces lots of carbon dioxide.
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Studies find that people are likely to want to be your friend if you are of more modest means. "When trying to make new friends, people think that high status symbols will make them look more socially attractive to potential friends. However, it turns out that potential friends are repelled(排斥)by the high-status symbols on others, " says Professor Stephen Garcia, the lead author.

    In one study, researchers presented 125 participants from a wealthy suburb with one of two scenarios. Those in the presenter's scenario picked between a luxury car or a basic car to drive to an outdoor wedding party where they could meet new friends, and those in the evaluator's scenario indicated their reaction to someone arriving in either car.

    Nearly two-thirds of the individuals in the presenter's condition believed the luxury car would be more effective in making friends. However, this choice backfired from the perspective of the would-be friends, who expressed significantly less social interest in those individuals; they expressed more social interest in those with the basic car, Garcia says.

    Another study asked people which of two plain T-shirts the participants would wear to a picnic in their efforts to make new friends. One T-shirt had the name of the supermarket, "Walmart", written on it, and the other T-shirt had the name of the luxury store "Saks Fifth Avenue" written on it.

    Seventy-six percent of the participants who were presenting themselves chose to wear the T-shirt with "Saks Fifth Avenue," whereas 64 percent of the would-be friends chose the person wearing the "Walmart" T-shirt as a potential new friend.

    Researchers say that the findings only apply to the formation of new friendships. "In the case of forming business contacts, our last study in this series of studies finds that using high- status symbols can be helpful in attracting would-be contacts but not remarkably more so than using more ordinary-status symbols." says coauthor Patricia Chen.

    1. (1) What would Professor Stephen Garcia agree?
      A . We shouldn't judge a person by status symbols. B . Social status has a great effect on human behavior. C . It's important to be well dressed on social occasions. D . Most people have wrong expectations of status symbols.
    2. (2) What can be inferred from Paragraph 2—5?
      A . High status T-shirts are sold in Walmart. B . The two studies came to the same conclusion. C . A terrible incident happened at the outdoor wedding party. D . Participants of the studies preferred ordinary-status symbols.
    3. (3) On what occasion can high-status symbols bring a positive effect?
      A . Promoting luxury cars. B . Hosting a wedding party. C . Forming business contacts. D . Getting together with friends.
    4. (4) What is the best title of the text?
      A . Luxury May Keep Us from Making Friends B . Social Ability Is Attractive to Would-be Friends C . Status Symbol Determines Popularity among Friends D . Business Contacts Start with Communication with Friends
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

    Critical reading is important. It's a form of language analysis, involving a deeper examination of the text and the ideas for better comprehension. This means the reader should always keep an open mind, read slower than usual, pay extra attention, take notes and try to put himself in the shoes of the author's target audience.

    One of the most obvious benefits of critical reading is that it is an amazing workout for our brains. By getting more involved in the text and analyzing more aspects of the language, more areas of our brain are being activated and our brains develop better and faster.

    Reading critically has a positive effect on how much, how well and how quickly we understand what we read. It implies a level of involvement in the activity of reading that doesn't allow us to skip any unknown words, any connections to other events the author is making. No stone is left unturned.

    In critical reading any thought, idea or concept expressed by the author needs to be observed, judged and carefully analyzed. The same mental process is involved in critical thinking. Being able to distinguish between real and fake news for example is absolutely essential nowadays. That is the power of critical thinking and critical reading is therefore a great means to an end.

    In critical reading it is not unusual for a reader to go over the same paragraph several times to make sure all the information is understood. A critical reader will often take notes in order to structure the gathered information. This process in turn tricks our brain into remembering a lot more information than you would through regular reading.

    Given its strong connection to critical thinking, the benefits of critical reading extend over a much larger spectrum: better decision making, a clearer mind, crisper(清晰的)logic and even an ability to solve problems faster, better and with less effort.

    1. (1) In what way is critical reading beneficial to the development of our brain?
      A . The readers keep open-minded while doing critical reading. B . The readers stay more sharp-minded than in regular reading. C . The readers use more areas of the brain than in regular reading. D . The readers work out to refresh their brain before doing critical reading.
    2. (2) What happens in critical reading?
      A . The reader is challenged in all aspects. B . The reader understands everything completely. C . The reader is satisfied with getting a general idea. D . The reader checks if all words are employed properly.
    3. (3) What can be inferred about critical thinking?
      A . It leads to the appearance of fake news. B . It can be realized through critical reading. C . It's something most readers lack nowadays. D . It's the mental process of gathering information.
    4. (4) What is the text mainly about?
      A . The definition of critical reading. B . The process of critical reading. C . The importance of critical reading. D . The tricks of critical reading.
  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    If you've been feeling a lot sleepy in your daily life, here are some tips on picking up your energy levels. But first, you should make sure if you're experiencing some serious illnesses.  , keep these tips in mind.

    The first recommendation is to exercise. Although it may seem difficult to work out when you're tired, it turns out that physical activity can actually give you more energy. The second thing to work on is to go to sleep early enough to get a full night's sleep, preferably so that you wake up naturally without the need for your alarm.  . Thus, another useful tip is to take a nap during the afternoon. Naps can restore your mind and body without taking up too much time, regaining your energy and raising working efficiency. The best length of time for a nap is about 20 minutes. Shorter, and you won't get much out of it.  

      . Drinking plenty of water and fluids throughout the day is one important way to stay energized, since dehydration(脱水)leaves us in low spirits. Some experts say that eating smaller meals more often throughout the day can help maintain energy and balance blood sugar levels. Be also aware that people who are overweight are more likely to experience tiredness easily.  , reducing extra weight could help you gain more energy.

    A. If you're overweight

    B. If you feel uncomfortable

    C. As you know, it is quite a good habit

    D. However, this goal is hard to achieve in practice

    E. Longer, and you may find it harder to sleep at night

    F. If you're otherwise healthy but just need some extra energy

    G. Other ways to increase energy involve our diet and consumption

  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。

    What do you think a former football player might do in retirement?1a school cafeteria employee probably won't come to your mind.

    Jared Veldheer was also a bit2when he found himself3the role. But when his two children's school didn't have anyone to4their kitchen just weeks before the start of the academic year, he found himself drawn to the position.

    Standing at 6 feet, 8 inches, Veldheer certainly doesn't5like your typical lunch server, but that isn't the only thing beyond people's expectations.6sticking with the usual meals, he was creative to make healthy yet delicious meals for the kids.

    Because the school uses an online portal(门户网站)where parents7food about two weeks before the start of each month, Veldheer 8 the lunch menu a month in advance. When his first one went live, the students' parents were9to find foods like braised(炖熟的)cabbage and mashed cauliflower on the list.

    Creating meals that the students will love is no easy task, but Veldheer is10about doing everything he can. Veldheer isn't11to ask the students for their12feedback. Despite having a few harsh(but adorable)critics, the13that Veldheer has developed with his students is absolutely heartwarming to witness.

    "I'm smiling from ear to ear seeing this every day. The kids look straight up to him yet can feel so14and confident in asking him questions and trying different15," said the principal.

    A . Interviewing B . Becoming C . Training D . Investigating
    A . annoyed B . excited C . frightened D . surprised
    A . trying out B . competing for C . modeling after D . taking over
    A . run B . fund C . build D . clean
    A . act B . sound C . think D . look
    A . Instead of B . Because of C . Except for D . As for
    A . sell B . order C . prepare D . deliver
    A . views B . changes C . creates D . receives
    A . shocked B . disappointed C . worried D . stressed
    A . particular B . enthusiastic C . stubborn D . skeptical
    A . ready B . active C . likely D . afraid
    A . honest B . anxious C . embarrassing D . encouraging
    A . habit B . image C . bond D . trust
    A . sad B . calm C . shy D . comfortable
    A . ways B . answers C . foods D . tasks
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    For more than 12 years, Pailin Chongchitnant has hosted the YouTube cooking show Hot Thai Kitchen. Chongchitnant's recipes aim to offer a deeper understanding of the steps and the ingredients that make Thai cuisine so distinct. They also highlight the (culture) background of each dish. Chongchitnant weaves stories from her own life and childhood into each video. And the videos are resonating(共鸣) (wide).

    While her love for food was always a  (drive)force, the road to Chongchitnant's current position had some unexpected turns. She (grow)up in Southern Thailand, and when she was in high school, cable TV became available to her. She started to imagine what pursuing  career in food could look like. Cooking shows  (host)by Jamie Oliver and Nigella Lawson offered her a dream to be the host of her own cooking show.

    But as she got  (old), Chongchitnant realized that there was no clear path for hosting a TV show about Thai food,  is not popular worldwide. So in 2009, as You Tube was emerging as a more important platform, she decided to create a cooking show  her own on it. She got really excited about the possibility of being able to do this without anybody's  (permit).

  • 8. 上周六,你校组织学生到世纪公园参加植树活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请以 A Meaningful Activity为题,写一篇报道,内容包括:1)活动目的;2)活动过程;3)活动意义。



    A Meaningful Activity

  • 9. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Catherine was the coolest kid in her class. Whenever she went, she was in the spotlight, with a bunch of kids following her and doing everything she did.

    Her deskmate, Landy, however, was not in the cool kids' group. Being the tallest kid in her class, Landy was teased by her classmates, who were always chanting "Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti(意大利面)". Every time Landy heard those silly chants, she could feel her face burst into flames. How she wished the ground to crack and swallow her!

    Catherine didn't really like it when the kids chanted "Landy, Landy, long as spaghetti". But she never told them to stop either, nor did she ever talk to her. She liked being popular.

    One weekend, Catherine went over to her grandfather for Thanksgiving. Her grandfather lives on a farm at the opposite end of town, where he keeps chickens. While helping to feed the chickens, Catherine noticed a peculiar one. Curling(卷缩)in the corner, it looked smaller than the others and was almost half-bare!

    "What's the matter with it?" She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frown on her face. Her grandfather told her how chickens could act. "They have a pecking(啄)order, " he explained, wrinkles of concern spreading around his forehead. "If one chicken is different, the others will push it away and keep pecking it. Sometimes they peck it so much that it dies. "

    "Oh, what a poor little thing!" Catherine let out a sigh as she scooped the frightened chicken up in her arms, whose heart was beating fast in the bony little body. Suddenly, she thought of Landy, the girl being "pecked" by her classmates. "I'm going to take it home and take good care of it," she said with a determined look.

    Back in school, Catherine told the cool kids about the chicken. "It's looking healthy," she said proudly. "It's fatter and its feathers are growing. Even the cat likes it. I carry it around the garden, and... " Everyone was entertained by Catherine's story of her lovely chicken, laughter lingering around the classroom.



    Paragraph 1.

    Then Catherine spotted Landy sitting by herself in a corner.

    Paragraph 2:

    But Catherine walked directly toward Landy, regardless of what they said.

