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更新时间:2022-09-20 浏览次数:48 类型:期末考试
  • 10. 读一读。选择恰当的句子补全对话

    A. Are there any shoe shop?

    B. You're welcome.

    C. Is there a post office near here?

    D. Thank you so much.

    E. Yes, there is.

    Woman: Excuse me, boys. I want to send a postcard.

    Tom: It's behind the restaurant.

    Woman: Is there a bakery(面包)? I want to buy some bread.

    Peter: Yes. There's a bakery next to the post office.


    Tom: Let me see. There aren't any shoe shops on this street. but there are some behind the zoo. We can show you the way.


    Tom & Peter:

  • 11. 阅话通文,根据短文内密和图片选择正确的答案

    I am Lily. I have a big family. Look! This is my family tree.


    My grandfather is a worker. My grandmother is a doctor. My father is a teacher. He can sing English songs. My mother is a nurse. She is helpful. She can play table tennis(乒乓球). My uncle is a fireman. He can swim very fast. My aunt is tall and thin. She can dance very well She is a dancer. My brother likes playing basketball. My cousin likes playing football.

    1. (1) How many children do Henry and Betty have?
      A . Two. B . Three. C . Four.
    2. (2) What does Uncle Jack do?
      A . He is a worker. B . He is a fireman. C . He is a teacher.
    3. (3) Who is Lily's cousin?
      A . Lisa. B . David. C . Carrie.
    4. (4) What does David like doing?
      A . David likes playing basketball. B . David likes playing football. C . David likes playing table tennis.
    5. (5) What can Carrie do?
      A . Carrie can sing English sangs. B . Carrie can swim very fast. C . Carrie can dance very well.
  • 12. 请根据短文内容,判断正误

    Dear Amy,

    How are you?

    I have a new classmate this year. His name is David. David is eleven years old. He is tall and thin. He can jump very high(高), Both David and I like playing basketball. David also likes drawing. He can draw robots very well. Look! This is a robot. Its head is a big circle. It has three big eyes. They are stars. Its cars are four small squares. It has a long nose. It's a rectangle. It has two big mouths. They are triangles. Its face is cute.

    I like my new classmate. He is nice. Do you have any new classmates?



    1. (1) David is Amy's new classmate.
    2. (2) David and Billy like playing basketball.
    3. (3) David can draw robots very well.
    4. (4) Billy doesn't like his new classmate.
    5. (5) 根据短文提示在下面的圆圈上补充画一画机器人的脸。

  • 13. 根据提示,写一写你喜爱的天气和季节,不少于六句话

    Tips:(1)Where do you live?
    (2)Which season do you like?
    (3)How's the weather?
    (4)What do you have?
    (5)What do you eat?
    (6)What can you do?
    I live in ▲▲▲. I like ▲▲▲.

