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上外版(2020)高中英语必修一Week 16 提升卷练习

更新时间:2023-02-16 浏览次数:26 类型:同步测试
  • 1. 完形填空

    Most people get rid of their leftover foods, but in Nigerian-born visual artist Haneefah Adam's kitchen, they're put to good use.

    Adam, 28, is famous for1food in creative ways, using it to make portraits and other works of art. She has2been artistic. Her mother said she had a3for art.

    Now, she's building a career out of changing food into art. "I do4portraits and also often sew and paint, but what5me the most is food," she says.

    Adam is inspired by6things, including life experiences and culture. She7everything around her as something that can be made into art.

    In 2016, she8the TechMeetsArtNG exhibition, which was9and funded by Samsung Nigeria and Rele Gallery. The10was a culinary(烹饪的)exhibition aimed at11the artistic presentation of some of Nigeria's local12.

    Her winning entry was13by one of her favorite childhood meals—Ogbono soup which was14the dried seeds of mangoes. "Before the competition, my art was mostly random, and I was just15food art on social media. But after winning, I started to think about actively making a living from food art," she says.

    Winning the competition kick-started Adam's career and her full-time job is now creating art for food brands such as Maggi and Dangote Salt. "I want to participate in more exhibitions. I currently live in Kwara, northern Nigeria; it is difficult to make a difference in the country's art scene from here," she says.

    A . distributing B . mixing C . presenting D . selling
    A . always B . hardly C . never D . usually
    A . dilemma B . reputation C . standard D . talent
    A . alternative B . regular C . compulsory D . specific
    A . excites B . puzzles C . rejects D . presses
    A . artificial B . modest C . random D . visual
    A . collects B . devotes C . inspects D . sees
    A . competed B . held C . won D . performed
    A . sponsored B . donated C . expanded D . possessed
    A . background B . competition C . discovery D . victory
    A . avoiding B . exploring C . protecting D . sorting
    A . meals B . goods C . styles D . works
    A . finished B . inspired C . submitted D . selected
    A . attached to B . occupied with C . made from D . linked to
    A . selling B . preserving C . exporting D . recording
  • 2. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Becca was 6 when she was told she had cancer on Sept. 8, 2014. She clearly remembers the bad days of her 26 months of non-stop treatment. Luckily, Becca celebrated her final treatment on Nov. 13, 2016, and she has been cancer-free ever since. But she was thinking about what her life was like while experiencing the treatment.

    I was never able to do much, and that's what the kids lying in their hospital beds right now experience, asking their mom and dad, "When are we leaving? When can I play with my friends?" So I decided I have to help them.

    In February, 2017, Becca came up with the idea for Knots and Arrows, a company that makes bracelets (手镯) out of swimsuit materials (泳衣布料). Part of the money made from each bracelet goes to the organizations that help people with cancer.

    Becca created the company with her father, Gerhard Salmins. Gerhard Salmins once had cancer and already recovered from it. "I would be in the hospital sitting there crying and then my dad would come in and he would play games with me," she said. "It made me forget about what I was going through." Becca said the name of the organization shows the motto (座右铭)  she stuck to through her personal cancer journey.

    Her organization has already given thousands of dollars to research organizations and families in need. Becca said she hoped her bracelets would make people remember that great things can result from small changes. "No matter what age you are, what you look like, and how you act, you can make a difference!" she said.

    1. (1) What happened to Becca at the end of 2016?
      A . She recovered from cancer. B . She created an organization. C . She raised a lot of money. D . She was helped by a company.
    2. (2) What do we know about Becca's father?
      A . He showed Becca a famous motto. B . He fought off cancer successfully. C . He advised Becca to forget her pain. D . He named the company Knots and Arrows.
    3. (3) Which of the following words can best describe Becca?
      A . Brave. B . Creative. C . Caring. D . Clever.
    4. (4) In Becca's opinion, what's the meaning of her bracelets?
      A . To tell us having a motto is important. B . To prove cancer can be got over successfully. C . To show there's always someone who needs help. D . To make us realize everyone can make a difference.
  • 3. 阅读短文,回答问题

    Magic (魔术) is believed to have begun with the Egyptians, in 1700 BC. A magician named Dedi of Dedsnefu was reported to have performed for the pharaoh (法老), or the king. He was also known to have entertained (使娱乐) the slaves who built the pyramids. The "Cups and Balls" trick that he was particularly good at is still performed by magicians all over the world today.

    The ancient Greeks and Romans were also fascinated by the idea of magic. Actually, one of their main interests was the art of deception (欺骗). This explains why at that time the priests even built magic devices into their temples. These devices made it possible for doors to open by themselves and wine to flow magically out of statues' mouths. This was done mainly to make people believe that the priests had unusual power.

    Magic however, was not well accepted before the 1800s. Magicians were thought to be freaks(怪物) and, were only allowed to perform in a circus. It was in the 19th century that the magician Robert Houdin came along and changed people's views and attitudes about magic. It was because of Robert Houdin that many magicians were able to add Dr. or MD to their names. Today magicians try hard to find new ways to show their practiced skills. Magic is now entertainment for families all over the world.

    1. (1) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Magical Tricks B . A Great Magician C . Magic as Entertainment D . The History of Magic
    2. (2) The underlined word "fascinated" in Paragraph 2 means _______.
      A . amused B . encouraged C . attracted D . moved
    3. (3) In ancient Greece, what did the priests do to show people they had unusual power?
      A . They performed magical tricks to entertain people. B . They made the statues in the temples drink wine as they wished. C . They treated the people with wine flowing down from statues' mouths. D . They built magic devices in the temples to make doors open by themselves.
    4. (4) What did people think of magic before the 1800s?
      A . Magic should be used only in temples. B . Magic could only be performed in a circus. C . Magic was performed by freaks and doctors. D . Magic was the major daily activity for the pharaohs.
    5. (5) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
      A . Magic began about 3,700 years ago. B . Dedi of Dedsnefu performed magic for kings only. C . Robert Houdin was the first magician to perform magic. D . The "Cups and Balls" trick has been performed for about 1,700 years.
  • 4. 语法填空

    The distance between people who are thousands of miles apart is being overcome by the Internet. In some remote areas of China, the Internet not only opens a door for local people (reach) the rest of the world, but also provides them with hope for the future. A remote location can no longer limit the  (imagine) of people in need. They can achieve their  (dream) through e-financial service, e-commerce and e-lesson platforms.

    An e-financial service platform is making a difference in the lives of women  live in China's rural areas. It raises public awareness of  (they) needs, as well as provides them with financial support through a creative online game. "I  (put) a lot of effort into my business since the beginning. It's hard,  I tell myself, I can't give up." says one young man living in Inner Mongolia. He's now running a  (success) business, as well as becoming a popular live-streaming star. Bell Luo only turned 18 in January, but his online English lessons have offered them an opportunity and given them access  a world they could only imagine before. E-commerce platforms have helped the locals in Longnan, Gansu Province get their specialty products  (sell) at the market.

