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更新时间:2022-07-28 浏览次数:40 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) When will the students arrive at the museum?
      A . At about 8:00 am. B . At about 9:00 am. C . At about 10:00 am.
    2. (2) Where does the woman plan to have lunch for the trip?
      A . In the museum. B . At school. C . In a park.
  • 7. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What can make the woman happy?
      A . Helping people. B . Getting a good job. C . Earning much money.
    2. (2) What does the woman want to be?
      A . A teacher. B . A volunteer. C . A writer.
  • 8. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Where does this conversation take place?
      A . At home. B . In a classroom. C . In a supermarket.
    2. (2) What does the woman ask the man to do?
      A . Make a shopping list. B . Do some shopping. C . Clean the computer.
    3. (3) What will the man buy?
      A . A mirror. B . Alcohol. C . Cloth.
  • 9. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) Why does the man spend the summer in California?
      A . He lives there. B . His part-time job is there. C . His family is on vacation there.
    2. (2) What does the man plan to do?
      A . Live near the company. B . Take the train to work. C . Study further in Stanford.
    3. (3) Who has an apartment in Paris?
      A . The woman. B . The woman's cousin. C . The woman's grandma.
    4. (4) How will the woman spend the summer?
      A . Visiting museums. B . Working in France. C . Taking a cooking class.
  • 10. 听录音,回答问题。
    1. (1) What do we know about the band's music?
      A . It is intended for young people only. B . It is suitable for people to dance to. C . It is much noisier than a disco.
    2. (2) How many people are there in the band now?
      A . Six. B . Eight. C . Twelve.
    3. (3) How did the speaker get to know the band?
      A . From a friend. B . From his family. C . From a band member.
    4. (4) What does the speaker do in the band?
      A . A doctor. B . The band leader. C . A singer.
  • 11. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Top-rated Tourist Attractions in Belgium

    Belgium may be small but it's full of sights. This small nation has been right at the forefront of Europe's history.

    La Grand Place, Brussels

    La Grand Place is surrounded by finely preserved grand buildings. The square is busy with tourists and locals at all times of year, but especially in August, when the center is filled with a beautiful flower carpet. You'll get the best full view of the beautiful designs from the balcony of the town hall.

    The Battlefields of Flanders

    For many visitors, Belgium's role in the Battlefields of Flanders is the main reason for a journey here. This area is also scattered with vast cemeteries for thousands of soldiers who died here. The Tyne Cot Cemetery (British) and Langemark's German War Cemetery are both reminders of the fighting that took place here during the Great War.

    Meuse Valley

    The Meuse Valley, south of Brussels, is one of the best places to get a feel for Belgium's rural center. The Meuse River offers Belgium's most scenic river trip opportunities. Head to either the towns of Namur or Dinant to plan your river trip. Both of these small centers act as gateways to this region. The Meuse Valley is also ho me to a host of hiking and cycling trails for travelers who want to add some activities into their holidays.

    Ghent's Canals

    For easy sightseeing while in Ghent, simply take to the water. Several companies offer sightseeing trips upon Ghent's waterways. Most canal cruise(航游) options are either 40 minutes or one hour. Departures are regular from around March through November, with fewer departures during winter. A couple of companies offer boat rental, so you can explore the canals at your own speed.

    1. (1) Which is the best place to get a full view of La Grand Place?
      A . The biggest square. B . The center of the town. C . Any of the grand buildings. D . The balcony of the town hall.
    2. (2) What can people do in the Battlefields of Flanders?
      A . Appreciate a big flower carpet. B . Enjoy Belgium's best scenic river trip. C . Show respect to some soldiers of the Great War. D . Learn about Belgium's important role in world economy.
    3. (3) What is special about Ghent's Canals?
      A . It takes the longest time to tour. B . It offers boat renting for touring freely. C . Departures are the same throughout the year. D . Tourists can head to the town of Namur through it.
  • 12. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    It was a stormy March morning in 2019 off Australia's Western Coast, when whale researcher John Totterdell and his students caught sight of the chase in the water. The scene was a mess. The first thing they spotted was about twenty black and white shapes in the water—a group of killer whales surrounding something. From the boat, all Totterdell could make out was a much larger gray blue animal at the center.

    Within seconds they realized a pack of killer whales were attacking a blue whale. The whale was about 70 feet long and it was fighting back. But the killer whales, which were only about a third as big, were making coordinated(联合的) attacks and working together to kill their target. It went on for hours and eventually, the blue whale got weaker.

    Sensing their opportunity, two killer whales leapt on top of the blue whale, forcing it under the water until it eventually drowned. While killer whales were known to attack blue whales, the team of researchers were the first to ever document a successful attack. They published their findings in the journal Marine Mammal Science. Their work definitely shows that killer whales, which actually belong to the dolphin family, are the top hunter in the ocean. They are so fierce(凶猛的) that even great white sharks seem to be scared of them.

    According to researchers who had marked white sharks with a tracking device off the coast of California, just the presence of a group of killer whales drove away the sharks for months. Also in their favor is the close nature of killer whales' families. The group is led by a matriarch(女家长) and once they have a skill, they pass it along from one generation to the next within their family group. So, with each successful strike against a blue whale, they are relearning and expanding their culture.

    1. (1) What did John Totterdell and his students find in the water?
      A . A big storm that was forming. B . A boat surrounded by some whales. C . The water forming different shapes. D . A hunting between different sea animals.
    2. (2) Which word can be used to describe the killer whales?
      A . Stupid. B . Cooperative. C . Hopeless. D . Tiring.
    3. (3) How did John Totterdell and his students deal with what they saw in the water?
      A . They made a record of it. B . They drowned the blue whale. C . They drove away the killer whales. D . They created Marine Mammal Science.
    4. (4) What can be learned from the last paragraph?
      A . Killer whales are never scared of sharks. B . The arrival of the researchers drove away the sharks. C . Female killer whales are always much fiercer than male ones. D . Killer whales' hunting skills are probably better than their ancestors'.
  • 13. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    Forests might be the best tool humans have to fight climate change. Plants naturally absorb CO2 and release oxygen as part of photosynthesis(光合作用), but trees can process a lot more because of the size of their trunks, green leafy crown, and root structures. This filtering(过滤) and storage capacity is part of the United Nations' Great Green Wall plan to plant an 8,000 km (5,000 mile) long tree belt across the African continent.

    More recent projects like Trillion Trees, the World Economic Forum's 1T, and the UN's follow-up Great Green Wall for Cities highlight forest regeneration as the most effective nature-based solution for CO2. For example, the Great Green Wall for Cities project would create urban green areas. Once completed, the wall will capture an estimated 0.5~5 billion tons of CO2 every year. And, if well managed, its urban forests could also reduce air temperature, lower flood risk, and improve air quality.

    City trees are actually sucking more CO2 out of the atmosphere than that was thought. Now Boston University studies show that forest edges grow almost twice as quickly and store carbon faster than trees deep inside the forest. Projects influenced by botanist Akira Miyawaki are now creating tiny community forests across the planet. Miyawaki's micro-forests are much denser(稠密) than traditional woods. They store 30 times more CO2 than common forests and offer 30 times better noise and dust reduction, say his followers.

    Dave Nowak is a researcher at the US Forest Service who has studied using trees to reduce carbon for years. Trees not only cool their surroundings, they also recycle tiny pollutants. But figuring out which exact species work best to improve air quality depends on many factors including soil, local climate, and site conditions, says Nowak. Urban planners can start by using the US Forest Service iTree Tools to choose the best trees for each locality. Another tool, American Forests' Tree Equity Score Analyzer, helps planners to target urban forests in disadvantaged areas.

    1. (1) What will happen based on Great Green Wall?
      A . More rare plants will be grown. B . A long tree belt will appear across Africa C . Better tools will be used to battle climate change. D . More projects will work together to reduce air temperature.
    2. (2) What is highlighted by Great Green Wall as the best nature-based way to reduce CO2?
      A . Cleaning the air. B . Developing new tools. C . Forest regeneration. D . Air temperature control.
    3. (3) How do Miyawaki's supporters find his micro-forests?
      A . Effective. B . Costly. C . Helpless. D . Questionable.
    4. (4) Which is the best title for the text?
      A . Great Green Wall Will Make Long Tree Belts B . Planting More Trees Will Reduce Air Pollutants C . Researchers Are Studying Climate Change Further D . Forest Projects Will Help Rebalance Earth's Climate
  • 14. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。

    When we talk about robots, we may immediately think of sci-fi-inspired humanoid machines. While they primarily remain mythical(神话的), there are numerous more types of robots in use today. Robots differ from other machines in how they interact with the world. They have the ability to change their surroundings and respond to the world around them based on their actions. Yet, as we've seen, they're not yet good for all areas of life. Will this, however, change in the future?

    By the mid-2030s, business network PwC expects that robots will have automated up to 30% of occupations. According to some projections, the global stock of robots might reach 20 million by 2030, with automated labor displacing(替换) up to 51 million people in the next ten years. While robots are unlikely to take over the world, we may expect to see more of them in our everyday lives.

    Robots are transforming the world by assisting people in performing tasks more efficiently and in ways that were previously impossible. Robots help with disaster response, improve physical abilities, serve in sectors that require human connection, and permit exploration beyond Earth's borders. Robots are having a generally positive impact on the globe. They may be replacing some human employment, but they also improve efficiency, which improves economic activity, which in turn creates more opportunities for humans to develop new ways to earn money.

    Machines and robots with the ability to learn could have an even wider range of behooves. Robots that can adapt to their surroundings, learn new procedures, and change their behavior in the future will be better suitable for more complicated activities. Robots have the potential to improve our lives in the long run. They may be able to improve healthcare and make transportation more efficient, in addition to shouldering the strain of physically demanding or repetitive work.

    1. (1) What makes robots different from other machines?
      A . The way they respond to the world. B . The surroundings they can adapt to. C . The diversity of their types and effects. D . The important role they play in the world.
    2. (2) How does the author develop the second paragraph?
      A . By making comparisons. B . By analyzing the reasons. C . By listing figures. D . By giving different opinions.
    3. (3) Which of the following may the author agree with about the future of robots?
      A . They will help humans earn more money. B . They can free humans from housework completely. C . They will take over most areas of people's future life. D . They may do more good than harm to humans' future.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word “behooves” in the last paragraph probably mean?
      A . Origins. B . Applications. C . Choices. D . Challenges.
  • 15. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    How to Live in the Moment

    Living in the moment is not always easy. Sometimes our thoughts are occupied by regrets about past events or anxiety about the future., there are some simple strategies that may help.

    Start small. While you might want to completely overhaul(改造) your lifestyle, it is not necessary to make big changes to start living in the moment. Start by joining new habits one at a time. Once you feel like you have mastered a habit, add something else. For example, instead of trying to meditate(冥想) for 20 minutes per day right away, start by trying to meditate for three minutes per day..

    Redirect your mind when it wanders. It is normal for your mind to wander.. When you notice that your mind is wandering, use gentle redirection to focus on the present again. Acknowledge that your mind is wandering without judging yourself for doing so.

    . Having to wait for something can be annoying, but if you want to live in the moment, you will need to learn how to think of waiting as a good thing. Instead of becoming impatient when you have to wait for something, practise being grateful for the extra time to notice your surroundings. Treat the extra time as a break and appreciate the time.

    Smile and laugh more often.. Instead, smiling and laughing can make you feel better even if you force yourself to smile and laugh. If you find that you are not focused on the present because you feel unhappy, force yourself to smile and laugh a bit. Even if you put on a fake(假的) smile and laugh in a silly way, you should start to feel better right away.

    A. Be grateful for breaks

    B. If you are having a hard time living in the moment

    C. If you find you are having a hard time, close your eyes

    D. Then, increase your time as you become more comfortable

    E. Living in the moment can be a challenge if you are in a bad mood

    F. Practise being thankful for who you are and how you are feeling in the moment

    G. However, in order to live in the moment, you need to keep your mind focused on the present

  • 16. 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    Elisa Stone Leahy recently got a terrible call from school. It was about her son's1in school. Since Mateo was a2troublemaker, she prepared herself for the worst. But hearing what he'd done, she burst out3! Yep, that's right! The young man4a full-sized toaster(烤箱) into his backpack and used it in the cafeteria. Elisa5that the family kitchen was being repaired, so she had6many Pop-Tarts(馅饼) that could be prepared in the toaster.

    The boy saw the Pop-Tarts and figured they had plenty to7! So he went to the lunch room,8the toaster, and started toasting Pop-Tarts for his classmates. The9mom shared the story online and wrote that “this story really shows who my son is”. In fact, Mateo was a cancer10. Several years ago someone gifted him $100 when he started cancer treatment. He asked to buy toys to help other sick kids in the11. 5 years later, he is just as sweet and has no signs of cancer.

    Elisa posted it online and when Elisa realized the12had got noticed, she decided to13others, just as her son always does. She came up with the14of donating Pop- Tarts or other items to a local food bank, From there, the story continued to15in the best way possible. Now hundreds of other families will have food because of Mateo's act of kindness.

    A . remark B . grade C . behavior D . freedom
    A . known B . generous C . hidden D . disabled
    A . laughing B . crying C . sighing D . singing
    A . mailed B . packed C . borrowed D . turned
    A . complained B . prayed C . explained D . argued
    A . parcelled B . purchased C . fixed D . placed
    A . share B . sell C . offer D . support
    A . took over B . withdrew from C . handed in D . took out
    A . proud B . curious C . honest D . determined
    A . monitor B . volunteer C . receptionist D . survivor
    A . school B . hospital C . hall D . family
    A . cure B . recreation C . story D . food
    A . instruct B . educate C . help D . persuade
    A . bridge B . thought C . deadline D . evidence
    A . list B . write C . emerge D . spread
  • 17. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    There were many wonderful poems in Chinese history and among them The Small Pond(write) by Yang Wanli, a famous Chinese poet during the Song Dynasty(960~1279 AD). The highlight of The Small Pond is that Yang gives life to everything he meetsnature, from the(run) water to the tree shade. This makes Yang's poetry more like a fairy tale because in his novel eyes, water can feel, trees can love, and everything in the world(have) a soul, just like us.

    Yang Wanli was an important landscape poet,was born in Jishui, Jiangxi. He was one of the four(master) of Song Dynasty poetry. The poet created the unique Chengzhai Style in his later years. His poems lead people into(beauty) pictures and are easy(read), as many people have discovered. Read his works and you can enjoy the beauty in ordinary life. Created during the final exile(流放) of the Song to Hangzhou,poems celebrate the beauties and mysteries of nature, animals and plants, much as the famous Song painters(usual) did, but they also show the troubles and pleasures of everyday life.

  • 18. 假定你是李华,是一名高中生。你校英语报就上学期学校开设的艺术课程向全校师生征求意见,请给该报编辑Mary写一封信。内容包括:






    Dear Mary,


    Li Hua

  • 19. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

    Thomas Mayfield had a major problem to solve in his fifth-grade classroom. “I'm not good at adding. I don't know how to regroup or borrow. I'm not good at subtracting(减法). Or I don't know my facts yet, and I'm a fifth-grader,” Mayfield's students used to tell him. The 42-year-old math teacher from Fort Worth, Texas, took their frustrations to heart. Mayfield knew it was important to try something new, especially because most of his students were also struggling outside of the classroom. Single-parent homes, low financial stability... a lot of that was going on.

    Mayfield teaches at Title I school, where at least 40% of students are economically disadvantaged. He grew up going to these types of schools in Fort Worth, too. As a child, he loved to go to school, but always had great difficulty with the study of math. Besides, due to the fact that he had to take much time to help deal with the family's financial situation, it seemed harder for him and children in similar situations to learn some subjects, especially math, well.

    To reach students in a way that was familiar and inviting, he brought rap music to the classroom. He even made some videos, in one of which he played an instrumental beat to Luniz's song I Got 5 on It. This got his students excited, even crazy. Then they started to rap about decimal point(小数点). “Now let's break this thing down,” rapped Mayfield and students in the video.

    Let's start with the tenths

    Like a dime(1角硬币) to a dollar, there's 1 out of 10

    Then we move to the hundredths, one part out of many

    One out of 100, we call that a penny


    They rapped and made popular music videos with thousands of views about math, and motivational songs like passing the big end-of-year exam.



    Learning math through music has been a successful strategy.

    Pareece Morehouse is one of Mayfield's former students.

