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更新时间:2022-07-26 浏览次数:81 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

    Doris is a sea animal living off the coast near a town. She spends her days with a large number of fish. Her parents, Gus and Vivien, are1with her and they don't allow her to go to the surface of the sea, but doing the same thing day after day makes Doris feel2.

    One day, Doris meets another young sea animal named Jonick. Jonick has been to3many times and has a house on an island. He4Doris to follow him there. Doris agrees, and they turn into people on the dry land and make their5to Jonick's house. Doris finds a picture in the house showing Vespa, a kind of scooter(小型摩托车). They decide to make their own one. Doris tries to keep this a 6from his parents but Gus and Vivien soon7what Doris has been doing. And they decide to keep Doris8—they will send her deeper into the ocean to live with Vivien's brother. Doris doesn't want to go there and9to the town with Jonick. There, they meet a bad man, Erick.10, a young girl named Coli saves them.

    A . angry B . happy C . strict D . popular
    A . excited B . interested C . relaxed D . bored
    A . land B . sea C . board D . foot
    A . causes B . asks C . needs D . warns
    A . trouble B . way C . success D . experience
    A . secret B . topic C . suggestion D . symbol
    A . advise B . describe C . require D . find
    A . clean B . warm C . safe D . busy
    A . hangs on B . runs away C . makes up D . closes down
    A . Correctly B . Seriously C . Luckily D . Quietly
  • 2. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项

    Body language is the most powerful language of all! It is said that our body movements communicate about 50 percent of what we really mean. And words only express 7 percent. Though your mouth is closed, your body is just saying.

    Arms. How you hold your arms shows how you are. If you keep your arms to the sides of your body or behind your back, it shows you are not afraid. Outgoing people use their arms with big movements, while quieter people keep them close to their bodies. If someone upsets you, just cross your arms to show you're unhappy!

    Head. When you want to appear confident, keep your head up. If you are a monitor in class, you can also keep your head up when you want your words to be taken seriously.

    Legs. Your legs are likely to move around a lot more than usual when you are nervous or telling lies. If you are at interviews, try to keep them still!

    Posture(姿势). A good posture makes you feel better about yourself. If you are feeling down, you usually don't sit straight, but sit with your shoulders inward(向内的). This makes breathing more difficult, which can make you feel nervous or uncomfortable.

    Mouth. When you are thinking, you often purse your lips(噘嘴). You might also use this body movement hold back an angry opinion that you don't wish to show. However, it will probably still be noticed, and people know you're not happy.

    1. (1) When someone is keeping his arms behind his back, it shows that he is ______.
      A . angry B . outgoing C . cool D . unafraid
    2. (2) If you want to seem confident, you should ______
      A . move your head less B . move your arms a lot C . raise your head D . cross your arms
    3. (3) Which of the following movements tells someone is nervous?
      A . Moving the legs around a lot more than usual. B . Pursing the lips and covering the mouth. C . Keeping the arms to the sides of the body. D . Sitting straight with the shoulders outward.
    4. (4) What can be learnt from the passage?
      A . People have the same understanding of the same body movement. B . Body language expresses more meanings than words. C . We cannot communicate with others without words. D . It's not polite to use body language at interviews.
    5. (5) What is the best title for the passage?
      A . Body language—the most powerful language. B . Posture shows the mind. C . Arms tell more than legs. D . Facial expressions tell the truth.
  • 3. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项

    Don't throw away your old phone. You are actually throwing away real gold! Smartphones contain many useful things such as gold, silver and copper(铜). People can recycle them to make new electronics(电子器件).

    But many people may not know this. In Australia alone there are more than 25 million unused mobile phone lying around, Sydney Morning Herald reported. The gold in these phones can add up to a value of more than $80 million (542 million yuan). There are about 6 billion(十亿)smartphone users around the world, who change their phones once every 25 months on average. In China, people generate(产生)1 billion old phones every year, according to New Express Daily.

    However, it's not easy to get the useful things out of the phones. Smartphones have not only useful things, but also harmful materials. Guiyu, a small town in Shantou, Guangdong, is one of the world's biggest dumping grounds(垃圾倾倒场)for electronic waste, reported by Reuters. Many recycling centres in Guiyu simply break the old electronics by hand and don't think about the pollution it causes. According to a local government report, 81 percent of children in Guiyu are harmed by lead(铅)poisoning.

    Veena Sahajwalla, a professor at Australia's University of New South Wales, has made a mini factory. It makes smartphone recycling cleaner and easier. The mini factory is very small and easy to move around. It breaks the phones and automatically(自动地)removes the useful parts. That way, humans do not get poisoned.

    1. (1) What can people do with old phones?
      A . Clean the city's roads. B . Put them away. C . Make gold rings. D . Make new electronics.
    2. (2) How many old phones do people generate in China every year?
      A . 25 million. B . 80 million. C . 1 billion D . 6 billion.
    3. (3) On average, how often do smartphone users change their phones?
      A . Twice every 18 months. B . Once every 25 months. C . Twice a month. D . Once a month.
    4. (4) The kids in Guiyu get lead poisoning because______.
      A . Guiyu has the world's biggest lead factory B . Guiyu uses machines to recycle electronics C . Guiyu is polluted by electronic waste D . Guiyu people like to throw away old phones
    5. (5) What would be the best title for the text?
      A . Smart phones in different countries. B . Find gold in your old phone. C . Prevent being harmed by environmental pollution. D . New electronics made from old ones.
  • 4. 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项

    The fact that students go into a building with No. 2 pencils to take the SAT the test that could decide their future, will soon be a thing of the past. “Starting in 2024, the SAT will be taken only on a computer,” the College Board said on Tuesday.

    Besides the fact that the test will be taken online, it will also be shorter, cut down from three hours to two hours, and mainly use shorter reading passages that cover a lot of topics, according to the College Board. Students will also be able to use calculators(计算器)for the test's Maths part.

    “The digital(数字的)SAT will be easier to take, easier to give and better,”Priscilla Rodriguez, the vice president of College Readiness Assessments at the College Board, said.“We're not simply putting the SAT online We are working to make sure we continue to meet students' needs.” Moving the test online will also shorten the time that students have to wait to hear how they did, with test scores now being returned in days instead of weeks.

    The College Board did a test about putting the SAT online last November. According to the organization, 80% of the students reported they found the digital test to be less stressful.

    1. (1) How long does the SAT last now?
      A . For two hours. B . For two hours and a half. C . For three hours and a half. D . For three hours.
    2. (2) What's the main idea of paragraph 2?
      A . Why the SAT will be taken online. B . Some changes of the SAT. C . Which students need to take the SAT. D . How students will take the SAT.
    3. (3) What is Priscilla Rodriguez's opinion on the digital SAT?
      A . She thinks it can bring much trouble. B . She thinks it can't meet students' needs. C . She thinks it has many good points. D . She thinks it is hard to carry out.
    4. (4) What does the underlined word “shorten” mean in English?
      A . Find out. B . Blow out. C . Cut up. D . Cut down.
    5. (5) What does the passage mainly talk about?
      A . The SAT will go completely digital by 2024. B . Students will pass the SAT more easily in the future. C . The SAT will play a more important part in students' life. D . The College Board is working hard to make students relaxed about exams.
  • 5. 请阅读下面的短文,并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文意思完整、连贯。

    A. These are some steps towards becoming a person with financial quotient(财商).

    B. Then the kids can decide whether to save or spend the money.

    C. Many teenagers do many things for their parents and neighbors.

    D. During weekends and school holidays, they can work longer hours.

    E. Most teenagers in Britain might have to do chores(家务活)to get their pocket money from their parents.

    F. About 15 percent of teenagers have a job.

    Are you good with money? Do you get pocket money from your parents or do you work to earn money? Read on to find out how British teenagers manage their money!

    These chores can include cleaning, cooking, washing dishes, taking out the rubbish and ironing(熨烫).

    A part-time job is an option for teenagers who don't have pocket money or who want to earn extra(额外的)money. Only children over the age of 13 can work. Popular part-time jobs for teens include babysitting, delivering newspapers, shop work and restaurant work.

    Students in Britain can work at most two hours a day on a school day but not during school hours.

    Most British teenagers have a bank account(账户). Parents usually put money directly into their children's bank account. Some teenagers use a prepaid(预付的)bank to help them save spending.

    So, teenagers in the UK are getting much social experience by working part-time, dealing with banks and deciding whether to save or spend their money. It is also believed that these steps will help Brit teenagers to do better in money management when they grow up.

  • 6. 下面的材料A~F分别介绍了几个社团的特色,请根据五位学生的兴趣要求,选择合适的社团。

    A. A discussion will be held in our reading club this weekend. The topic is about Journey to the West, one of the four great classic Chinese works.

    B. Traditional Chinese painting is a form of fine arts in Chinese culture. In our training class, Mr Li will teach you how to paint bamboo with brushes and ink step by step.

    C. Paper cutting sounds simple but is difficult to do. Bring red paper and learn the making of paper cutting. You can take home the paper cutting you make in class.

    D. We will hold a competition on the four great inventions of ancient China next week. The first round will be a written test. The next round will be a short speech in Chinese.

    E. Beijing Opera is a form of traditional art in China. Our club is set up for fans and welcomes you to join us. We have invited some famous local actors to give acting classes.

    F. In this weekend's story-telling time, you'll hear plenty of stories about Chinese traditions, for example, why people put up the Chinese “Fu” upside down on the door or window.

    1. (1) Lucy likes classic(经典的)Chinese works. She has read the one about Monkey King since she came to China.
    2. (2) Tommy loves Chinese paper cutting. He wants to make a Chinese “Fu” to put up on his window this Spring Festival.
    3. (3) David is from Italy. He is studying Chinese history. He has learned a lot about the four great inventions of ancient China.
    4. (4) Jane becomes interested in traditional Chinese painting and she wants to learn how to paint landscape painting in ink.
    5. (5) Kevin is a Canadian boy living in Beijing. He takes great interest in traditional Chinese Opera (a musical play). He hopes to take a class of the local opera.
  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号所给词语的正确形式填空

    These days, people often donate blood, but do you know that you can also donate your organs in order (save) lives?

    Every year, (million) of people all over the world die in hospital while they are waiting for organs. Ordinary people like you can (easy) help change this. You can help save (life) by (become) an organ donor when you die.

    Organ transplants(器官移植)(has) a long history. The first successful transplant was in 1954. And organ transplants have a high success rate(成功率)today.

    Some patients need new hearts, for example. Their hearts are no (long) strong enough to keep sending blood around the body, and without an organ transplant, they have only a few weeks or months left. However, if they get a new heart, they (continue) to live for fifteen years or more.

    To donate your organs, all you need to do is to have donor card. You can get one at your local hospital, and then one day your organs could save a person's life.

    Today, a large number of people in China need new organs. They need your help. you agree to donate your organs, you agree to continue to help people even after you are gone.

  • 8. 2022年6月5日,搭载三名宇航员的“神舟十四号”飞船顺利升空。将来去太空遨游成为了很多人的梦想,因为太空对我们来说是一个很神秘的地方。假如你是李华,上周去太空旅游了一趟。请发挥你的想象力,根据以下要点提示,以“My space travel”为题,写一篇文章描述你的太空之旅。








    My space travel

    I had a great time last week and I was so excited because I had a journey into space.

