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更新时间:2022-06-30 浏览次数:72 类型:期末考试
  • 1. 读句子,选择正确的词填空,使句子完整。

    what     where     whose     how

    1. (1) — is Miss Tong?
      —She's in the classroom.
    2. (2) — does it feel?
      一It is hard.
    3. (3) — lessons do you like?
      —I like PE.
    4. (4) — bag is it?
      —It's my mother's.
  • 2. 读一读,选择合适的句子将对话补充完整,在横线上填入相应的句子编号。

    A. How's the weather in October then?

    B. We can go to the beach on weekends.

    C. How's the weather in Beijing?

    D. It's cool and windy. Sometimes it's snowy.

    E. Because it's still very hot in October in Shenzhen. It's usually sunny.

    Danny: Hi. Sally. It's sunny and warm in Shenzhen now.

    Sally: It's windy and cold here.



    Danny: Oh, the weather in Beijing is quite different from that in Shenzhen.

    Sally: Why?


    Sally: What can you do then?


  • 3. 读短文,选择正确的答案。

    Hello! Look at me. Who am I? Look! I have a red flower and green leaves. I have thin and small roots. Thanks to (多亏) my straight (笔直的)stalk (茎), I can stand in winter. Many friends don't like winter, but I like it very much. People all like me, because I am a symbol (象征)of happiness and good luck (好运). I am from Mexico (墨西哥). I'm a Christmas Flower.

    1. (1) —What do I have?


      A . A yellow flower. B . Big leaves. C . A red flower and green leaves.
    2. (2) —What do my roots look like?


      A . They're thick. B . They're thin. C . They're long and thin.
    3. (3) —How is my stalk?


      A . It's straight. B . It's thin. C . It's thick.
    4. (4) 一Where am I from?

      —You are from _______.

      A . the US B . Australia C . Mexico
    5. (5) —What am I?

      —You are a _______.

      A . Sunflower B . Christmas Flower C . Rose
  • 4. 读一读、看一看,完成课表。
    Time Subject
    12:20-14:20 Lunch break

    Titi the Rabbit: Animal School is open. I like jumping. I want to have PE lessons every day.

    Skygirl:We can have a PE lesson in the afternoon, from half past three to half past four.

    Titi the Rabbit: That's great.

    Gogo the Monkey: I like painting. I can paint with my long tail. Can we have an Art lesson in the morning?

    Skygirl: Sure. We can have one from ten to eleven.

    Gogo the Monkey: Hooray! Deedee, what subject do you like?

    Deedee the Bird: I can sing. I sing well. I like Music.

    Skygirl: OK. A Music lesson is from half past two to half past three in the afternoon.

    Bobo the Dog: Woof. Woof, I like Science. I want to have a Science lesson.

    Spaceboy: I like English. I want to learn to speak in English.

    Skygirl: An English lesson and a Science lesson. The English lesson is the first lesson and the Science lesson is after the Art lesson.

    All: Wow!


