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更新时间:2022-06-28 浏览次数:63 类型:期末考试
  • 6. 选出每组中不同类的一项。
    1. (1)
      A . white B . who C . what
    2. (2)
      A . seven B . lemon C . eleven
    3. (3)
      A . win B . was C . were
    4. (4)
      A . shorts B . socks C . candies
    5. (5)
      A . walk B . wash C . warm
  • 17. 完形填空

    Dear Miss Lin,

    How time flies! We1leaving now, but we'll never forget the past six 2.

    You taught us how to read and 3, and how 4 help and love each other.

    We still remember the day you 5 us to the beach. It was a really 6 trip. We played 7 the beach, 8 in the sea, and ate a lot of 9. How happy we were!

    Miss Lin, thank you very much for teaching 10. We love you, and we will miss you.

    Your students

    A . is B . are
    A . years B . year
    A . writes B . write
    A . too B . to
    A . took B . take
    A . nice B . terrible
    A . on B . under
    A . swim B . swam
    A . seafood B . chickens
    A . we B . us
  • 18. 选词填空

    excited     stomachache    cleaned the room    exciting    does homework

    1. (1) I had too much cold food, and I had a yesterday night.
    2. (2) Lucy is so , because she will live in a big new community.
    3. (3) Dad watched an football game the day before yesterday.
    4. (4) I all day, and I was very tired.
    5. (5) The good boy on time every day.
  • 24. 读短文,按短文内容的先后顺序用1-5给图片排序。

    My friends were very busy last Saturday, Li Mei went shopping last Saturday morning. Wang Fang drew pictures in the park. Li Gang read books last Saturday afternoon. My book was broken, so I was very angry at that time. But we saw a film last Saturday evening, we were very happy.

  • 25. 情景交际,选择合适的句子准确地抄写在横线上。

    Thank you very much.

    It's on July 10th.

    My birthday is coming.

    Yes, I am.

    May I go to the party?

    May: Hello, Alice. Why are you so happy?


    May: Really? When is your birthday?


    May: Are you going to have a party on that day?


    May: Sounds great.

    Alice: Sure. Welcome!

    May: I'm going to buy a toy for you.


  • 26. 阅读短文,判断正误。

    Good morning, everyone. It's sunny today. The students are on the playground.

    They are having a school sports day. Look! Li Ming and David are running, David is faster. Liu Liang is jumping, he jumps very high. Linda is taking photos. She is going to give us a photo after the sports day. Zhang Li is the reporter. She is reporting the sports day to us!

    1. (1) Today is rainy, the students are in the classroom.
    2. (2) Li Ming and David are running, Li Ming is faster.
    3. (3) Liu Liang is jumping, he jumps so high.
    4. (4) Linda is taking photos.
    5. (5) Zhang Li is reporting the sports day to us!
  • 27. 阅读短文,按要求回答下列问题。

    I have a happy family. ①There are five people in my family. My father is a teacher. He works in a high school. My mother is a housewife. She cooks for us and does all the cleaning. My sister is an editor. ②She works in a TV station. She always writes articles at night. My brother is a middle student. He studies hard, he goes to school by bus. I am a pupil, I'm in Class Five, Grade Six. I'm leaving my school and friends, I will come back to visit my teachers. I'm writing a letter to my e-pal, Judy.

    1. (1) 把划线的句子①翻译成汉语:

      There are five people in my family.

    2. (2) 把划线的句子②变成一般疑问句:

      She works in a TV station.

    3. (3) What's the pupil's father's job?
    4. (4) Is the pupil's sister an editor?
    5. (5) How does the pupil's brother go to school?
十一、 作文(5分)
  • 28. 假如李华是你最好的朋友,请以"My Best Friend"为题,展开想象,对她/他做一个简单的介绍,可以包含外貌,兴趣,经常做的事情等内容。要求不少于5句话;书写规范,注意大小写和标点符号;文中请勿出现真实姓名和学校。

    My Best Friend

