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更新时间:2022-06-30 浏览次数:73 类型:期末考试
  • 15. 从方框中选择合适的单词把句子补充完整,每空一词

    excitedly,   brave,   painting,    interesting,    excited,    weather,    mustn't

    1. (1) A policeman should be and strong.
    2. (2) Su Hai is very about the holiday plans.
    3. (3) The is sometimes rainy in the UK.
    4. (4) We can read some things on the Internet.
    5. (5) You watch TV now. It's too late. Go to bed, dear.
    6. (6) I like. I can draw many pictures.
  • 24. 情景交际

    The summer holiday is coning. Nancy and Helen are talking about their plans

    ⑴Where will you go for the holiday?   

    ⑵When will you go there?   

    ⑶Will you go there by plane?   

    ⑷What are you going to buy?   

    ⑸How long will you stay there?   

    ⑹Will you visit Ocean Park?   

    A. I will go there next week.

    B. Some toys and snacks.

    C. About a week, I think.

    D. I went to Beijing.

    E. of course. I like sea animals.

    F. Yes, I will. Because it's fast.

    G. I will go to Hong Kong.

  • 30. 看图,根据首字母提示完成填空,每空一词

    Sam: People in Australia welcome v.

    Bobby: Yes. I will t a Australia. 

    Sam: You should f the rules in Australia.                  

  • 31. Boy: What do you want to be in the f?

    Girl: I want to be a s. What about you?

    Boy: I want to be a dentist.

    I want to t c of children's teeth.

  • 32. 仔细阅读海报并判断正误。

    Mike and Tim will go to Shanghai for their holiday. They are reading a poster of Disneyland.

    Welcome to Disneyland

    Date: 1 July-31 August


    9: 00-11: 00 met the cartoon friends

    11: 00-12: 00 watch the film: Toy Story 4

    12: 00-14: 00 have lunch and rest

    14: 30-16: 30 watch a play

    18: 00-19: 00 have dinner

    20: 00-20: 30 watch the fireworks

    No snacks or drinks.

    1. (1) They will go to Disneyland this winter holiday.
    2. (2) They will see some cartoon friends in the morning.
    3. (3) They will watch a film in the evening.
    4. (4) At twenty fifteen, they will watch the fireworks.
    5. (5) They will bring some snacks and drinks there.
十、还记得Roy's Maple Syrup Festival中制作maple syrup的步骤吗?根据图片顺产提示,给下面的句子排序(5分)
  • 33. 根据图片顺序提示,给下面的句子排序。

    A. Gather the sap.

    B. Make syrup themselves.

    C. Select a maple tree.

    D. Enjoy the syrup food.

    E. Tap the tree.

  • 34. 你长大了想当什么?为什么?为了实现你的梦想你打算做什么?以My dream为题,最少写五句话。提示句:I want to be. . Because. . To make my dream come true, I will. .

    My dream

