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人教版( PEP)三年级下学期Unit6 PartC同步测试...

更新时间:2022-05-31 浏览次数:28 类型:同步测试
  • 6. 判断下列每组单词是(T)否(F)同类。

    A. sixteen    B. seventeen  C. apple

    A. thirteen   B. nineteen   C. nine

    A. twenty   B. five   C. fourteen

    A. eighteen   B. crayon   C. fruit

    A.eleven   B. twelve   C. thirteen

  • 7. 判断下列每组单词是否同类。
    1. (1) A. sixteen         B. seventeen       C. apple
    2. (2) A. thirteen        B. nineteen        C. nine
    3. (3) A. twenty        B. five          C. fourteen
    4. (4) A. eighteen        B. crayon         C. fruit
    5. (5) A. eleven         B. twelve          C. thirteen
  • 8. 选择合适的答语。

    A. It's beautiful!      B. Yes,I do.       C. Good idea!

    D. I see 10.         E. I have six.

    1. (1) How many children do you see?
    2. (2) How many pens do you have?
    3. (3) Look at the cat!
    4. (4) Do you like bananas?
    5. (5) Let's have a race.
  • 9. 计算算式,把正确英语单词前的字母填在横线上

    A. twenty   B. fifteen     C. thirteen      D. ten       E. eleven

    1. (1) 19-6=
    2. (2) 14+6=
    3. (3) 3×5=
    4. (4) 18-7=
    5. (5) 20-2-8=
  • 10. 阅读对话,回答下列问题。

    Peter: Wow! So many animals! How many ducks do you have?

    Grandpa: I have twenty.

    Peter: Oh, a big pig! How many pigs do you have?

    Grandpa: Four. One mother pig and its three baby(婴儿)pigs.

    Peter: They are really cute. Look! I see some chickens(小鸡).

    Grandpa: How many chickens do you see?

    Peter: One, two, three. . . I see twelve!

    Grandpa: No! The black one is a bird.

    Peter: Oh, I see. I like this farm(农场).

    1. (1) Does Peter's grandpa have twenty ducks?
    2. (2) How many pigs are there on the farm?

      There are on the farm.

    3. (3) What's the black one?

      The is.

    4. (4) What can Peter see on the farm?

      He can see on the farm.

    5. (5) Are there twenty chickens on the farm?

