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更新时间:2022-05-25 浏览次数:77 类型:期中考试
  • 1. 判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同。
    1. (1) A、clean           B、clever
    2. (2) A、teacher         B、school
    3. (3) A、sheep          B、short
    4. (4) A、purple          B、plant
    5. (5) A、season          B、eat
二、 选出不同类的一项。(10分)
  • 2. 选出不同类的一项
    1. (1)
      A . winter B . warm C . windy
    2. (2)
      A . picnic B . paint C . pick
    3. (3)
      A . sometimes B . usually C . read
    4. (4)
      A . January B . winter C . June
    5. (5)
      A . November B . December C . Tuesday
三、 单项选择。(30分)
  • 18. 选出与图片对应的内容。

    A. Children's Day   B. New Year's Day   C. September 10th

    D. October 1st   E. singing contest

    1. (1)
    2. (2)
    3. (3)
    4. (4)
    5. (5)
五、Read and choose. (选词填空。)(10分)
  • 19. 选词填空

    When     What    Where     Which    Why

    1. (1) do you on the weekend? I often go for a walk.
    2. (2) is your pencil? It's on the desk.
    3. (3) do you like winter? Because I can sleep all day.
    4. (4) do you go to school? I often go to school at 7o'clock.
    5. (5) season do you like best? I like spring best.
  • 25. 选择正确答语

    ⑴When's Grandpa's birthday?                     A. Because it's pretty.

    ⑵Which season do you like best?                B. Because I can sleep all day

    ⑶I like winter best.                                       C. At 3o'clock.

    ⑷When do you take a dancing class?          D. It's on June 12th.

    ⑸Why do you like spring?                           E. Summer.

八、 读一读,判断句子意思是否符合短文内容。(10分)
  • 26. 读一读,判断句子意思是否符合短文内容。

    I live in a small village. It's on a mountain. There are not many people in my village. The village is beautiful in all the four seasons. In spring, there are many kinds of flowers. In summer, it is not too hot. Autumn is a good time to visit, too. You can see golden leaves and you can pick fruit. Winter is long. It snows a lot. You can play in the snow.

    1. (1) The village is small.
    2. (2) In summer, it is too hot in the village.
    3. (3) You can't pick fruit in autumn in the village.
    4. (4) It snows a lot in winter.
    5. (5) Winter is long in the village.

